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Roundup.. Blog
13th May 2009
Occasionally, I like to jot down my current doings. It helps keep track of projects, and ideas, and sometimes getting a bit of feedback helps. So feel free to do that! 1. Java/MidletPascal Since I got my latest phone (an LGCookie) I decided to get back into Java coding... Except, without that horrible Java bit. So, whilst learning MidletPascal, I've released a few games, and also started to write a series of MidletPascal tutorials, too. So, there's that! I'm continuing to build up a fun...
Views 46, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog
5th May 2009
Is that title subtle enough for Google, d'you think? This week, I've been getting to grips with MidletPascal, and dodging it's annoying mid-compile crashes, in a vague attempt to get some games onto my phone. Sorry folks, this week's AGameAWeek is entirely Java based. Boooo!! Or at least, unless you have a decent phone, anyway! <img src="">
Views 896, Upvotes 20  
2nd May 2009
Stupid spambots are taking the smeg, so I've added a fake captcha thing to see if it does anything. Like it says, just ignore the thing, and it'll ignore, too. Sorted!
Views 35, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
28th April 2009
Sorry!! With all the time spent playing around with Java and MidletPascal, this week, along with the time spent on H~S~R, we seem to have hit a bit of a low point. Still, no matter, here's a "fun" game! Dusty. Take lots of dust, push it around by clicking on the screen, and try to get all the dust into the red area. You'll have to guess where the red area is, 'cos it ain't labelled! Wherever the dust becomes red, that's where it's at. There's a timer. And, to be...
Views 82, Upvotes 15  
27th April 2009
I've added bloom, and a few more tweaks here and there. The complete list of changes can be seen inside. Otherwise, the usual two things. And.. Same download link, much bigger file!
Views 53, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog
26th April 2009
1st attempted Java App. It's a nice quicky program. Pick a time, click start, when time's up it plays a tune. .. Yeah, it's not much, but surprisingly the LGCookie (KP500) doesn't have one. So here's one.. Quicky Timer <-- about 70Kb
Views 55, Upvotes 18  
Daily Blog
2nd March 2009
Yesterday was spent getting Sokoban to work in BlitzBasic for Windows. It ended up reasonably well, but there's a few things that should be tweaked, including one persons complaint that bundling all 600+ levels into a single pack kinda kills the fun of it.. A dull trek through a long list of simple levels before you even touch on the slightly more difficult levels, does not a fun game make. So, I'll split them back up into their seperate packs, and give folk a nice selectable menu system.
Views 161, Upvotes 44  
Platdude Retro Collection 2
20th February 2009
I say "Project", but of course, being me, I mean projectS.. #1 PRC:2 - 0% I'm restarting Platdude's Retro Collection from scratch, and building it up a bit bigger than last time, with nicer per-game spritesheets and things like that. Bigger = Better, usually.. .. I'll make sure that's true, don't worry! So far the selection's getting too big for it's boots, and at current rate it'll take about 3 years to finish the project, so.. going to have to whittle it down, and remember the "Keep it Simple" r...
Views 39, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
15th February 2009
My mum likes crosswords!!! And, heck. I like crosswords, too! Except, the trouble is, there's not really a decent crossword game on the DS. Don't get me wrong, there's a fair few games, and The Times (released this week) in particular, has a cracking selection of clues/answers, and some really nice layouts. In fact, it's really quite nice, and would be fantastic if the actual game UI wasn't so mind bogglingly bad. And, I'm not saying it's "A little bit bad.." I'm say...
Views 56, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
15th January 2009
I've said on other forums that this year will be my Xbox Live year. That I'd take the time to learn how XNA should work, and eventually build things up so they work nice and happily. Unfortunately, my coding's stuck in the 80's&90's, and I can't get out of my "horrible" Basic habits. Well, other folk call them "Horrible" habits, but honestly, I just see most Basic commands as common sense. I'd much rather write If Keydown(1) Then End than I would write If (GamePad.GetState(...
Views 55, Upvotes 16  
Daily Blog
27th December 2008
*sigh* I must apologise.. I assumed I was right.

Never assume you're right!

I tried and tested, over and over, and I couldn't find a fault. And then, this morning, I received an email, and through a couple of back-and-forths discovered that, indeed, there was something really really really quite wrong. Thanks, Nathan.. I made myself a new fresh install, and tried to find the bug. The bug happened! I saw it! I thought "WTF!?!" and then tried again, with another fresh in...
Views 68, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog
2008... Blog
22nd December 2008
( border="0"><tr><td>Blimey! What a year, eh! I decided to round off the year with a nice big, old fashioned list, with everything in it. Except this doesn't have everything in it, because I've forgotten to add the DS games.. I'll do that later!! (Took me about 3 hours to do this, so I'm not going to tweak it, now!!) Anyway, here's a nice great big list of every game (again, apart from the DS ones) that I made in 2008. It's quite a big list, too.. 31 Games. OK, so maybe not a ...
Views 62, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog
16th December 2008
A sigh of relief, as the game is finally in an upload worthy state. I'm sure there's plenty of bugs, mounds of forgotten features, and odd little untweaked things that aren't quite right, but what's here is plenty enough to be counted as Release 1. <a href=""> Download Alien Deathmatch 2</a> 3Mb!!! The game, in it's current Release 1 state has quite a few new features from those in AD1. <img src="
Views 605, Upvotes 43  
14th December 2008

Sometimes Copy and Paste works..

Having finally put the nice simple swooshy spawning sound back into the game, and got a couple of nice test levels up and running, and inside the scoreboard, and then got the whole "Nth position on the online scoreboard" display going, I decided to move onto more pressing matters. I already copy and pasted most of the control scheme stuff early on in the project, so to help give the game a little consistency, and so as not to have to recode the whole thing, to...
Views 97, Upvotes 17  
Daily Blog
7th December 2008
Today I started on the online highscore stuff. Having sat playing AD2 for a while, again, last night, I figured I'd better get a move on and finish the basics off. So, into the database we go, and I've set up the tables. I implimented the basic checksums to ensure each level is unique enough to qualify, and I additionally added a secondary "Bag" table, that can hold new levels until they're ready to be downloadable. Always something new, ready and raring to be sent! Next up, work on the...
Views 62, Upvotes 17  
Daily Blog
2nd December 2008
Another week working on Alien Deathmatch means another week that I've not done AGameAWeek, so it's back into the big bag of failures to see if we can dig anything new out. No.. But, the lack of anything new, and finished, doesn't always mean nothing on this Blog.. Let's bring back the old "Experimental" tag from way back when, and show off a few random bits of unfinished garbage.
Views 220, Upvotes 35  
30th November 2008
<img src=""> Today, I really need to buckle down, and pad out the menu a teensy bit. As you can see, it's... a little bit empty right now! I'm still not sure how everything's going to fit onto the screen, but I found a nice font last night so it shouldn't be too hard to get everything nice and padded out, whilst still being jam packed with menu-style goodness. After that, I really should start to add some kind of scores into the gam...
Views 88, Upvotes 15  
Daily Blog
A lie!! Blog
23rd November 2008
Yesterday I said I'd be working on something else.. I didn't! Alien Deathmatch keeps dragging me back in Today I played with the weapons a bit more, to try and get a nicer feel to all the different main weapons. I also messed about with Particles because unbelievably I'd forgotton to put the things in! Silly me! After that, a teensy bit more Alien AI work, and some more background tweaks managed to keep me busy through most of today. They'r...
Views 92, Upvotes 21  
Daily Blog
14th November 2008
No need for a screenshot tonight, as there's not really anything worth looking at! Everything I did today was invisible background coding stuff! So nothing fancy to look at, but still some nice new things. I started off by squeezing the whole pixel by pixel arena out into a great big map array. I'm hoping (!) that it'll make things that bit more precise once I start adding in some walls (probably tomorrow) Basically, rather than having the player walk past/into/occasionally through blocks o...
Views 95, Upvotes 15  
Daily Blog
13th November 2008
All games must start somewhere, and Alien Deathmatch 2 starts right here! <a href=""><img src=""></a> This isn't the most entertaining shot I've ever posted, but it does show that work has now actually begun on the sequel.
Views 104, Upvotes 20  
Daily Blog
11th November 2008
Another quicky, today.. In fact, it's a little later than usual, but that's only because I'd only just thought of it, this morning!! Panic coding at it's best.. Wheel of No Prizes sees you spin the wheel, guess the place name, Hangman style, and carry on as much as you can until you've run out of lives. Neat! <a href=""><img src=""></a> Nice and simple stuff, but with obscure ...
Views 143, Upvotes 25  
4th November 2008
If you're slightly above the age of people who are still meant to be pissing about playing silly games, like I am, you probably remember Gearworks, from the Amiga/C64 era. I don't know why, but the game suddenly popped into my head, this week. So I made a quicky clone. It's not perfect, there's loads missing, and there's no editor in sight, but as a testbed for my still growing 2D-in-3D engine, it does the job. <a href=""><img s...
Views 138, Upvotes 18  
28th October 2008
Having headed back to Blitz3D (from BlitzMax, with it's annoying incompatibilities) I decided to make something quick and easy to test it out. Snake! With a 1 minute timer on it. Get all the points you can, as fast as you can. <a href=""><img src=""></a> The online scoreboards are in, and .. um.. that's about it. You can <a href="">Download Snake Here&l...
Views 113, Upvotes 20  
9th March 2008
For starters, let me just point out that Alien Deathmatch has still been slowly updating over the past couple of weeks. It's strange that a single game has taken up so much of my time. I guess that once you find the right type of game, you're more motivated than usual. Still, more weeks playing with 1 game = less time to get some actual new games coded. As such, there's not really been a whole lot to report over the past week or so. No new games, no new ideas, nothing. I had initially planned to do ...
Views 110, Upvotes 26  
Daily Blog
30th January 2008
Not as many fun little games, this time around, but weeks 61 through 90 brought about a few changes. For starters, Coders Workshop closed down in week 64, which meant the whole Wed.Workshop thing was without a home. Consequently, I spent most of this period building up the whole Socoder website.. from scratch.. in notepad.. <img src=""> <img src=""> It took a while! So, I missed a few workshops! As s...
Views 102, Upvotes 13  
24th November 2007
<a href=""><img src=""/></a> Platdude's Retro Collection was first released in November 2007. Each new release will contain a handful of new games. How many will there be in the end? Who can say! The latest release, <a href="">Download Here</a>, contains 18 games from the list below. Note : If you'd like to play, but don't own a DS,...
Views 119, Upvotes 30  
Daily Blog
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Site credits : Site built from the ground up, in php, using Programmer's Notepad 2, and a very bored Jayenkai.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 271

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai