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#226 - 14th August 2015
Views 106, Upvotes 29  
Tv , Star Trek
14th August 2015


Complications occasionally crop up as you're developing a game. The current complication is one of those "Everything NOW!!" issues. See, I'd like to get my character's movement to work, and ensure my screen scrolling works as it oughta. I've got left and right movement in, as that's pretty easy, but jumping requires that the ground collision is working properly. That means I need to stop working on the character movement, and switch to working on the tilemap collision detection,...
Views 20, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
13th August 2015
Three years ago, I posted <a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/2012/08/home-again-home-again-jiggity-jig/">this post</a>, all about my time in and out of hospital having a rather large splodge of evil-stuff removed from the middle of my head.. It's become something of an annual ritual to post a similar blog each year.


Most of my current health problems stem from a lack of balance. The head is a fluid-filled place, and it all tends to slosh about in there, but it's all...
Views 92, Upvotes 20  
Spring Cleaning Pixelart
#225 - 13th August 2015
Views 98, Upvotes 24  
Wildlife , Spider
13th August 2015


General rule of thumb. If you have a migraine, STOP CODING!! It took me about half an hour of confused bafflement yesterday, to figure out why a simple "Create a line of floor tiles" was completely refusing to work properly. As it turns out, I was making a completely stupid schoolboy error. I was doing (Y*Height)+X instead of (Y*Width)+X, when referencing my array, which was causing all manner of tile-based issues along the way. How incredibly silly of me! Once I realised ...
Views 32, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
A Day Out Pixelart
#224 - 12th August 2015
Views 110, Upvotes 25  
Platizens , Train
12th August 2015


Since the HTML edition of NeonPlat Adventures 2 will use a slightly different method to recolour the tilemap, it means I need to try and make the two different methods as close to each other as I can. Yesterday I started to tackle this issue. It's not 100% perfect, but I'm sure with a little number crunching, I'll manage to get the two editions looking "mostly" the same! (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/NPA2_003.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com...
Views 16, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
Landing Gear Pixelart
#223 - 11th August 2015
Views 80, Upvotes 18  
11th August 2015


Uhoh! Forgot about colours!!! That's going to make NeonPlat Adventures particularly tricky, should I want to include an HTML5 edition. .. and, of course, I DO want to include an HTML5 edition, so I guess I'm going to have to retackle the whole "multicoloured scenery" issue. And so I spent most of yesterday drawing some basic template scenery and getting it all ready. I added a whole new section to my re-renderer engine, and now it's spitting out high quality assets in 9 differ...
Views 25, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
A Quiet Day Pixelart
#222 - 10th August 2015
Views 81, Upvotes 8  
10th August 2015


I think we can now safely say that SpikeDislike3's been a bit of a wet duck. I expected more from it, and I really did enjoy making it, but .. Meh, whatever.. It's hard to get noticed in this great big crazy world of ours. I'd expect myself to be a little more disappointed by this scenario, but oddly I instead find myself thinking "OK, Now What!?" I guess that doing AGameAWeek for so long has taught me that, whenever something doesn't work, there's still something else around the...
Views 16, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
#221 - 9th August 2015
Views 97, Upvotes 29  
Shower , Undressed , Platizen
9th August 2015


I didn't do a bloomin' thing, yesterday! I say that.. I'm pretty sure I did SOMETHING, I just can't remember what it was! It can't have been all that important, then... Hmm.. : *shrugs* It seems an entire day has passed me by. I watched a movie, (What We Did On Our Holiday) and listened to a lot of JPop for no real reason. I also watched episode 9 of Dark Matter, which had all manner of interesting things happen. But as for myself. Nope. Nothing to declare I'm afraid. ...
Views 10, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
Punch Test Pixelart
#220 - 8th August 2015
Views 99, Upvotes 15  
Game , Boxing
8th August 2015


Yesterday I tackled something different. For a while, I've been wondering if I should attempt to create a larger PixelArf site to accommodate everybody's entries. I started by creating a barebones webpage with a couple of scrolling sections and a little bit of AJAX to hold it all together. VERY barebones! And, if I'm honest, not that great looking. Scaled up pixelart looks NASTY in a browser. (Although it looks fine on my iPad!!) (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploa...
Views 18, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
Another Trophy Pixelart
#219 - 7th August 2015
Views 91, Upvotes 21  
Trophy , Winning
7th August 2015


I'm currently unsure what I should be doing next. I *should* be working on those new SpikeDislike3 themes, but lack of interest in the game is making that all feel a bit worthless. Instead, I think I need something else to work on for a little while. I have, after all, been working on SpikeDislike3 for about 4 months, now, and that's a LONG time for a guy who usually does AGameAWeek! I think, today, I might jump into my old habits of randomly typing keywords into Monkey-X unti...
Views 71, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
#218 - 6th August 2015
Views 107, Upvotes 25  
Doctor , Spike , Dislike
6th August 2015

Melodical Developments

Last night I re-rendered and uploaded the entire (URL "https://archive.org/details/PrecariousAlBum">Precarious Al Bum to Archive.org) Annoyingly, I forgot to trim the tails on the tracks, so they all end with about a half-a-second of silence. Ooops.. I'll have to poke around in Archive.org's settings and see if I can update the files, but I imagine they're probably going to have to stay like that. Aw well.. Meanwhile, I also created a new track for the Liquid A...
Views 15, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
5th August 2015
In January 2014, KORG released the wonderful Gadget app onto the iPad. In the 20 months since, AL has created not one, not two, but THREE full AL Bums. Precarious is his third, and you can grab all three, for free, from Archive.org in a variety of different formats, alongside his previous two AL Bums, Conspicuous and Enigmatically. (URL "https://archive.org/details/ConspicuousAlBum"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/AL_Conspicuous-300x300.jpg" alt="AL_Conspicuous" width=...
Views 9, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
Movie Time Pixelart
#217 - 5th August 2015
Views 120, Upvotes 28  
Movie , Platizens , Cinema
5th August 2015


Motivation seems to have taken a bit of a nosedive, this week. I think the lack of SpikeDislike3 sales is starting to get to me, as every time I open the folder, I spend about 10 minutes staring at the code before closing it up again. I feel like moving on to something else. Maybe that'll help kick me back into gear again. But what project to tackle? I'm not sure. My head doesn't even seem to want to consider anything else, right now. Bah, humbug.. I'm not a fan of the...
Views 7, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
Jump!! JUMP! Pixelart
#216 - 4th August 2015
Views 90, Upvotes 16  
Game , Sonic , Costume
4th August 2015


More files.. Found a whole bunch of old videos on one of my old hard drives, so spent literally HOURS, last night, copying them over to the NAS drive. Bah. Windows 10 seems to focus a lot on file transfers, meaning my laptop was practically unusable whilst the transfer was taking place. I certainly didn't have that issue last week when transferring millions of files from NAS to NAS, so it's either Win10 that's doing it, or the fact that I was transferring from a USB-based dock. ...
Views 13, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
Birdie Nom Nom Pixelart
#215 - 3rd August 2015
Views 93, Upvotes 25  
3rd August 2015

Hunting for Files

As I poke and prod around my new NAS drive, there are still gaps remaining. My Midi and Mod archive is entirely missing. I never did manage to get them from my old hard drives, and now I'm starting to wonder how on earth I'm going to manage to do it. For the most part, the Mod Archive can be re-grabbed from Aminet, where I originally got most of it. But there were various other sites that have been and gone in that time, which had wonderful tunes. My Mini archive was mostl...
Views 69, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
#214 - 2nd August 2015
Views 98, Upvotes 28  
Tv , Emu
13907 results 0 1 2 3 ... 439 (440) 441 ... 513 514 515 Prev Next
Site credits : This was all done by Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 121

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai