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1st September 2009
Many many years ago (about 20?!) I played a game called Painter on a mate's BBC Micro.
Haven't played the thing since, but what the hey, here's the "Done in a day" remake!
I had intended to do a bigger project, and in fact that project is nearly done, but the lack of time made me postpone the larger project for a week, while it all gets done.
So, quicky game this week.
<a href=""><img src="
Views 54, Upvotes 16  
12th August 2009
Microbes is (URL "">here) : Capital letters don't work in the URL, but RetroGamer uses them anyway..

WebUser Magazine have a rather interesting idea. Each issue, they make a list of all the links included in that issue, and post it onto their forum.
Lazy folk who can't be arsed to type can then go to that post on the forum and use that as they flick through the magazine.
I honestly think it's a fantastic...
Views 39, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
7th August 2009

The AGameAWeek 2008-2009 Retrospective

(URL "">Part One), (URL "">Part Two), (URL "">Part Three), (URL "">Part Four), (URL "">Part Five)

The Home Str...

Views 62, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
6th August 2009

The AGameAWeek 2008-2009 Retrospective

(URL "">Part One), (URL "">Part Two), (URL "">Part Three), (URL "">Part Four), (URL "">Part Five)

10 weeks, 3 ...

Views 61, Upvotes 21  
Daily Blog
4th August 2009

The AGameAWeek 2008-2009 Retrospective

(URL "">Part One), (URL "">Part Two), (URL "">Part Three), (URL "">Part Four), (URL "">Part Five)


Views 40, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
3rd August 2009

The AGameAWeek 2008-2009 Retrospective

(URL "">Part One), (URL "">Part Two), (URL "">Part Three), (URL "">Part Four), (URL "">Part Five)


Views 83, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
9th June 2009
I've about 20-odd projects on the go, this week, so you'll have to excuse the lack of blog entries, and even a decent AGameAWeek game.
Most of this week was spent trying to roll a dice! (die, whatever)
I figured that, with 4 frames per roll, I'd need around about 200+ frames of animation.
I tried to work out all the animations, and it drove me crazy!
Views 76, Upvotes 5  
25th May 2009
I'm a calm person.
I will happily settle with what I've got, and be glad that I have it.
I don't own a copy of Flash, I can't afford it, and I'm not going to steal it.
So I carry on making games in Blitz, and whatever else I can get my hands on.
Views 56, Upvotes 14  
5th May 2009
Is that title subtle enough for Google, d'you think?
This week, I've been getting to grips with MidletPascal, and dodging it's annoying mid-compile crashes, in a vague attempt to get some games onto my phone.
Sorry folks, this week's AGameAWeek is entirely Java based.
Views 516, Upvotes 11  
22nd April 2009
I'm taking a day off from H~S~R today, thinking ahead for next weeks game, which may/may not be a word game.. not sure..
Anyhoo, there are bugs, and Swarmer found a couple, so head inside to have a good read about 'em.

Views 54, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog , Player Thoughts
16th April 2009
It's been 30 weeks since I last tackled Horizontal Shooter.
The last time, I used BlitzMax.
It was wonderful, and gave me all manner of nice swirly effects for those lovely background lines.
Views 39, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
27th February 2009
This time around, every game will have it's own quickly made titlescreen.
Not wanting to spend too much time doing each one, I figured I'd get away with doing NES style titles. They're simple, but effective.
I'm deciding all this, now, because it's so much easier than having to frantically throw it all together, later on, with 10 or so games all needing to be worked out!
So, the style right now is, Title of game at the top, highscores below, and "Press Start" below tha...
Views 86, Upvotes 20  
Platdude Retro Collection 2
19th January 2009
I'm not sure if you figured it out from the picture I posted the other day, but it seems that the project I'm currently working on in XNA will turn out to be Centipong.
To be honest, I wasn't actually planning to do Centipong!
I was actually just shoving in a basic sprite, and getting it bobbing around on the screen, in order to duplicate my basic "Blitz 2D-in-3D" command set within the XNA environment.
So far that's working out rather well, and I've near enough created...
Views 30, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
11th January 2009
PC 1 is dead.
However, PC 1 made nightly backups from Drive 1 to Drive 2, so all my data's safe and secure.
Unfortunately, They're both SATA drives, and PC2's a really old Celeron that doesn't have a SATA connector!
So, although all my stuff's safe, I can't actually get to any of it!
Views 47, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
2008... Blog
22nd December 2008
( border="0"><tr><td>Blimey!
What a year, eh!
I decided to round off the year with a nice big, old fashioned list, with everything in it.
Except this doesn't have everything in it, because I've forgotten to add the DS games.. I'll do that later!! (Took me about 3 hours to do this, so I'm not going to tweak it, now!!)
Views 34, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
3rd December 2008
The main menu of AD2 is still pretty much a blank screen! Albeit a red blank screen, with a couple of white rectangles sliding into place..
So is the addiction of the game at this point, that it's quite easy to click the mouse, and accidentally play for 20-minutes.. whoops!
I have managed to tweak a few ingame things, though. And the Menu -> Game -> Menu transitions are more or less working, except for one small thing.
I'm not sure how to fade in a level, at this point.
Views 57, Upvotes 15  
Daily Blog
The Event Game
6th July 2008
Views 1508, Upvotes 20  
30th March 2008
I don't normally post individual Workshop entries. They're not usually good enough to make it to single-post-worthy status!
This week's workshop is a Jericho-based "Explosive" challenge, and so I made a small puzzle game with Bombs.
It's quite an interesting puzzle game.
Take the basic rules of the classic Puzznix game, add bombs, and score it all on a Golf-style scorechart.
The game looks quite nice, nicking the "chunky" block style from Blockman, and there's so...
Views 114, Upvotes 16  
17th July 2007
Week 22 of the Wednesday Workshop was <a href="">Racing</a> week.
The first game I attempted was a UFO Fly game, the game you see entered.. But after I'd done that, I attempted a couple more engines.
#1 was a mess, and never really got anywhere. It was a nice graphical effect, but nothing more than that.
#2 however, was a Ball Bouncing AI Racing grand prix game!
Here it is, as it sits on my hard drive. Unlike last week I ha...
Views 131, Upvotes 23  
10th July 2007
"Create a Horizontal Shooter".. That was the compo rules for The Horizontal Shooter compo, over at SHMUP-Dev.. Or at least I think it was there.
I started this entry in January 2006. I know this because the game has a directory numbered 031..Since starting Wed.Workshop I've been numbering all my dev-dirs according to the number of that week's workshop!
<img src="">
Why I never finished it, I don't know.
Maybe I grew bored of i...
Views 192, Upvotes 39  
18th June 2007
Over the year, I've started a whole big bunch of games. Occasionally I finish a few! Here's some of the ones that involve Monkeys!
A mini competition was announced over at BlitzCoder. Create a game using no more than 150 lines of code. I created a silly game featuring a spinning set of monkeys, flying through a multicoloured tunnel. You had to shoot the monkeys. This became Space Monkeys 1
<a href=""><img src="
Views 149, Upvotes 38  
372 results 0 1 2 3 ... 11 12 (13) Prev
Site credits : This was all done by Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai