84 results 0 1 2 (3)
13th November 2008
All games must start somewhere, and Alien Deathmatch 2 starts right here!
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
This isn't the most entertaining shot I've ever posted, but it does show that work has now actually begun on the sequel.

Views 66, Upvotes 15  
Daily Blog
9th September 2008
A sequel/repeat this week, as the <a href="">Wednesday Workshop #167</a> asked us to create a game with 2 main characters.
At first I considered doing a Bill and Ted game, but couldn't think of a decent gameplay element other than "Move the blocks".. That'd be a most excellent waste of the characters.
So I resurrected Bibbleman and Bobbleman, and just used them instead.
Still the same game, mind.. So if you're wo...
Views 102, Upvotes 12  
Workshop Blog
18th June 2007
I get bored. I get bored a lot. Especially when working on large projects. It's nice to occasionally have some weird random thing to do.
That's why I set up the Wednesday Workshop.
A weekly challenge. Make a game based upon a given theme, or task. Everyone who enters gets put through for a vote. But it's not really about the winning. It's about having something to do when you're bored. And .. I get bored a lot!
Click <a href="
Views 168, Upvotes 26  
About , Workshop
84 results 0 1 2 (3)
Site credits : If you can see it, Jayenkai did it.
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AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai