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23rd June 2009
Well, not all suck.
Let's take a quick run through my week, shall we?
Posted last week's game, got prepared to work on PatentWars some more.
Views 77, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
18th May 2009
I haven't started it yet!
This week's Wednesday Workshop (#201) asks us to create a game within a 3 hour limit.
Looks like I'm aiming for that, then!
Views 30, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
12th May 2009
This week's Wednesday Workshop (#200! wowie) asked us to create a game using no more than 2000 characters.
I managed to recreate the classic 8-bit title "Splat!", whereby you control a spider through a maze, picking up fruit.
In order to squeeze all that into 2000 characters, I opted for simpler mouse movement, and few other bits and pieces.
Then I figured, what the heck, and decided to make it a wee bit bigger for AGameAWeek.
Guide the worm through the maze, grab the circles, av...
Views 86, Upvotes 26  
5th May 2009
Is that title subtle enough for Google, d'you think?
This week, I've been getting to grips with MidletPascal, and dodging it's annoying mid-compile crashes, in a vague attempt to get some games onto my phone.
Sorry folks, this week's AGameAWeek is entirely Java based.
Views 505, Upvotes 10  
14th April 2009
So, Red Dwarf.
I know there's a lot of complainers out there, but I loved it.
OK, it wasn't old Dwarf, and it really missed the laugh-track.
But that was good!
Views 20, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
Pipe Rats Blog
7th April 2009
A bizarre mismash of random thoughts this week, alongside an eventual plan of action, and only a day to impliment it!!

Views 129, Upvotes 11  
2nd April 2009
OK, as I said earlier, I've been playing with the Skeleton stuff today.
Whilst I was in there, I wondered how fun it might be if I added some kind of overriding features into my default engine.
You might (or not) have noticed, but since Wednesday Workshop Week #1, I've been placing all my game's data into the System folder, then into it's own Weekly numbered folder within.
If you get ALL my games (from the past couple of years), you can bundle them all together into the same folder.
Views 25, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
24th March 2009
A long forgotten game gets a remake today.
Platfire was originally made, way way back in Wednesday Workshop #2!!
To be fair, #1's probably the better game, style wise. (As in, it wasn't rushed within a few hours, since yesterday!!)
But Platfire 2 is in the "It's super hard, and you won't get much of a score" style that I seem to be leaching onto, these days.
Views 67, Upvotes 9  
13th March 2009
BAH!! DS Coding is annoying!!
Techy stuff inside..

Views 93, Upvotes 16  
Platdude Retro Collection 2
1st March 2009
I'm yet to start coding anything gamewise, yet, but I've made my first start on the first game.
Gerinych over at GBATemp suggested a Sokoban clone.
Usually, I avoid Sokobans. They're kinda dull, generic and boring after 5 seconds, but there's something in Sokoban that's really useful right now.
Sokoban has a LOT of levels, and since one of the Socoder members (JL235) is making his own Sokoban clone, he knew where I'd find a whole big bunch of levels for it.
Views 80, Upvotes 16  
Platdude Retro Collection 2
25th February 2009
For DS Development, I use PALib and DevKitPro.
DevKitPro compiles everything nicely for the DS, whilst PALib is a set of functions that makes everything nice and usable, as opposed be being a baffling chaotic mess!
However, if you try updating it, a whole fleet of incompatibilities arise, be it because of DevKitPro changing, or PALib. And, it's not just little things either. A simple PALib upgrade will mean that pretty much all of my old games start getting little breaks in them, and it...
Views 54, Upvotes 11  
Platdude Retro Collection 2
3rd February 2009
This week's Wednesday Workshop <a href="">#186</a> was to create a nice Asteroids game.
As I started creating it, I was planning a nice Horizontal Shooter-esque game, with powerups and all kinds of crazyness.
But I ran out of steam midway.
A shame..
Views 45, Upvotes 8  
Go Left! Blog
20th January 2009
A short and sweet game, this week.
Would've been more (extra graphical niceness) but I ran out of time! Aw well..
Here's the basic form.
<img src="">
Views 62, Upvotes 7  
27th December 2008
I must apologise..
I assumed I was right.

Never assume you're right!

Views 40, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
2008... Blog
22nd December 2008
( border="0"><tr><td>Blimey!
What a year, eh!
I decided to round off the year with a nice big, old fashioned list, with everything in it.
Except this doesn't have everything in it, because I've forgotten to add the DS games.. I'll do that later!! (Took me about 3 hours to do this, so I'm not going to tweak it, now!!)
Views 31, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
15th December 2008
A more accurate title would be "Just like Windows Vista, here's a list of things I told you I'd be putting in, but haven't yet bothered to, so will be missing when I release the game.."
Except I'm one person, and have spent four weeks doing this.. Not 100 people working for 4 years...
*sigh* Vista sucks..
Views 42, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
14th December 2008

Sometimes Copy and Paste works..

Having finally put the nice simple swooshy spawning sound back into the game, and got a couple of nice test levels up and running, and inside the scoreboard, and then got the whole "Nth position on the online scoreboard" display going, I decided to move onto more pressing matters.
I already copy and pasted most of the control scheme stuff early on in the project, so to help give the game a little consistency, and so as not to have to recode the whole th...
Views 51, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
9th December 2008
I didn't get time to fix this up properly last night, or this morning, either.. Blame Alien Deathmatch!
So, this week's game is exactly as it was yesterday, when posted over at Socoder.
Wednesday Workshop #180 asked us to create a Darts game, so here's a quickly made one.
A target is written on the scoreboard, and with your three darts, you have to try to get as close to that target as you can.
Views 90, Upvotes 12  
28th November 2008
With the editor in, pretty much, full swing, I'm heading back to playing with the bugs again..

Having been undecided for a while, I eventually decided that the green bad guys should explode with a nice little puff of green smoke..
Views 78, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
22nd November 2008
Since we're already up to Saturday, and there's still an amazing amount of work to be done, I think I'm going to bump the deadline for Alien Deathmatch 2.. (OMG!! Missed Deadline!! WTF?!!?)
So, with that in mind, and since we missed AGameAWeek last week, I'm quickly heading back to Wednesday Workshop for a nice quicky idea.. This week's challenge is to create a game that works just as well played with a pen and some paper, as it does ingame..
For my entry, I'm not 100% sure, but I think I'll pr...
Views 78, Upvotes 41  
Daily Blog
16th November 2008
The other day I considered redoing the whole wall structure. I considered making nice wonderful multidirectional walls, and levels with all kinds of diagonals, straight, and maybe even curves.
It seemed like a good idea.
Then I started to work on it, and... well.. it wasn't exactly super fast!
In fact, things were painfully slow.
As the game struggled to draw a single wall, with nice detail like the old one, I realised that drawing an entire arena in that way would only lead to ...
Views 60, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
11th November 2008
Another quicky, today.. In fact, it's a little later than usual, but that's only because I'd only just thought of it, this morning!! Panic coding at it's best..
Wheel of No Prizes sees you spin the wheel, guess the place name, Hangman style, and carry on as much as you can until you've run out of lives.
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
Nice and simple stuff, but...
Views 117, Upvotes 21  
4th November 2008
If you're slightly above the age of people who are still meant to be pissing about playing silly games, like I am, you probably remember Gearworks, from the Amiga/C64 era.
I don't know why, but the game suddenly popped into my head, this week.
So I made a quicky clone.
It's not perfect, there's loads missing, and there's no editor in sight, but as a testbed for my still growing 2D-in-3D engine, it does the job.
<a href="
Views 87, Upvotes 13  
4th November 2008
Views 1955, Upvotes 17  
Puzzle , Strategy , Gearworks
Ball Up! Blog
21st October 2008
This week's Wednesday Workshop <a href="">#173</a> was a redoing of an old one. Wednesday Workshop 1 asked us to make games using only 5 objects onscreen.
Rather than doing that, I opted to take my original 5 object game, and remake it, turning it into a slightly more interesting game.
It's still not anything amazing, but at least it's something!
<a href=""><img src...
Views 114, Upvotes 10  
7th October 2008
I spent most of this week rebuilding a few of my older games with the new Highscore stuff, so there's a couple of nice new-ish games to play.

First off, we've the 3rd version of Horizontal Shooter.. <a href="">Get it here</a>. It's pretty much the same as ever, but with Mr Scouter from the original, thrown back in for good luck.
The new highscore method should help ward off nasty hackers from the scoreboard system.. Or at least for a...
Views 118, Upvotes 14  
30th September 2008
This week, I haven't entered the Wednesday Workshop. Instead I had a try at the Monthly one (#013), which asked us to create a game with lots of guns, and bullets and shootyness.
Since I'd already done a decent enough shooter the other day (H~S) I decided to try my hand at something a little different.
<a href=""><img src=""></a>

Views 94, Upvotes 11  
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AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai