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13th March 2013
<img src="https://socoder.net/AGAWGold_128.png" style="float:right;"> Today, we take a trip to something eerily similar to something I recently did! Five years ago I had my first J2ME compatible mobile phone. A Samsung U600 is actually a remarkably nice phone. Five years later, the phone is still in a lovely condition, and is in regular use by my Mum, who now only accidentally hits the incredibly sensitive call button once every week or so! It's a great little phone, and it's nice and neat and...
Views 64, Upvotes 18  
Agameaweek Gold
12th March 2013
As we continue our trip down memory lane, I'm starting to head off into odd new directions. This week, I'm remaking a game that I made for DS, but never got around to doing a proper fully fledged Windows edition of. Obviously, though, a game full of Sprite-Rips isn't going to cut it in Apple's AppStore. .. Actually, given how fucking often those things somehow manage to get approved, I probably could, but let's not chance it! Instead of ripping old sprites from Arcade Classics, I'...
Views 91, Upvotes 18  
12th March 2013
Views 1460, Upvotes 46  
Fruit Machine , Slots , Arcade , Gamble , Minigames
11th March 2013
AppStore is a wonderful place. For the first time, I've actually made some money out of my games!! Well done, Apple, on creating a wonderful ecosystem for indie devs. ... But there are niggling issues.. The number one issue is that I can't reply when I really REALLY want to. What follows is a reply..
Views 31, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
11th March 2013
<img src="https://socoder.net/AGAWGold_256.png" style="float:right;">Oooooh!!! When I went to add an AGameAWeek Gold function to my Archive's Admin page, I purposely decided not to add any sort of "Look Ahead" function. I knew it'd be as much fun for me, as it is for you, to find out what today's AGameAWeek Gold is! Just a week in, and I'm finding myself waking up in the morning just to click to my admin page, to see if we've got a good game today!! Today's is awesome! Today's was worth wak...
Views 45, Upvotes 13  
Agameaweek Gold
10th March 2013
Last night I was asked how I got Monkey to do all the things that I managed to make it do. I tried to describe it as best as I could, but was already wrapped up in bed, trying to remember it all, whilst only holding an iPad! Not an easy job. I suggested to (URL "https://twitter.com/retrorusty">@RetroRusty) that he waits until the morning, when I can better write a nice big (BIG) waffling (WAFFLING!) blog-post about it all. .. This be that!
Views 68, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
10th March 2013
<img src="https://socoder.net/AGAWGold_256.png" style="float:right">Perhaps I should add a separate subsection here, for games that are old, and weren't even good when I made them...?? AGameAWeek Crap springs to mind.. Maybe another day. I have a big proper blog post to write, too, and no time to waste!! For today, we'll continue to pretend that AGAW Gold isn't just a daily trip through the archives to pad out the blog, and is instead, the cream of the crop!! Today, in 2009, I made a stinke...
Views 47, Upvotes 14  
Agameaweek Gold
9th March 2013
Apple says we're not supposed to reveal actual sales figures, so you won't find any of those inside. You will find a nice graph, though!
Views 17, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
9th March 2013
<img src="https://socoder.net/AGAWGold_256.png" style="float:right"> Aaah, March 2010. The month of MAR10! I decided to dedicate the entire month to Mario, and spent the whole month remaking classic AGameAWeek games, but with Mario costumes on all the characters! I remember it like it was yesterday. Except it wasn't yesterday. ... It was three entire smegging years ago!! ARGH!!!!
Views 64, Upvotes 13  
Agameaweek Gold
8th March 2013
The Amiga was nearing the end of its life cycle and my local Game store was slowly getting rid of its Amiga stuff. It was sad to find all your favourite games crammed into that little corner of the store where only the geekiest kids would huddle. Then one day, I spotted a bright blue stripy box. "Blitz 2.0!??? Oooh! I'd been using AMOS ever since I got it free on an Amiga Format coverdisk, but this was finally a chance to buy a fully fledged programming language. I whipped it up. .. I say that. ...
Views 24, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
8th March 2013
<img src="https://socoder.net/AGAWGold_128.png" style="float:left"> Sometimes, I like to test different aspects of game development. Will a certain game work better with larger wonderfully presented HD artwork, for example? Since I'm no artist, as we're all well aware by now, I went the opposite way, and tried to figure out what Asteroids might look like in HD, if it used even smaller sprites!! <a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/GameList.php?ShowJust=228">

2011 - TinyAss

Views 57, Upvotes 20  
Agameaweek Gold
7th March 2013
IGN reviews SpikeDislike2! No, really!! (URL "https://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/03/05/app-store-update-march-5-2">Watch the video) from 2 minutes in. o/yeayo/ In other news, (URL "https://dynamicite.org/?p=307">Dynamicite) also reviewed the game, and only had audio complaints, which is great considering how shit it looks!!!
Views 13, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
6th March 2013
<img src="https://socoder.net/AGAWGold_256.png" style="float:left"> Aaah, March 6th. A day that will forever live in my memory. Want to know what happened to me, this time last year? You can read all about it (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/2012/08/home-again-home-again-jiggity-jig/">right here!) March 6th was when it all began. Hmm.. Oddly enough, I did in fact manage to post a game, last March 6th! It was late Monday night/Tuesday morning, I'd had a spectacularly rough d...
Views 117, Upvotes 12  
Agameaweek Gold
5th March 2013
It's time to show your hatred for objects with pointy bits! <a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/ipad1.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/ipad1-1024x768.png" alt="" title="ipad1" width="590" height="442" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-2652" /></a> SpikeDislike2 brings back all your favourite themes, mixes them into all manner of different gameplay types, and throws all the spikes in your face! You can <a href="https://AG...
Views 149, Upvotes 20  
5th March 2013
Views 4235, Upvotes 117  
Jump , Hop , Bounce , Spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike!
4th March 2013
I was a little disappointed to find there was no AGameAWeek Gold waiting for me, this morning. I wondered... How often will it actually appear? Have I actually produced enough games to keep it going EVERY DAY? I wrote a little script to find out. There are graphs inside
Views 29, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
4th March 2013
AGameAWeek is meant to happen on Tuesdays. I've stated numerous times that SpikeDislike2 will be released on March 5th, which is also a Tuesday. .. But Apple.. .. Apple don't give you times..! On Apple's hugely chaotic iTunesConnect site, you can happily pop a Release Date into the mechanism, but there's no way to state a Release Time. Given that AGameAWeek happens on a Tuesday Morning, GMT, I can't then expect US folk to have to inexplicably wait an extra 6 hours, just because thei...
Views 37, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
3rd March 2013
<img src="https://socoder.net/AGAWGold_256.png" style="float:left"> I've been considering doing this for a while, but never bothered to come up with any sort of Database Scanner to find old posts. I'm lazy like that! Luckily, a new iOS App has come along to save me the trouble. The wonderful "TimeHop" is available (for free), and allows you to upload your Twitter Archive, as well as include your Facebook timeline.. What it then does is scan the archives for things that have happened on this day,...
Views 70, Upvotes 17  
Agameaweek Gold
2nd March 2013
Before today, there's been that niggling doubt. If SpikeDislike2 didn't get Apple Approval, the whole thing would have to be rescheduled. This morning, SpikeDislike2 received it's Apple Approval! SpikeDislike2 is READY TO GO Tuesday March 5th 2013 is officially SpikeDislike2'sday!
Views 102, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
1st March 2013
It's our latest regular feature! Hurray! Each month, I'll spend about five minutes doodling some stupid pixellated artwork, then scale it up to insane proportions, and slap it on the internet for all to see. If you like the chunky, heavily pixellated, oversized desktop images, you might like to use these as your system/devices wallpaper. Oh, what fun. This month, an obvious choice! SpikeDislike2 is just a few days away, so here's a lovely big wallpaper for your system of choice. <a h...
Views 51, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
27th February 2013
What did I do, today? Well, first I made Blockman Slots, then I wondered what to do next.. .. and wondered.. .. and wondered.. ... Then I figured, since I wasn't actually doing anything, I might as well load up "Sprite Something" on the iPad, and waste a couple of hours drawing a whole batch of random sprites. So, here's a whole batch of random sprites!! (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/RandomSpritesheet.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02...
Views 15, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
27th February 2013
Good Grief, it's been a long long time since a little video clip caused utter chaos in my Twitter feed! I feel that last night's occurrence needs a little explaining, because people are WAY more hyped about it than they probably should be!! <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Platdude Gets!!!! <a href="https://t.co/GZcwBtJ255" title="https://vine.co/v/bgVBqEjqld2">vine.co/v/bgVBqEjqld2</a></p>??? Jayenkai (@Jayenkai) <a href="https://twitter.com/Jayenkai/status/...
Views 34, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog
26th February 2013
Last night I had a random idea, and drew up a silly board game. Since then, the idea has annoyingly festered, and so this morning, I'm doing a complete relaunch of yesterday's silly idea, complete with all new advanced rules!

SpikeDislike2 will be released on March 5th, 2013

Head inside for more details.
Views 86, Upvotes 12  
26th February 2013
Happy Blockman Day! It's been 4 years since the last Blockman Gets game was released, so it's about time we had another! Blockman Gets Hungry strips out the boulders, takes out the power-pellets, and instead uses fruit for various functions. There's four different fruit to eat. See if you can figure them all out!!


You can <a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/GameList.php?ShowJust=285">Download Blockman Gets Hungry he...
Views 123, Upvotes 16  
26th February 2013
Views 1774, Upvotes 47  
Pacman , Puzzle , Remake
25th February 2013
A random oddball thought, resulted in this. Drawn entirely using SpriteSomething on an iPad. .. Yes, I actually sat here and draw all those numbers! ... Bored? You bet!! <img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/Spike2.png"> The rules are simple. You start in square one, and make your way as far through the board as you can. If you hit a Spike, it's game over! If you make it to the goal, you're a Pro at random chance!! A single orange player counter has lovingly been provided.. If you'd li...
Views 28, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
25th February 2013
I've updated the uploaded Jayenkai Monkey Framework to the latest version that I'm using. woot!

The Download

Downloads have been removed due to.. A) Lack of people using it. B) Lack of ME even using it. C) It's quite old, now, and getting older every day!

The Old Version

<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/2013/01/monkey-skeleton-13_01_28/">All of this stuff is still included</a>

The New Additions

It's been a whirlwind of a month, and I've...
Views 83, Upvotes 12  
2013 Framework
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Site credits : Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 137

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai