1252 results 0 1 2 3 ... 8 (9) 10 ... 44 45 46 Prev Next
25th July 2021
1am After an hour or so asleep, my head went "Hey, I wonder if changing x-line a bit would help speed the engine up at all?"
Views 84, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog , Jse , Optimising
20th July 2021
Got another nice increase in speed, this morning.
Views 99, Upvotes 16  
Jse , Optimising
20th July 2021
More subtle optimising again, yesterday.
Views 91, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog , Jse , Optimising
#1905 - 20th July 2021
Views 61, Upvotes 6  
JSE - 92 Blog
17th July 2021
Discovered the oddest thing, yesterday.
Views 275, Upvotes 22  
Daily Blog , Jse , Mystery
16th July 2021
Yesterday I started to look into why Michael Fernie's Pop The Lock lock drawing was so slow.
Views 275, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog , Jse , Optimising
15th July 2021
I worked on the "Backbuffer" stuff yesterday. Things didn't go to plan.
Views 111, Upvotes 18  
Jse , Breaking Things
#1900 - 15th July 2021
Views 50, Upvotes 4  
14th July 2021
Spent a couple of hours in the morning trying to optimise JSE a little more.
Views 89, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog , Jse , Optimising
13th July 2021
I posted the first version of JSE : Futrino Emissions over on SoCoder, yesterday. The most obvious thing to note.. .. I definitely need to optimise things!
Views 85, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog , Jse , Futrino
12th July 2021
OK, the shooting is in the SmileBASIC version of Futrino Emissions.
Views 85, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog , Busy
10th July 2021
A demo from Dan.
Views 83, Upvotes 12  
Jse , Examples
9th July 2021
Yesterday I started to think about doing a "proper" game with JSE.
Views 86, Upvotes 13  
Jse , Futrino
6th July 2021
Added a few basic effects for the engine, today.
Views 86, Upvotes 12  
3rd July 2021
Spent most of yesterday flicking through bits of code, removing sections, tweaking bits, and generally making a few things that little bit faster.
Views 102, Upvotes 16  
Jse , Optimising
2nd July 2021
I've opted to add a couple of new items to the ToDo list.
Views 98, Upvotes 20  
Daily Blog , Jse , Todo
1st July 2021
Since I'm faffing about with buttons, I figured a Button command might be handy.
Views 81, Upvotes 12  
Jse , Input
Printing Pixelart
#2361 - 1st July 2021
Views 114, Upvotes 24  
29th June 2021
Beep!! -=beep=-
Views 61, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
26th June 2021
Done a lot of faffing about, today. Apologies if you've been working around one of the many bugs. A couple of today's bug fixes were fairly major, and might've broken something you've avoided!! If it has, please do let me know what and where.
Views 64, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
23rd June 2021
Michael's already commented on the game I posted earlier today.
Views 247, Upvotes 31  
Jse , Bugs
23rd June 2021
Started work on expanding the GameHandler, yesterday, but .. Usual issues..
Views 90, Upvotes 15  
Daily Blog , Menus
21st June 2021
1. I wonder how good I could get something like Quadoban working in JSE?
Views 63, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
20th June 2021
I finally did that mini writeup of the GameHandler function, today.
Views 126, Upvotes 22  
Jse , Commands
#2350 - 20th June 2021
Views 124, Upvotes 22  
9th June 2021
A couple of murdered bugs, today.
Views 109, Upvotes 23  
Jse , Bugs
8th June 2021
Michael Fernie reported a bug yesterday, but I couldn't manage to track it down. Until Now!!
Views 125, Upvotes 24  
Jse , Bugs
1252 results 0 1 2 3 ... 8 (9) 10 ... 44 45 46 Prev Next
Site credits : Site built from the ground up, in php, using Programmer's Notepad 2, and a very bored Jayenkai.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 273

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai