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24th February 2012
I think I'm heading back to bed, today! Some days just don't seem to start off very well, and after a few hours of trying, don't appear to be getting any better! Today I've managed to complete the following amazing achievements. 1. Get two dice to roll on the screen. That is all... I also tried getting Blockman Gets iOS to feel right, but... I dunno.. For some strange reason the controls seem WAY off, and I'll probably have to redo them from scratch. Maybe it's the constant switching of framew...
Views 65, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
23rd February 2012
(URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/FarTooLong.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/FarTooLong-287x300.png" alt="" title="FarTooLong" width="287" height="300" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-2337" />I was in two minds whether to do this game now, or leave it for a couple of weeks to come up a few ideas, but I had nothing else to do, so I started it anyway! Whether the board will end up looking like th...
Views 332, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
21st February 2012
I struggled to get anything new started, today.. I'm not 100% sure why that is. Perhaps I woke up too early, or maybe it's that "End of Project" exhaustion, who knows. I think it's the first time this year, that I've hit that particular wall, and as a result I pretty much just sat about playing games all day, and not actually achieving a damned thing.
Views 70, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
20th February 2012
\o/yeay\o/ Pancakes! <a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Pancakes-Syrup-Screenshot_20-Feb-2012_140222.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Pancakes-Syrup-Screenshot_20-Feb-2012_140222-300x225.png" alt="" title="Pancakes Syrup (Screenshot_20 Feb 2012_140222)" width="300" height="225" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-2330" /></a> This week, at the suggestion of <a href="https://twitter.com/#!/GlenMcNamee/status/16939209179175731...
Views 68, Upvotes 14  
18th February 2012
This is an emergency post. The future of AGameAWeek may be in jeopardy. Everything hinges on the decision I make within the next few hours. Do I do the Board Game thing, or do I do the Pancake thing?
Views 151, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
13th February 2012
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/One-Turtle-Dove-Screenshot_13-Feb-2012_121739.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/One-Turtle-Dove-Screenshot_13-Feb-2012_121739-300x187.png" alt="" title="One Turtle Dove (Screenshot_13 Feb 2012_121739)" width="300" height="187" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-2322" /></a> It's Valentines Day, and what better way to celebrate than to play a game with a slightly askew title! This isn't a...
Views 96, Upvotes 16  
.. Nope.. Blog
12th February 2012
The Plan! NeonPlat Classic is the original edition. If I hurry up and quickly build a version of that on iOS, I can get it released in time for my Birthday, then have a 24 hour giveaway like I did with SpikeDislike last year. The Realism For some reason I wasn't thinking about the "it takes a week to pass through review" thing. Stupid bloody Apple... Never mind. I'll probably do another SpikeDislike freebie day or something, instead. Meanwhile..
Views 26, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
11th February 2012
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/iPhone_31.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/iPhone_31-300x200.png" alt="" title="iPhone_3" width="300" height="200" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-2313" /></a>You can now head on over to the <a href="https://bit.ly/iOS_Unijuggler">iOS AppStore</a> to grab a nice new version of Unijuggler! You can juggle the balls, ducks, clubs and rings, and aim for a super highscore to annoy all ...
Views 99, Upvotes 10  
8th February 2012
...this iOS stuff isn't quick, is it!? Week one, decide on game, start game.. Week two, keep tweaking annoyingly broken things in framework and get game done. Submit game! ... Week three, Trailer, Forum post formatting, email formatting, gather email addys, etc. FFS, Week three's the smegging PR gubbins.
Views 34, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
7th February 2012
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Snaked-Up-Screenshot_07-Feb-2012_111452.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Snaked-Up-Screenshot_07-Feb-2012_111452-300x225.png" alt="" title="Snaked Up (Screenshot_07 Feb 2012_111452)" width="300" height="225" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-2301" /></a> Last weekend, most of the developers on the internet took part in the great big Global Game Jam, whereby everyone settled down to a nice long ...
Views 129, Upvotes 19  
5th February 2012
Over the weekend, Sheep Goes Left has been free. (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/logo-hd-copy.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/logo-hd-copy.png" alt="" title="logo-hd copy" width="320" height="163" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2296" /> Don't worry if you missed it, because it's actually still free until the 8th of February, I just won't be banging on about it on Twitter like I have been! ...
Views 54, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
3rd February 2012
Last week, there was no AGameAWeek. It was the clown's fault.. .. stupid clown.. (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/iTunesArtwork.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/iTunesArtwork-300x300.png" alt="" title="iTunesArtwork" width="300" height="300" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-2288" />With my newer shinier iOS Framework running the way it was more-or-less supposed to be, I decided to take a week ...
Views 28, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
31st January 2012
(URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Icon@2x.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Icon@2x.png" alt="" title="Icon@2x" width="114" height="114" class="alignright size-full wp-image-2280" />Insert sad face here.. This week I've been concentrating on iOS development, getting a nice half-assed version of Unijuggler up and running, and playing with the game's rules in a vague attempt to make it a bit more playable...
Views 21, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
28th January 2012
It's Saturday morning, and I've not yet started Tuesday's game. Haven't even got any thoughts in mind, either! As such, I figured I should warn you all incase I don't actually get a game posted, this week. If I do attempt something, it'll probably be done in PlayMyCode, because that'll save all the current Mac crap that I'm having to put up with. Damn you Lion!!! Meanwhile.. (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/photo-13.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uplo...
Views 40, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
24th January 2012
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Key-Bo-Ard-Too-Screenshot_24-Jan-2012_112526.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Key-Bo-Ard-Too-Screenshot_24-Jan-2012_112526-300x225.png" alt="" title="Key Bo & Ard Too (Screenshot_24 Jan 2012_112526)" width="300" height="225" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-2270" /></a> A sequel for this week's AGameAWeek! I've been thinking about Key, Bo and Ard since I popped them into NeonPla...
Views 122, Upvotes 14  
22nd January 2012
News, today, of a new Sitcom under development at HBO. <a href="https://www.deadline.com/2012/01/sundance-hbo-and-scott-rudin-to-turn-docu-indie-game-into-series/">HBO are converting Indie Game The Movie into a sitcom!</a> A sitcom based on a bunch of videogame developers? How on earth would THAT work!?!
Views 41, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
19th January 2012
Bah.. I knew that'd happen.. As soon as AGameAWeek kicked back into action, the "Daily Blog" would take a bit of a fall. I'm trying to keep up, though! Honest!!
Views 33, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
17th January 2012
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Shift-Clues-Screenshot_17-Jan-2012_101836.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Shift-Clues-Screenshot_17-Jan-2012_101836-300x225.png" alt="" title="Shift Clues (Screenshot_17 Jan 2012_101836)" width="300" height="225" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-2248" /></a>Sorry!! It's another uninteresting game this week, so apologies if you just plain hate it! It's not bad, it's just not goo...
Views 123, Upvotes 16  
16th January 2012
So, I'm sitting there trying to get a nice GameCenter thing added to my new framework, and I figured that having to display people's names might very well require a bit of Unicode.. (Note : This is the reason my other iOS games don't have names on the highscore lists!) In Cocos, you can use 3 font styles.. one is a simple bitmap font (this one I can handle!) one is a complex bitmap font (with a required 50,000,000,000,000 images to handle all the possible languages!) and the third one uses ttf fonts. ...
Views 34, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
15th January 2012
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/photo-11.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/photo-11-300x200.png" alt="" title="photo (11)" width="300" height="200" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-2241" /></a> Today, I'm continuing to build a framework for my iOS games. You might've noticed that I've started a buttload of iOS games, lately, and yet I haven't finished any of the things.. I've noticed that, too, and qui...
Views 24, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
12th January 2012
Tonight, I got home from work with a game idea in mind. Using my freshly reinstalled PC, I settled down for the first bit of coding on the thing, copied my FrameworkTemplate to a new folder, drew a couple of sprites, opened the code, built up a simple array/tilemap test engine, and then hit Build.. .. Aaah.. Seems my dev-environment isn't quite at 100% yet, because I coded the thing into a FrameworkTemplate from about a year ago, and all the nice new stuff is missing. *sigh* What a waste of an hou...
Views 18, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
STAY!!! Blog
11th January 2012
Another day, another install.. About 12 months ago, my bedroom PC basically crapped it's pants, and became an inexplicably unusable box that sat in the corner of the room. Knowing I'd need to format, I hunted for the Vista install disc, then remembered that.. A) Vista didn't bloody well come with one (Buying from Comet would've been handy, there!) and B) It'd been ages since I'd bought any blank DVDs Still, I had a Mac, so sod it!!
Views 35, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
9th January 2012
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/The-Unijuggler-Screenshot_09-Jan-2012_215837.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/The-Unijuggler-Screenshot_09-Jan-2012_215837-300x187.png" alt="" title="The Unijuggler (Screenshot_09 Jan 2012_215837)" width="300" height="187" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-2229" /></a> A nice and simple "Highscore" game. Keep the Unijuggler's balls afloat, and if you're feeling lucky, you can try forgi...
Views 148, Upvotes 14  
8th January 2012
I was absolutely shattered, when I got home from work last night. I tried to watch an episode of House, but gave up halfway, and zonked out by about 11'ish. Probably didn't do me much good, then, to have woken up at half one in the morning, and spent the next 4 hours coding away. whoops!
Views 35, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
hmm.. Blog
6th January 2012
Not sure why, but I'm finding it difficult to get a start on things, this morning. Yesterday I managed to get a whole lot of stuff done, ranging from webby fixes, through to making a unicycle. Today, I'm loading up bits of source, staring at it, closing it, trying something else.. I've been doing this for about 49 minutes, according to my playlist's timer! I think I'll grab the 3DS and carry on attempting random Mario levels. Hopefully that'll go a little better. Coming Tuesday : A game with a u...
Views 41, Upvotes 26  
Daily Blog
4th January 2012
(URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Rooty-Tooty-Shooty-Screenshot_04-Jan-2012_123616.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Rooty-Tooty-Shooty-Screenshot_04-Jan-2012_123616-300x225.png" alt="" title="Rooty Tooty Shooty (Screenshot_04 Jan 2012_123616)" width="300" height="225" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-2218" />This game makes you want to cry... .. or not bother..
Views 66, Upvotes 12  
2nd January 2012
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/AGameAWeek2012_large.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/AGameAWeek2012_large-300x300.png" alt="" title="AGameAWeek2012_large" width="300" height="300" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-2214" /></a> I still haven't finished NeonPlat Adventures iOS yet, so I'm jumping between a whole lot of work at the moment. As a result, the first few AGameAWeek games aren't going to be the most work...
Views 23, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
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Site credits : Jayenkai put all his heart and soul into everything you can see on this site.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 123

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai