39 results 0 (1)
29th January 2020
Michael Fernie posted to the suggestion box..
Mr Do type game
Another fun game we used to play all the time. Sort of like Dig Dug but I liked this better. Loved being able to throw the ball and have it bounce thru tunnels you made.

Views 52, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog , Thoughts
14th January 2014
If last week was an example of a good week, then this week is most definitely the polar opposite!
Welcome to a failed AGameAWeek!!

Views 54, Upvotes 10  
14th January 2014
Views 1279, Upvotes 36  
Tunnel , Blasttrax , Shoot-em-up , Abandoned
10th January 2014
Forewarning : I'm not entirely sure if I'll be able to finish off this week's game in time!
For one thing, it feels like it should be a little more complex than it currently is. Loads of extra stuff could be added, but I probably don't have the time to add it all in.
Secondly, however, is the current issue I'm having, health-wise. All of 2012's nastyness has left me slightly off-balance, and kinda queazy a bit. For the most part, I'm managing quite well, but this week's game..
(URL "htt...
Views 9, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
8th May 2013
<img src="" style="float:right;"> Every day, AGameAWeek Gold takes a peek through the inexplicably large collection of releases, and digs out any old games that I've previously released on this day in history.
Occasionally there aren't any. I'm not fast enough to have that many!
But other times, there's more than one!
How odd!

Views 62, Upvotes 15  
Agameaweek Gold
1st December 2010
<img src="">
A brand new game, EVERY DAY over Christmas!

Views 70, Upvotes 9  
12th June 2010
Jayenkai's World Cup Challenge : <a href="">A plan to do something, rather than sit watching football for 90 minutes each and every day..</a>
I'm off to watch the season finale of Stargate Universe!
Meanwhile, here's my first 45 minutes.
Views 37, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
28th April 2010
Very rarely do I get feedback direct, other than from the few of you who seem to hang around here a lot, but there is feedback out there.. if you really hunt for it!
This past couple of weeks have, as per usual, been all about the Two-Button-Jump.
"OMG! Two!? WTF!" and so on. I can deal with those complaints, I've heard them many a time before, and even added the extra one-button rubbishy mode to help those who can't shut up about it.
It's annoying, but what the hey.
*fingers in ea...
Views 19, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
18th February 2010
When I first started to think of "A game that uses Badges" the name "Dungeon Badges" stuck in my head, and slowly but surely evolved into Dungeon Badgers.
Over the course of the week (during which I was finishing off Centipong 2) the idea had evolved to include a garden, a house, a cat, and of course.. mushrooms and... arrghh! A snake!
Today's post is a brief description of the game that was in my head, before it got thrown out and replaced with an idea that could be drawn a wee bit quicker!
Views 26, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
2008... Blog
22nd December 2008
( border="0"><tr><td>Blimey!
What a year, eh!
I decided to round off the year with a nice big, old fashioned list, with everything in it.
Except this doesn't have everything in it, because I've forgotten to add the DS games.. I'll do that later!! (Took me about 3 hours to do this, so I'm not going to tweak it, now!!)
Views 34, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
18th June 2007
Over the year, I've started a whole big bunch of games. Occasionally I finish a few! Here's some of the ones that involve Monkeys!
A mini competition was announced over at BlitzCoder. Create a game using no more than 150 lines of code. I created a silly game featuring a spinning set of monkeys, flying through a multicoloured tunnel. You had to shoot the monkeys. This became Space Monkeys 1
<a href=""><img src="
Views 149, Upvotes 38  
JNKPlat Blog
18th June 2007
Platdude. A 16 pixel, 3 color character. Deftly defying the world of 3D models and amazing realism, in favour of good old fashioned gameplay.
Over the years, Platdude has been in plenty of games.. Here's an approximate history of Platdude, along with Downloads where appropriate. (Or skip to the bottom for the latest stuff!)

Views 374, Upvotes 26  
About , Platdude
39 results 0 (1)
Site credits : Jayenkai put all his heart and soul into everything you can see on this site.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai