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22nd August 2013
Hello, I'm Jayenkai, and in 5 days time, I'll be adding the 300th game into my Archive. 300 games that I've single handedly created over the course of the past decade. Today, I received the following email. (URL ""><img src="" alt="" title="anemail" width="300" height="30" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-3087" /> "N...
Views 22, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
6th August 2013
As we near adding game #300 to the Archive, things are getting a wee bit chaotic in my Dev-folder. Games are being started, then largley ignored, as I constantly jump from project to project in a desperate attempt to find "That special something" which will do for #300. So far, nothing big has turned up, so, with only a few weeks until we get there, I've still no idea exactly what that game might end up being. Hmm.. Still, it's a fun trip, and this week's game idea comes courtesy of Twitterer (URL "ht...
Views 105, Upvotes 21  
13th July 2013
I was going to post about (URL "">@Madgarden's) upcoming shooter "Chillaxians", this week, but when I asked him if it was safe to post it, he replied .. "Well I dunno, not done yet, heh." So, guess that's not happening, then! Still, (URL "">follow him anyway), the game's looking great! Instead, here's (URL "">@GlenMcNamee's) latest PlayMyCode game, which is a platform/math game. You can play (URL "https:/...
Views 24, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
9th July 2013
This week's game is a lot like last week's game, only slightly more colourful, and with baddies that come at you!! Apologies that I wasn't more imaginative, this week!!
Views 86, Upvotes 12  
5th July 2013
Over the years, @Spinal_Cord has continued to perfect the stylings of the top-down maze genre. Taking his cues from an old C64 game he once played, Sensitive, he has created a whole host of variations on the theme over the course of his time doing game-dev. His latest effort in this genre sees him using the Monkey language, along with some lovely simple 2D commands, to generate a faux-3D look, which wouldn't look out of place in an old-school tech, or scene music demo.
Views 35, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
4th July 2013
The great big 1.5 update of SpikeDislike2 is now available from the Android or iOS App Stores. This version brings the HUGE end mode, Choose Your Own Dislike, which features all those lovely options that the original game had, along with a couple of new ones. SpikeDislike2 v1.5 is available for (URL "">iOS) and (URL "">Android). If you've already got it on your device, visit the ...
Views 34, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
25th June 2013
I wanted to have made a nice big super-sized sequel, this week, but I got sidetracked. For starters, I played a lot of Animal Crossing, so there's that!! But that wasn't all, as this week's game took an alarming amount of time to settle into a groove. (URL ""><img src="" alt="" title="ssa" width="300" height="225" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-2981" />Views 134, Upvotes 24  
18th June 2013
For the past few years, I've been building and rebuilding a silly little experimental shooter thing called "Horizontal Shooter" The basic gist is that it's a bog standard horizontal shooter, but with a weird control scheme, and a tail to catch things in. I also tend to use Horizontal Shooter as a simple testbed, to see what a language can/can't achieve in the realms of simplistic blurry lovelyness. This time around, since we're also focusing on mobile devices, I've decided to flip things around, and ma...
Views 95, Upvotes 14  
18th June 2013
Views 1168, Upvotes 31  
Experimental , Unfinished , Test
13th June 2013
Time for an update to my Monkey Framework! This week I noticed that, having upgraded my version of Monkey recently, Android's Back Button was no longer being recognised, so I took a bit of time to figure out why that was happening, and updated the Framework to suit the new methods.

The Download

(URL "">Jayenkai's Monkey Framework, as of 20th October 2013) | (URL "">Bl...
Views 62, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
10th June 2013
Apologies that this post has taken me so long to publish. I actually wrote most of it about 3 months ago, when I first released SpikeDislike2, but it's been sat on my Mac on a Sticky Note, and I kinda forgot all about it! I remembered it, the other day, when I submitted SpikeDislike2-Lite to Apple. What follows is a checklist/guide for compiling your (URL "">Monkey-coded) game onto iOS.
Views 62, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
4th June 2013
Another week, another sequel. This week, we're revisiting the puzzle-maze world of Kee, Bo and Ard (Occasionally spelled "Key, Bo and Ard" due to me forgetting the spelling of the green character's name!) I also need a couple of features tested, so there's quite a bit of rambling included below this post!
Views 125, Upvotes 19  
3rd June 2013
Although I am sort of planning things ahead of time, I'm not really doing a good job with the things I'm planning. In the majority of cases, the better AGameAWeek games seem to be those spur of the moment games that I cobble together fairly quickly. Anything over-planned seems to die a death, halfway through! At the start of May, I planned to do two fairly large projects. Both of those projects have remained untouched for at least a couple of weeks. Whoops!
Views 40, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
26th May 2013
<img src="" style="float:right;"> AGameAWeek Gold takes a trip through my archive of games, and plucks out any games that may have been previously released on this day in history. Sometimes it finds recent games from the past few years of me doing AGameAWeek. Other times, however, it finds really really really old games, from a time when the concept of doing a new game every week wasn't even a gleam in my eye!
Views 69, Upvotes 19  
Agameaweek Gold
23rd May 2013
During a moment of boredom, I wondered how long it'd take to remake my lovely Testcard Generator. I attempted it in Monkey, and realised it wouldn't work very well given that I can't save an image. Then I tried it in BlitzMax, but that wouldn't allow me to work with images bigger than the desktop. (My Laptop is 1366x768, and I wanted at least 1920x1080) In the end I opted for Blitz3D. Blitz3D lets me work in practically any resolution I can imagine, while scaling it nicely to fit on my screen. Lovely ...
Views 105, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
17th May 2013
<img src="" style="float:right;"> AGameAWeek Gold takes a look at the games that I've previously released on this day in history. It's basically filler material! But that's ok, because it's usually a nice trip down memory lane.
Views 93, Upvotes 18  
Agameaweek Gold
7th May 2013
Hardly the worlds most imaginative title for this week's game, and mostly a cop-out graphics wise, but I was trying out a gameplay style, so that's where most of the focus went. Was it a success? .. You decide!!
Views 86, Upvotes 14  
21st April 2013
Over the past few weeks, a terrible issue has appeared, and it's been quite noticeable. It's caused my Stringy Things project to get stuck, as well as creating multiple issues in lots of other places. The problem is as follows.. Not all devices are the same!!!
Views 32, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
20th April 2013
<img src="" style="float:left;"> AGameAWeek Gold looks back on the history of my huge Jayenkai Archive. Each day, we trawl through the archive to find games which have been previously released on this day in history. Some days, there are no games. Other days there are oddball crazy quickly cobbled together gameplay experiments. And then, some days, there are real gold games. The games that stay with you, and can be just as enjoyable many years later.
Views 84, Upvotes 23  
Agameaweek Gold
10th April 2013
<img src="" style="float:right;">AGameAWeek Gold looks back on this day in history, and plucks out any and all games that I've previously released on this day. It's a fun, adventurous, and seemingly random trip through the Jayenkai Archives. Join us, as we test really old games to see if they still run on our modern systems!
Views 71, Upvotes 22  
Agameaweek Gold
9th April 2013
<img src="" style="float:right;">Occasionally, our flick through the Jayenkai Archives fails to pick up any games that I might've released on this day in history. As rapid as my game development is, I'm just not THAT quick! But other times, it'll pick up more than one! Today's one of those days..
Views 52, Upvotes 14  
Agameaweek Gold
5th April 2013
A few days ago I set up an official AGameAWeek branded page on Facebook, along with a Twitter account. I wasn't sure how "busy" I could keep the two elements, but so far they seem to have their fair share of posts. If you'd like to follow the all-new adventures of AGameAWeek, you can (URL "">Like AGameAWeek on Facebook), and (URL "">Follow AGameAWeek on Twitter). For the most part, I'll simply be posting links to things that I post ...
Views 17, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
2nd April 2013
Last night I spotted something odd. On the frontpage is a little Top Ten list of "Top iPhone Games Out Now" And for some very strange reason, number 5 is currently Spike Dislike 2.
Views 28, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
28th March 2013
<img src="" style="float:right;">AGameAWeek Gold. An occasional trip down memory lane, to take a look at games that I've previously released on this day in history. Much like every other element of AGameAWeek, these can sometimes be great games that you'll play for hours, or bags of garbage that you throw away after ten seconds of looking at it at going "Umm.. no thanks!" Today's game from the past is an example of the latter.. With Zombies!!!!
Views 45, Upvotes 13  
Agameaweek Gold
26th March 2013
A good old fashioned old-skool platforming game, harking back to the good old days of Manic Miner and that sort of thing. This week is VERY Manic Miner esque. Collect the items to open the door, dodge the baddies, jump around, die a lot, get to the exit, sorted!! <a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="ssa" width="300" height="225" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-2728"...
Views 144, Upvotes 23  
20th March 2013
Last week, one of my quickly cobbled together test tunes for JMTrackr was the old Manic Miner ingame music. If you download JMtrackr, you'll find it in the Retro folder. I created it quickly, made a little mp3 of it in random mode, and plopped it up on Socoder. People seemed to fall in love with the idea of me making a Manic Miner clone, and over the course of the past few days, that's escalated somewhat.. People really seem to want me to make a Manic Miner type thing.
Views 56, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
19th March 2013
<img src="" style="float:right;">As we continue through our adventures of old crappy games, we'll occasionally trip over the odd one or two that wasn't even part of AGameAWeek. In fact, today's game-from-the-archive outdates AGameAWeek by a good few years. Good grief, this game's actually nine years old! *tests the game* And it still works!
Views 64, Upvotes 17  
Agameaweek Gold
1252 results 0 1 2 3 ... 38 (39) 40 ... 44 45 46 Prev Next
Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 282

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai