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5th March 2010
I don't usually repost this here, but. What the hey!<br> <br> (URL "">Sign up, it's fun, and weekly, and written!!)<br> <br>

Socoder Newsletter

<br> <br> "Best viewed in Peiplum"<br> #045 - 5th March 2010<br> <br> <big> Print</big><br> Hello all<br> <br> The worst thing about writing AGameAWeek is that<br> horr...
Views 46, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
19th February 2010
1. The AngryBirds thing. I'm not about 80% convinced that all was just a co-incidence. My iPod played up whilst Angry Birds was on, the game went away, the problem went away, the game came back, a different issue occurred. So, perhaps it was just some odd occurrence. Who knows. The author's been back+forthing me on Twitter, and he's not quite sure, either, but is also happy to put it down to "Just a co-incidence". If it turns out not to be, you heard it here, first Views 35, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
18th February 2010
Today's updates. 1. A change of instruments 2. An accompaniment 3. More channel-specific so as to stop instrument overlap. 4. Properly integrated into Framework (the sample below is literally the test, no cut/splicing. just as is, from game start... including the JNKDitty)
Views 53, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
17th February 2010
A full day's work, and this is the result. It should be noted that this is very early stages, and that I really oughta try and find some nice instruments, but this is the first proper test of my new Framework Music Engine. That is, I shove in a few bits of melody, chord, bass and drums, and the framework fiddles about, and plays with the tune, creating a constantly evolving background tune that'll continue to sound nice and playful throughout the entire game. Neat! But still needs work. ...
Views 45, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
16th February 2010
Haven't started on this week's game, or the new music engine, yet, and am already thinking of even more "other" things that must be done. (To be fair, my todo list has about 15 items on it! So I'm hopping all over the place doing lots of different things) You might've noticed that I'm not linking to the Archive, lately. That's because it isn't quite doing it's job at the minute, and it all needs fixing up. There's a whole bunch of stuff that needs updated, including a YouTube video embedded on the p...
Views 49, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
2nd February 2010
Engine's now ready for any and all future word-based games that I might randomly decide to build. The wordlist adds 970Kb to a game's exe when added, and when asked it spends about 100milliseconds hunting through the complete list for a word. Luvly. So, with that out of the way I'm heading back to Centipong. You'd think, about 4 weeks into the whole Framework thing, that things would be more or less finished. You'd be wrong. There's LOADS of stuff that I've still not do...
Views 99, Upvotes 14  
2010 Framework
24th January 2010
The framework's coming together nicely, and things are looking up. But there were Audio issues with various versions of Ubuntu (or rather, with the SAME versions of Ubuntu!!) that were causing the game to be silent, and then crash! Hopefully I've managed to fix that, now. There's a whole list of audio drivers available to the game, and all are nicely selectable in the nice Tab box. Unfortunately, you will have to close and restart before it'll change the driver, or else.. Well, it just...
Views 148, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
20th January 2010
The Linux test has worked on one test system. The Linux test has NOT worked on another test system. And that's all the replies I've had.. Not a whole lot of feedback there. The broken version appears to have been entirely audio related, so I'm going to have to peek into BlitzMax's audio options today, and see what I can/can't do inside Linux, and otherwise shove in a few failsafe methods incase of broken audio. (I'd rather fix it, than just declare it "Not working", but if th...
Views 92, Upvotes 12  
2010 Framework
19th January 2010
AGameAWeek 2010 - Game Number One! We'll call this a test game, because the whole framework thing still isn't quite up to scratch, with all kinds of missing features! Plus I've put in LOADS of little quirks, things that should be quick have been made extra lengthy, and there's a bunch of redundancy.. This is half-done on purpose so that I can see what the available systems can and can't cope with. Hopefully we'll find that they can!! <a href="
Views 121, Upvotes 20  
19th January 2010
Views 2783, Upvotes 37  
Munky , Typing , Sequel , Test
11th January 2010
Blimey!! Step 1. (3/4 hours) After about 3 or 4 hours spent prodding Ubuntu to actually get it to install properly, I finally managed to get it up and running by downloading a different Ubuntu, and installing it onto a thumbstick instead.. Step 2. (10 seconds) I downloaded BlitzMax and followed <a href="">these</a> instructions. Basically I just copy+pasted that topmost line of code into the Terminal, got that to update things,...
Views 53, Upvotes 11  
2010 Framework
9th January 2010
For something that just looks like this.. <a href=""><img src=""></a> .. I have actually but a heck of a lot of work into the framework, so far! Take a peek inside to find out some nice nuggets of info, and take a look at the future of AGameAWeek!! (It's a bit wordy, mind!!)
Views 38, Upvotes 12  
2010 Framework
22nd December 2009
As well as all the 12 Games of Xmas (starting Friday) I've finally got around to opening up BlitzMax, and getting that whole new system going. Plenty to do, and it'll probably kill the whole point of my Xmas Week Off, but no matter.. Lots to do, let's hop to it. First up, I want everyone who can be bothered to try this out. It's a couple of little programs that stress tests your system, and tries to draw as many things onscreen at once as it possibly can. Or, at least, as fast as BlitzMax can!! Ru...
Views 39, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
8th December 2009
Nothing magical, this week, more a game that was started but didn't really go anywhere. If I had enough time this week, I'd have scrapped it and started something else, but it's been a bit of a tight week, time wise.. So.. Well, here it is! <a href=""><img src=""></a> Race around the 12 beautifully detailed (in traffic cones) race tracks, without hit...
Views 76, Upvotes 15  
27th November 2009
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Socoder Newsletter -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-      "Bonus Round"           #031 - 27th November 2009                      <form method="get" action="" target=_blank style="background-color: #ffc; width: 320px; padding: 2px 4px">...
Views 36, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog
16th October 2009
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Socoder Newsletter -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-      "GET IT OUT OF MY EYE!"           #025 - 16th October 2009                      <form method="get" action="" target=_blank style="background-color: #ffc; width: 320px; padding: 2p...
Views 49, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
9th October 2009
Ok, let's try that Munky thing again, shall we!? I've scrapped the "Portal" style stuff, and am instead focusing on a Munky Blocks styled affair. Munky's Block seems an apt title, so we'll stick with that. Currently I have only 1 setpiece, and 1 silly simple test level. Woo! <img src=""> But the engine's up and running, and Munky's hopping around about the same as he did in the last game. So, yeah, things are definitely ...
Views 37, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
8th September 2009
I was struggling to come up with an interesting game, this week, when my Mum decided to show me her latest highscore on Yahtzee. .. Pling! New idea! So, I stuck the dice into a grid, and called it YBox. <a href=""><img src=""></a>
Views 77, Upvotes 13  
7th September 2009
I've just spent the past 2 hours playing a batch of my old (latest!) games, grabbing screenies, and re-uploading them to a new Archive system. FINALLY! Geeze.. It's not exactly very pretty yet, and you can't vote, or search, or.. .. um, anything! But at least the files are going up, and the game list is starting to be built. Perhaps, some time in the next 20 or so years, there'll be a massive list of Jayenkai games! .. Not yet, though. Lots to do! (URL "
Views 60, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
7th August 2009

The AGameAWeek 2008-2009 Retrospective

(URL "">Part One), (URL "">Part Two), (URL "">Part Three), (URL "">Part Four), (URL "">Part Five)

The Home Stret...

Views 81, Upvotes 18  
Daily Blog
6th August 2009

The AGameAWeek 2008-2009 Retrospective

(URL "">Part One), (URL "">Part Two), (URL "">Part Three), (URL "">Part Four), (URL "">Part Five)

10 weeks, 3 DS...

Views 75, Upvotes 24  
Daily Blog
5th August 2009

The AGameAWeek 2008-2009 Retrospective

(URL "">Part One), (URL "">Part Two), (URL "">Part Three), (URL "">Part Four), (URL "">Part Five)

Back to work

Views 92, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog
3rd August 2009

The AGameAWeek 2008-2009 Retrospective

(URL "">Part One), (URL "">Part Two), (URL "">Part Three), (URL "">Part Four), (URL "">Part Five)

Alien Deat...

Views 71, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
3rd August 2009

The AGameAWeek 2008-2009 Retrospective

(URL "">Part One), (URL "">Part Two), (URL "">Part Three), (URL "">Part Four), (URL "">Part Five)


Views 108, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
1st June 2009
Views 2286, Upvotes 55  
Incomplete , Puzzle , Platdude
27th May 2009
I made a start on this game a few days ago, and things seem to be progressing at a decent enough rate. The basic gameplay engine is in there, now. The test level (200x50 blocks) loads, platdude can run around, grab onto bars, jump around and use ladders. He can also work plungers and have the blocks open and shut accordingly. So, that's all nice! You might notice that the graphics are looking remarkably similar to JNKPlatDS08. That's because they ARE those graphics! The engine loads t...
Views 58, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
25th May 2009
Like Electronic Arts, my game titles are becoming ever more complex, with themes and years being added on, in an ever expanding way. No matter, it's still only 12 characters long, so that's ok Yesterday I made a decision that might break up AGameAWeek for a few weeks. I don't seem to have nearly enough time, recently, so I'll pad things out a bit, and work on a lengthy project. (Although, if it helps, I worked on a bunch of MidletPascal Java t...
Views 71, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog
1251 results 0 1 2 3 ... 43 (44) 45 46 Prev Next
Site credits : All of the above : Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 269

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai