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30th December 2015


As the end of the year looms, I'm slightly starting to panic about whether I've got all the AGameAWeek puzzle pieces into the right places.
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Daily Blog
18th December 2015

Daily Blog

Overcoding, perhaps?!
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Daily Blog
9th December 2015
-=-=- Android_NewYa Target -=-=- (URL "">Download The Target) Recent changes to how OUYA works, (SDK updates, Razer buying them out, the new Razer Forge Cortex stuff, and more) have rendered the old OUYA target... a bit broken. The old controller code no longer works 100% of the time on the new Razer Forge, so I took some time rejigging the target, and making it a bit more compatible. Along the way, I also got involved with a few other devices (mostly PlayJam...
Views 44, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
8th December 2015

Daily Blog

Words! Lots of Words!!
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Daily Blog
#340 - 6th December 2015
Views 106, Upvotes 22  
6th December 2015

Daily Blog

I opted to play NeonPlat's Cosmic Adventures, yesterday...
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Daily Blog
28th November 2015

Daily Blog

A very Platdude based blog entry, today!
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Daily Blog
24th November 2015

Daily Blog

What'll be happening with Beta Collexion? How can I get my games on Steam? And.. Snooker?!
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Daily Blog
Stupid Plants Pixelart
#326 - 22nd November 2015
Views 73, Upvotes 18  
Game , Mario
22nd November 2015


I hate waiting.. And now I'm waiting for 2 sets of people to do their Review thing.. TeamOUYA normally get around to things on a Monday, but with all the chaos going on over there, I'm expecting mid-week at the earliest. Meanwhile, PlayJam could take ages. Their reviews seem to be nice and fast, but the delay between Review and Release is somewhat erratic. My first PlayJam game took about a month from when it was "Passed" to when it became available on the system. But recent "...
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Daily Blog
21st November 2015


And now we have to wait.. Waiting for both OUYA and PlayJam to review and release the Advent collection, at which point I also click the Publish button over at GameJolt, and set about uploading the game to my own archive, too! .. Which reminds me.. The Archive Still doesn't include PlayJam links, does it.. Hmm... Last night I spent a good few hours working on a newer version of my Monkey Skeleton Framework. It's about 50% rejigged, but I'm sure there's oodles more stuff I c...
Views 18, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
14th November 2015


Another Advent game ticked off, and a whole bunch more to go. I might try to spice yesterday's game up a bit more, before release, as it's a little bland the way it is. Anyhoo, that got done, and then I spent a while playing with audio bugs on the PlayJam devices. If you have an Android device and would like to play "I wonder what happens on MY Android device?" then you can (URL "">grab the .apk here.) (URL "https://soco...
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Daily Blog
12th November 2015


Oh dear.. I only managed about half-a-game yesterday. It started off well, but as I needed more and more art assets, I kinda got lazy, drifted off, and then started playing Words With Friends instead of drawing sprites. Whoops! That's not helping the limited schedule, much. Hopefully I can get the game finished, today, and maybe even move on to the next one. (URL ""><img src="
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Daily Blog
11th November 2015


After another hour or so of tweaking, I finally got Sheep Goes Right uploaded to both OUYA and PlayJam. Hopefully the game passes through without any issues, but I'm slightly worried that there might be memory based complications. When I tested JNKBombers on my Razer Forge, I didn't spot any errors, but upon review, they send me a "Out of Memory" log, which suggested the Forge might not be all it's cracked up to be. I suspect this to be a case of the system multitasking. On OUYA...
Views 14, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
Studio Session Pixelart
#312 - 8th November 2015
Views 72, Upvotes 21  
Studio , Live
8th November 2015


Yesterday was spent much like the day before. In the morning I fixed up and uploaded an OUYA game, and in the evening I created another Advent Calendar game. The Advent Calendar's now up to 12 games, and hopefully I'll continue to do at least one game a day over the next few days, meaning I'm vaguely on schedule to get the whole thing done on time. .. But these things never quite go to plan, do they!? Oh well, fingers crossed! (URL "
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Daily Blog
7th November 2015


Yesterday I got a rejection email from "OUYA" to say that my references to "OUYA" in the game The Final Warrior on "OUYA" was enough to get it rejected from being on "OUYA". It seems that now that OUYA are no longer OUYA, and are now instead "Razer/Cortex", and as a result I need to stop making so many references to OUYA in my OUYA games. .. Or something to that effect. Changes have been made and the game re-uploaded, and hopefully the new edition will be passed through withou...
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Daily Blog
5th November 2015


Yesterday I recreated Hoppy Bobby in the Advent Calendar. It's not an amazing feat, but it is at least something. Other than that, I spent some time rejigging Neon Bike Championships for OUYA, and also sent PlayJam a copy so they can test it to see if it's Multiplayer code is any less crappy than JNKBombers was. I'll keep that copy aside, incase they decide it is indeed worthy of a proper upload, but if you don't ever see it on GameStick/FlarePlay, that'll be why. Today I have...
Views 16, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
3rd November 2015


My latest reworking of my Multiplayer code STILL got rejected by PlayJam. Grrr. Android.. Since the game plays perfectly well with wired controllers, it appears that the actual issue is Bluetooth related. Quite how I can solve such an issue is beyond me. I've now put the Multiplayer games on the backburner, and have instead chosen to focus on getting some actual coding done. Which brings us to this. (URL "">...
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Daily Blog
2nd November 2015


Spent yesterday powering through a quick monster-maze game. Managed to build a basic dungeon layout builder, got monsters wandering around, and generally made a nice playable little game. (URL ""><img src="" alt="414_006" width="604" height="352" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-5165" /> This i...
Views 16, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
29th October 2015


Having poked and prodded at that damn controller code for about a month, I opted to rip the whole thing out and redo from start, yesterday. Took me about 4 hours of tweaking before the thing started to show decent progress. After a little more time, things were looking up, as for the first time ever, my Archos Gamepad merged into one single controller! I battled on, and now appear to have a fairly sturdy bit of controller code in my games. I'm about to test it on the OUYA, jus...
Views 97, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
28th October 2015


Feckin' Android!!! So, I thought I had my multiplayer code all working and good and stuff, but apparently a quick test by Team PlayJam has revealed unexpected slowdown and broken-ness. Yesterday I set out to figure out why, and got as far as "Hmm, this still isn't working right on my Archos Gamepad", at which point I once again became oddly wrapped up in trying to get that to work. And so it went for several hours. I KNOW I shouldn't keep getting wrapped up in that, but it's s...
Views 16, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
27th October 2015


Three hundred, what? Three Hundred (URL "">Daily Platdude Pixelarts,) of course! Three hundred!?! When I started that, at the beginning of the year, I didn't expect to have managed to do 300 of the bloomin' things. And now here we are 300 later, and I'm wondering what'll happen next year. Will I continue to doodle daily, or will I stop on Dec 31st? I'm not sure. Drawing a daily doodle is certainly taking time out of my day, but it's n...
Views 14, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
25th October 2015


With mere weeks to go until Dec 1st, I'd better get cracking with that Advent Collection, huh?! So, last night I finished off Game #1, and made a fairly decent start on Game #2. I'll finish that up this morning, and then get to work on a third. I'm currently having a nice burst of imagination, after having not really coding much all year. It also makes a change to be creating something new, instead of fixing up that great big pile of 42 OUYA titles!! I still need to finish of...
Views 18, Upvotes 1  
Daily Blog
Test Flight Pixelart
#297 - 24th October 2015
Views 90, Upvotes 26  
24th October 2015
Hello, and welcome to yet another multiplayer controller test!! (Bloody Android.. Grrr!) (URL "">Multiplayer Controller Test (.apk)) If you have an Android device with more than one controller connected, then I need your help. Any Android device will do, from a mobile device with a ton of controllers connected, to a proper TV Micro Console or otherwise. On Monday I intend to start making full use of this, but as with all Android things, it's bes...
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Daily Blog
24th October 2015


I Think... *think* that I've finally got all my Multiplayer Controller code working in a suitable manner, for OUYA, Forge, GameStick and Flare, all from the same code. Unfortunately, my Archos GameStick is STILL bugging out. For some bizarre reason, it seems to feed the digital controls as Port One and the analogue controls as Port Two, which would explain why I'm always having to redefine the controls on the bloody thing. But, so far so good, and everything seems to be flowing ...
Views 17, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
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Site credits : PHP script, Blog posts, Games, Music, Pixelart, Poems and More : Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 268

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai