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27th October 2011
I've done a LOT of work since yesterday. All 50 hats are in, 50 chrs are in, and I've stripped out a whole bunch of annoying quirky bugs. There's one really annoying "Got stuck again" issue that I need to weed out, but I can't figure out the best way to do it, so I'll point it out in the beta tomorrow, for those who are getting it. SPOILER ALERT Inside is ALL the characters. Don't click it if you'd rather not know!
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Daily Blog
Gah!!!!!! Blog
26th October 2011
Gah! Extra hats today! I now need about 3 hats, and annoyingly I think I might need an extra bunch of baddies, which also means more hats! D'oh! Still, those can wait until after the Friday Beta. The things that can't wait, are those annoying things that build and build, until you realise you don't really have a whole lot of time.
Views 37, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
25th October 2011
Tonight, I started implementing a few of the hat suggestions, from a couple of days ago. This really is a mad dash, at this point, as I desperately try to get hats and badges all bundled into the game's code, ready for the Friday beta. There's still going to be masses of things missing from Fridays beta, like a Game Over screen, and an Adventure Complete! thing.. stuff like that. But for the most part, yet again, this will be a nice release candidate. ..It won't be released, of course, bec...
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Daily Blog
25th October 2011
Today's been total utter chaos. I wrote a bunch of little Badges (Awards?!) the other day, so I've spent today trying to wrangle the code together so that they actually work. See inside for some oddly missing information.
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Daily Blog
24th October 2011
First up, be aware that these aren't working yet, so the bit where one of the achievements would appear to be mostly impossible without the others, is actually down to the fact that they're 6 items apart, and nothing to do with anything that's been earned yet!!! .. having said that, here's the first screenshot of the Achievement table that I've been working on, today.
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Daily Blog
24th October 2011
This is the plan. Week 1 This Friday I'm launching Beta2, so I have until Friday to add an alarming number of things. I thought I was on track, but then realised I needed... 1. All the hats! 2. All the badges. 3. A couple of bits of music. 4. Scoring methods This Beta will hopefully be, for the most part, the fully complete game. Any extras after this point should be neatness-tweaks, and nothing major, but.. well.. things always get in the way!!
Views 47, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
23rd October 2011
Every character, when caught in a bubble and collected, can be "worn" like a "hat". (They don't look like hats, but that's what I started calling them, and that's what I'll continue to call them!) Each hat will give the NeonPlat a special skill, allowing him to do all manner of wonderous things. The run through so far includes ball throwing, ice throwing, flower throwing, drop through the floors, hop in the air, shield, and many more. Today, I added "Multiplier x2" and "Multiplier x5" ...
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Daily Blog
23rd October 2011
Saturday's my "At work for a while" day, so I usually get a lot less codey time done, but I still managed quite a few bits and pieces in the morning. A couple of new baddies, and a teensy bit of AI are in there, as is something which may or may not be confusing, depending on whether you remember the 7 year old oddity or not. Suffice to say, the bananas do definitely appear to be coming from below the arrow. .. not sure what that's all about.. ---


Got a little feedback, yest...
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Daily Blog
21st October 2011
5 more, today! woot! That's 42 little animated characters I've popped into the game, now! (43 if you count NeonPlat!) 50? Looking entirely possible at this point! And I've done 8 backgrounds, now, too, so we'll probably want another 2 of those. I'll be honest.. Background #8 was kinda lazily cobbled together, but it works! I'll leave you with a nice desktop for today. This one's from Background #2, which I like to call "Square Pixels", but which doesn't real...
Views 18, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
20th October 2011
Until about 2pm today, NeonPlat's logo looked like this. <a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/OldLogo.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/OldLogo.png" alt="" title="OldLogo" width="561" height="213" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1966" /></a> Now it looks like this..
Views 58, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
19th October 2011
On Tuesday, things had started to go annoyingly slowly.. That part where the number of bug fixes grossly outweighs the number of fun happy additions you can be enjoying adding to your game. But I did a lot of fixes on Tuesday!
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Daily Blog
18th October 2011
1. Drew new baddies. 2. Tweaked level generator. 3. Made Ducky-Turret's weapon a bit more visible. 4. I also took another 6 items off my todo list, but I can no longer remember what they were, since I've removed them from my list! d'oh! umm.. *shrugs* Still, I got quite a bit work done, and things are all nicey nicey. I haven't yet drawn anymore backgrounds, though... Need to do more of those. This isn't a very lengthy blog, today! Tomorrow, I'll make a list of what...
Views 30, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
17th October 2011
Phase One was the simple test engine I release WAY WAY back in the very early stages of this humongous project.. .. last month! Phase One was a basic engine, with simple platforming mechanics. Taking the rules of NeonPlat and adding a scrolling background, I wanted to judge if it'd be enjoyed. True, one piece of feedback was a little downbeat, but on the whole it's been well appreciated. You can't please everyone, but the original's not broken, so hopefully that makes up for it. Pha...
Views 57, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
16th October 2011
Tap inside to see Jiro25 playing the NeonPlat Adventures Beta!
Views 43, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
14th October 2011
Last night I sat down to jot a few readme notes for the Beta Testers. By the time I was done, I'd inexplicably written 1500 words of gubbins! Whoops!
Views 20, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
12th October 2011
I'm in preparation mode, now, and am trying to fix the outer shell of NeonPlat Adventures, so that the game looks a little less rough around the edges, for all the people who'll be playing the lovely beta edition on Friday. Today I worked on the menu a little, fiddled with that "about" section that I never bother to fill in, and added nice level open/close sweepy things that make things look a little less slapped together. They're still just slabs of coloured rectangles, but they swoop left/...
Views 22, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
11th October 2011
One of the hardest things about adding baddies to this game is, surprisingly for me, not actually drawing things! With NeonPlat I've created a weird skewed world, where nothing looks exactly as it should. This gives me a little artistic license with my artwork. .. or rather, I can be shit, and nobody'll notice! If something looks a little too odd, I simply make it look odder in the animation, and it somehow cobbles together nicely. Want an example? The Bats don't flap, they kinda invert-...
Views 59, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
One Month Blog
10th October 2011
Over the past year or so, I've done a few month-long iOS projects, but NeonPlat Adventures is the first time in a long time that I've tackled a nice big Windows/Mac/Linux project. Today, 11th October 2011, marks the one-month anniversary since I officially started this project.
Views 41, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
9th October 2011
At the moment, I'm sending occasional beta editions of NeonPlat Adventures to two people. One is AuthenticKaizen (/PixelProspector). He got instant beta-status, because he started the whole NeonPlat thing. This is all his fault!! I've been sending him little hidden youtube clips, occasional "New Stuff!" screenshots, and discussing possibilities with him. The other is Spinal (/Spinal Cord) who recently redid SpikeDislike as Nintendo DS Homebrew. Spinal and I tend to think and code the same. ...
Views 33, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
8th October 2011
Hello developer, We added your games to our website. You can find the entries on <a href="https://html5games.de"> - and vote for it . In return we would love a backlink from you. Multiple banners and textlinks are on Thank you very much in advance and greetings from Germany The html5games.de team That's fantastic! Games get Spread, Games get Played, and more importantly they're all PlayMyCode games, so it's helping to get thei...
Views 21, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
5th October 2011
AnotherWorld wanted a complete JNKPlat history page thing, but found my old page a little (3 years?!) out of date. Today, I updated it, and added some nice inbetweeny bits. I give you, The History of JNKPlat!
Views 15, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
Hats Blog
4th October 2011
If you've been paying attention to this blog, or my Tweets, you'll have probably noticed a strange increase in Hat mentions, with no real purpose. Around about Day 3 of NeonPlat Adventure coding, I realised the need to do something new with the spheres. The Ice-thing would freeze a baddy, and then you could smash it. If that was all that the spheres did, then they'd be nothing special. The spheres needed to be special. Today, I finally got around to making some Hats! <a href="ht...
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Daily Blog
3rd October 2011
Back to NeonPlat Adventures today, and I spent a good 6 hours doodling away in Paintshop Pro, trying to get some nice new graphics for the game sorted. In all that time, I managed to draw (and integrate) 2 new World Themes, and 2 new Baddies. 6 hours for THAT?! *sigh* Still, the baddies are in, the worlds look fairly decent, and the game's still ticking away like it should. .. more to come! and no screenies, 'cos that'd be giving things away!
Views 48, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
2nd October 2011
On September 30th, I had one game to cope with. Today I was juggling 4!!
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Daily Blog
1st October 2011
One at a time. Get the task done, finish the game entirely, move onto the next. Our current task is NeonPlat Adventures. Let's see how much I added today..
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Daily Blog
30th September 2011
NeonPlat Stats So Far Throwables : 3 (still the same 3!?) Objects : 8 Baddies : 9 Bosses : 1 Background styles : 1.5! (first complete, 2nd half done but needs tweaked so everything isn't dodgy looking blue squares!) Level types : 3'ish (depending on how I tweak the numbers) Music : 2'ish (2 very similar tunes, and a separate "Boss Time" tune.)
Views 49, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
26th September 2011
Had another Migraine day, today, and thus managed to accomplish bog all. 'tis a bit of a downpoint, considering how productive I've been over the past couple of weeks, but I pretty much ended up reading forums, messing about on Twitter, and.. .. Relaxing a bit. Because, apparently that's important, even when you're kicking ass making a really great platformer. Go figure!
Views 39, Upvotes 8  
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AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai