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7th April 2013
<img src="https://socoder.net/AGAWGold_128.png" style="float:right">Sometimes, our occasional glance back at previous games, released on this day in history, reveals some absolutely abysmal game ideas. Other times, however, it brings about a classic game which makes me wonder why I've not remade it any sooner.
Views 59, Upvotes 16  
Agameaweek Gold
6th April 2013
For the next few days, until April 16th 2013, Sheep Goes Left will be half-price, over at the <a href="https://bit.ly/SheepGoesLeft">iOS AppStore</a>. To celebrate this random decision, here's...

A Brief'ish History of Sheep Goes Left

After SpikeDislike was released, one of the AppStore reviewers complained that there's no way to save your progress, and that the infinitely continuing level was an issue because there are no checkpoints, and no ending. .. Well, yeah...
Views 37, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
5th April 2013
A few days ago I set up an official AGameAWeek branded page on Facebook, along with a Twitter account. I wasn't sure how "busy" I could keep the two elements, but so far they seem to have their fair share of posts. If you'd like to follow the all-new adventures of AGameAWeek, you can (URL "https://www.facebook.com/Agameaweek">Like AGameAWeek on Facebook), and (URL "https://twitter.com/AGameAWeek">Follow AGameAWeek on Twitter). For the most part, I'll simply be posting links to things that I post ...
Views 19, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
4th April 2013
<img src="https://socoder.net/AGAWGold_128.png" style="float:right;">AGameAWeek Gold delves into the history of the Jayenkai Archive, and plucks out any and all games that I've previously released on this date in history. And since the Jayenkai Archive goes way back to 2002, they're not just from AGameAWeek. Some of these games go right back to days before AGameAWeek was even a plausible consideration!
Views 56, Upvotes 16  
Agameaweek Gold
3rd April 2013
<img src="https://socoder.net/AGAWGold_128.png" style="float:right;">AGameAWeek Gold looks back at releases that happened on this day in history. Journey with us through the mists of time, to find out just how good, or bad, AGameAWeek has actually been through the years! We also occasionally find odd little glitches in the archive!!
Views 55, Upvotes 14  
Agameaweek Gold
2nd April 2013
Last night I spotted something odd. On the ign.com/wireless frontpage is a little Top Ten list of "Top iPhone Games Out Now" And for some very strange reason, number 5 is currently Spike Dislike 2.
Views 29, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
2nd April 2013
Get used to seeing this, as you're going to see a lot of it. The other day I asked for opinions on what April might bring. Three people chipped up. One was over at Curly's World of Freeware, where Tormuse suggested I should go with the Word Games. Second, @moshboy suggested I should go with an unplanned stream of oddities. Oooh, a Tie!! Third was the deciding vote. And worryingly it didn't even come from the internet. Instead, My Mum suggested I should carry on doing Stringy Things....
Views 169, Upvotes 25  
2nd April 2013
Views 2022, Upvotes 78  
String , Word , Puzzle , Stringy Things
1st April 2013
Am I the butt of IGNs April Fools gag? Stick some random oddball ugly-ass game into their top ten list to freak everyone out? ... Because that's only what they've gone and done! (URL "https://socoder.net/uploads/1/image-01-04-13-13-26-29.jpg"><img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/image-01-04-13-13-26-29_thumb.jpg">
Views 31, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
31st March 2013
I haven't got any! .. that's a lie.. I have about 3 big plans in mind, and I'm not sure which to go with.
Views 28, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
31st March 2013
<img src="https://socoder.net/AGAWGold_128.png" style="float:right;">Sometimes I'll have an idea early on in the week. I'll take my time, and build up a wonderful game, spending the full week making it nice and presentable. Other times, it'll be a rush job, and I'll instead make the entire game over the space of a weekend. .. or less!
Views 42, Upvotes 10  
Agameaweek Gold
30th March 2013
This month's crudely designed desktop images comes courtesy of Karl's Tiny Adventure, from last week! Luvly stuff!! (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Desktop_2013_Apr.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Desktop_2013_Apr-1024x1024.png" alt="" title="Desktop_2013_Apr" width="590" height="590" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-2746" /> Click for MASSSSIIVE!!!)
Views 17, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
30th March 2013
<img src="https://socoder.net/AGAWGold_128.png" style="float:right;">AGameAWeek Gold looks back through the huge archive each day, to see if I've previously released anything on this day. There's not always a game to play, but occasionally we'll stumble upon long forgotten gems. Today's is especially nice!
Views 80, Upvotes 15  
Agameaweek Gold
29th March 2013
Many many many many many people have asked me how on earth I manage to cram game making into the space of a single week. Ironically, most of those people seem to have forgotten that they, themselves, have previously taken part in Ludum Dare "Make a game in only 48 hours" style competitions. Hmm..! Anyway, today's rambling waffling blog is about the steps I take to ensure I can achieve AGameAWeek.
Views 54, Upvotes 28  
Daily Blog
28th March 2013
<img src="https://socoder.net/AGAWGold_128.png" style="float:right;">AGameAWeek Gold. An occasional trip down memory lane, to take a look at games that I've previously released on this day in history. Much like every other element of AGameAWeek, these can sometimes be great games that you'll play for hours, or bags of garbage that you throw away after ten seconds of looking at it at going "Umm.. no thanks!" Today's game from the past is an example of the latter.. With Zombies!!!!
Views 45, Upvotes 13  
Agameaweek Gold
27th March 2013
Let me talk you through what's happened since yesterday. First off, I signed up as a Google Play developer. I logged in, I joined up, I paid my Dev Fee, and all was going well. I started adding a "SpikeDislike2-Lite" app to the GooglePlay store. I filled in the details, and got everything nicely added using just my iPad. I then slept...
Views 24, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
26th March 2013
A good old fashioned old-skool platforming game, harking back to the good old days of Manic Miner and that sort of thing. This week is VERY Manic Miner esque. Collect the items to open the door, dodge the baddies, jump around, die a lot, get to the exit, sorted!! <a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/ssa1.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/ssa1-300x225.png" alt="" title="ssa" width="300" height="225" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-2728"...
Views 147, Upvotes 23  
26th March 2013
Views 3399, Upvotes 91  
Retro , Platformer , Manic Miner
24th March 2013
<img src="https://socoder.net/AGAWGold_128.png" style="float:right;"> Sometimes, stripping things back to their simplest mechanics makes for a strangely more interesting game. Other times, however, it just makes an otherwise vaguely interesting game a little more dull. This is a great example of the latter.
Views 91, Upvotes 18  
Agameaweek Gold
23rd March 2013
There's not been a whole lot tweaked since the last Monkey Framework Release, (I've been too busy making the fun gamey things!!) but a couple of important additions have been additioned.

The Download

(URL "https://socoder.net/monkey/Framework_13_10_20.zip">Jayenkai's Monkey Framework, as of 20th October 2013) | (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/2013/10/monkey-skeleton-13_10_20/">Blog Post)

Older versions

(URL "https://socoder.net/uploads/1/Monkey_Framework...
Views 69, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
20th March 2013
Last week, one of my quickly cobbled together test tunes for JMTrackr was the old Manic Miner ingame music. If you download JMtrackr, you'll find it in the Retro folder. I created it quickly, made a little mp3 of it in random mode, and plopped it up on Socoder. People seemed to fall in love with the idea of me making a Manic Miner clone, and over the course of the past few days, that's escalated somewhat.. People really seem to want me to make a Manic Miner type thing.
Views 60, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
19th March 2013
Alrighty, time to buckle down and get a new collection started. It's actually been quite a while since I last did something like this, but 2010's Advent Collection kinda counts. The idea is simple. I write tiny versions of bigger games, keep them as short and sweet (and playable!) as possible, and cram them all together into a nice little bundle.
Views 47, Upvotes 16  
Daily Blog
19th March 2013
<img src="https://socoder.net/AGAWGold_256.png" style="float:right;">As we continue through our adventures of old crappy games, we'll occasionally trip over the odd one or two that wasn't even part of AGameAWeek. In fact, today's game-from-the-archive outdates AGameAWeek by a good few years. Good grief, this game's actually nine years old! *tests the game* And it still works!
Views 64, Upvotes 17  
Agameaweek Gold
19th March 2013
Before anyone complains, no, this is not a game! This week's release is a "Utility!" ooooh! Don't worry, I won't be making a habit out of this. To be honest, I was kinda expecting to be able to half-ass a game, this week, but I've spent so much time on this, that I just didn't get around to it. No matter, this is a silly little plaything, and if you're even slightly musically capable you'll probably get a kick out of it.
Views 100, Upvotes 19  
17th March 2013
<img src="https://socoder.net/AGAWGold_256.png" style="float:right;">Before I'd decided on the "Blockman Gets" mechanic, I tried many a different thing with him. First, there was the Platform engine, where he had to run around and gather up the tiny blocklets. That worked nicely! After that I tried a "Pengo" approach, but he didn't seem happy pushing things around, so that never actually got uploaded anywhere. After that, I decided to go old-skool, and made a bog standard Pacman clone, but with a ...
Views 55, Upvotes 16  
Agameaweek Gold
16th March 2013
<img src="https://socoder.net/AGAWGold_256.png" style="float:right;">Whoops! A little late, today. Sorry about that, folks! Yesterday, SpikeDislike2 was FREE in the AppStore. I might've actually forgotten to post about that, here. um.. sorry!! If any of my regulars missed it, lemmie know. Anyway, with all the SD2 stuff, I've spent quite a lot of time this morning analyzing stats, and graphs, and reviews, and everything else. I was so busy, in fact, that I forgot about AGameAWeek Gold! Whoop...
Views 39, Upvotes 13  
Agameaweek Gold
13th March 2013
If you've been following me on Twitter (and if not, why not?!) you may have noticed that I'm not currently writing a game. Instead, I'm currently focusing my attention on that good old favourite "The JNK Pseudo Random Music Engine"!.. Oh, goody!! As it stands, I've yet to begin coding anything for next week's AGameAWeek, but this time (for a change!) I'm actually building my Music Engine up using a proper half-usable Tracker style program thingy. Since the program is kinda fun to play around with, I...
Views 16, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 123

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai