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6th September 2010
54 games. Last year I only managed about 30-odd, so I think that's pretty good going. Sure, it might not have truely actually been A Game "Per" Week, but I did at least keep the ratio up. If I hadn't taken the time out to build the framework, I probably would've actually achieved the target a little better The stats show I was pretty much on top of things up until that point, but then things got slower and slower until my buffer zone was all dried up. Anyhoo, this is a nice big lengthy re...
Views 67, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
5th September 2010
54 games. Last year I only managed about 30-odd, so I think that's pretty good going. Sure, it might not have truely actually been A Game "Per" Week, but I did at least keep the ratio up. If I hadn't taken the time out to build the framework, I probably would've actually achieved the target a little better The stats show I was pretty much on top of things up until that point, but then things got slower and slower until my buffer zone was all dried up. Anyhoo, this is a nice big lengthy re...
Views 64, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
3rd August 2010
Incase you hadn't heard already, I released my first iPhing game, last Wednesday night. This week, I'm releasing the Win/Lin/Mac testbed version of the very same game. Think of this as a promotional item, of sorts, but also as a "Let's try new things" ideas edition. <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href="
Views 110, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
31st July 2010
This wasn't planned, but I'm pissing about with Cardagain again! So, I might as well kill two birds with one stone. I've spent a few hours rebuilding my original BlitzMax version of Cardagain, and I'm going to add a few test bits and pieces onto it (to see what does/doesn't work) before then transferring them back over to the iPhings. Meanwhile, I can post that nice new super-hi-def Cardagain here, and you guys can all play it. That'll be Tuesday's game, and it'll also be the thing taking up all my ti...
Views 59, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
29th July 2010
I'll post Mac and Linux editions of this tomorrow, but I just want to make sure it's working for all the PC Peeps first.. <a href="">Here's a rerelease of Microbe2</a>, with ONLINE SCOREBOARDS!!! And those keyboard controls that everyone apparently wanted.. Lemmie know how it goes! Ta
Views 41, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
26th July 2010
Awww.. A missed week. They're quite rare, nowadays, but there we go. If Apple could get their act together, I could've said "Y2:W48 : Cardagain iPod", but.. guess that's not happening any time soon. Nearly a whole week since I submitted my game, and still no feedback at all. SUCKS.. So, what HAVE I been doing this week?
Views 34, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
23rd July 2010
Although, I did say that last week, too! Never mind.. Read inside for techy stuff!
Views 39, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
20th July 2010
Looking at the stats, either everyone decided to leave when I released NeonPlat (Why?!) or folk started to get upset when I mentioned my attempts at iPhing Development. I'm not sure which, but there's certainly been an awkward shift. So, I'm going to split things up. Even though my iPod Development won't be "AGameAWeek" (or at least, not for a long long while) I've still decided to call my new site AGameAWeek iDev. Because, what the heck, that's my brand now! I might as well s...
Views 40, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
30th June 2010
Am I still doing that 90 minute thing?! *shrugs* Seems to have faded out a bit. Oh well, no matter.. Today I spent about 2 hours working on this. <a href=""><img src=""></a> .. Yep, that..
Views 65, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
18th June 2010
OK, so I finally got my DevLicense, and the first thing I did was to slap the test engine onto my iPod Touch. If you've tried that, you'll probably found exactly the same thing that I did. ...that, rather than going "Weeee!" it went "... plod... plod..." at about 2 frames a second. This is not a good thing. Today I've been experimenting with all kinds of things. I've figured out how to draw images to a "buffer", and then have that buffer be one of our UIImageView things, so that it...
Views 55, Upvotes 11  
Ios Dev
17th June 2010
Jayenkai's World Cup Challenge : <a href="">A plan to do something, rather than sit watching football for 90 minutes each and every day..</a> --- No fair, I missed yesterday Blame Apple. They sent me my iPhing Dev License, and I spent the day playing about with that, and installing everything again... Nothing productive, just a wasted day. Today is marginally better..
Views 140, Upvotes 10  
13th June 2010
Jayenkai's World Cup Challenge : (URL "">A plan to do something, rather than sit watching football for 90 minutes each and every day..) --- A little rushed, today, but still managed to slot my 90 minutes in. Today's productivity probably isn't useful to 95% of readers, but I spent the time tweaking the Upload Gallery, over at The gallery no longer attempts to load every single thing you've ever uploaded all at once, and i...
Views 29, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
12th June 2010
Jayenkai's World Cup Challenge : <a href="">A plan to do something, rather than sit watching football for 90 minutes each and every day..</a> --- I'm off to watch the season finale of Stargate Universe! Meanwhile, here's my first 45 minutes. Not sure what I'm going to do in my other 45 minutes, but the first half turned out ok! .. although it took up all of my 45 minutes!!! And it really wasn't meant to take...
Views 65, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
11th June 2010
Jayenkai's World Cup Challenge : <a href="">A plan to do something, rather than sit watching football for 90 minutes each and every day..</a> --- Well, that didn't go to plan, but it's not entirely awful, either. In fact, it's turned out so nicely that I've even added it to the Archive. AGameAWeek just took a turn for the weird! Today's quickly made game was made in about 4 hours, and is a nice Scrabble...
Views 122, Upvotes 18  
8th June 2010
Simply put, Awesome!!! Hop around, grab the balls, throw them at the bad guys, and paint all the white floor tiles in the colour of your pants! There are four difficulty modes on the titlescreen, and you can play Co-Op style with up to four players simultaneously!!! (although, you all have to be using the one system. Still haven't learned to do any Network stuff, yet!!) <a href=""><img src="
Views 196, Upvotes 24  
1st June 2010
Having pretty much messed up this week's game, I figured it'd be a better idea to go for the Tried and Tested, this week. So, without having to think too hard, it's time for NeonPlat 2! First job is the art. All nice and hi-res, while still being small enogh to fit as much onscreen as I can. Level Progression should be dealt with, and a couple more characters, too, so suggestions for those are welcome. I'll keep you updated, as the game builds! An update as the game builds.. &...
Views 51, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
25th May 2010
This week we're playing with Penises! A remake of a classic test game, that never really went anywhere. The game is only about half done, since I pretty much rushed the whole thing yesterday, but it has 10 nice levels, and should hopefully be a good start. <a href=""><img src=""></a> Click the penises to turn them around, and put their little hats on t...
Views 120, Upvotes 15  
20th May 2010
So far, we've had the following.. ... Day 1. (Last Wednesday) Do What?! Wha.!.! Euww.. Visual stuff.. Eeek! Argh!! Day 2. (Thursday) Pissed about with other stuff on my Mac, in a vain attempt to ignore the fact that I had to learn stuff. Days 3-7. (Fri-Sat-Sun-Mon-Tue) Back to AGameAWeek, recompiling all the Blitz stuff, uploading those, fixing up JNKPlat and Gravity Bombs. --- It seems that, no matter how much I want to, I don't actually have all that much iPhing time. A...
Views 50, Upvotes 12  
Ios Dev
14th May 2010
A couple of days ago I posted my first test compilation of a Mac game. I asked for test-based feedback, and absolutely nobody responded, whatsoever. We're just going to have to go for the "Worked on mine, *shrugs*" approach for these!! Today, I'm rereleasing the game from Wednesday with a quick fix, and also releasing a bunch of other games that I've written in BlitzMax. We've also got JNKPlat and Gravity Bombs to come, but I want to tweak those a little before I rerelease them. Anyway, here's ...
Views 57, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
12th May 2010
Balls. I was hoping that "Buy Mac = Make games for Mac", but apparently it's only "Buy Intel Mac = Make games for Intel Mac" I have no idea what the current Intel vs PowerPC ratio is, but if you've got a PowerPC Mac, you're going to have to wait a wee bit longer. Like, until I make a fortune! So, a long long long long while!! Meanwhile, my first test game is up. I've quickly (took about 3 hours to get everything downloaded and setup!!) recompiled UFO246, and it's now (RIGHT NOW!)...
Views 43, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
11th May 2010
Why will companies deliver things on time!?! Today, my Mac was meant to be turning up. It's not 3:30, the Mac isn't here, and even if it does turn up, I've no sodding time to DO anything, what with having to get ready for work, and all.. I was hoping to have the following achieved today. 1. Get it going. 2. Install BlitzMax 3. Test Framework 4. Recompile UFO 246 on Mac 5. Get my first Mac game online. I've then got another 6 days to sort out the other 2010 releases, fix 'em...
Views 37, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
30th April 2010
Mmmm.. Wallpaper! (URL ""><img src=""> (URL ""><img src=""> (URL ""><img src="">
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Daily Blog
MAV Blog
14th April 2010
Folk who currently have the editor should be aware that there's a slight bug with the far right, and lower sides of the levels! Try not to go too far!! Thanks! I probably mis-counted something, somewhere, and it's all gone a bit pants! Otherwise everything should, hopefully, be working just fine. Although I'm a little disappointed that I didn't test that. It popped into my mind a couple of days ago, but I was too busy trying to get the encoding to work that it then popped right back ...
Views 69, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
10th April 2010
Think you've got what it takes to make JNKPlat levels? Want to get your name into a game before the game's even finished yet? Want to even get to play the game before it's even finished?! email me, NOW! or post "Me!" (or otherwise) into the comments below. A limited selection will receive the pre-pre-pre edition of the game, with a very simple batch of test levels, and the fully formed level editor, ready to build some kick-ass new stuff. Pre-pre-pre editi...
Views 77, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog
10th April 2010
Things aren't going too badly in the Level Editor. <a href=""><img src=""></a> A nice bar, Selectable objects, Test button, Tabs.. In many ways, things are about the same as they were before, and that's exactly how Platdude likes them! Keen observers might notice the lack of lights and switches. The whole purpose of the lights was to limit what the player could s...
Views 93, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
6th April 2010
No release yet, it's nearly ready, but still so far away! Not to worry, it's Platdude's month, so let's carry on. By the end of this month there'll be a PC version, and a Linux version, too. That's hopefully apparent by now. What I've not mentioned, yet, is my hopes to recreate this game onto other platforms. So let's talk about that, now.
Views 48, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
30th March 2010
Today I've made a start on the next JNKPlat. Everything will be sprite based, but MASSIVE compared to previous outings. Where previously they'd been 8x8 pixel tiles, this time around they're going to be 64x64 pixels. That's a 6400% size increase! (Assuming I did the maths right!) Look inside for the super high-resolution mock-shot!
Views 67, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
1251 results 0 1 2 3 ... 42 (43) 44 45 46 Prev Next
Site credits : Site built from the ground up, in php, using Programmer's Notepad 2, and a very bored Jayenkai.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 272

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai