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12th November 2015


Oh dear.. I only managed about half-a-game yesterday. It started off well, but as I needed more and more art assets, I kinda got lazy, drifted off, and then started playing Words With Friends instead of drawing sprites.
That's not helping the limited schedule, much.
Views 11, Upvotes 1  
Daily Blog
28th October 2015


Feckin' Android!!!
So, I thought I had my multiplayer code all working and good and stuff, but apparently a quick test by Team PlayJam has revealed unexpected slowdown and broken-ness.
Yesterday I set out to figure out why, and got as far as "Hmm, this still isn't working right on my Archos Gamepad", at which point I once again became oddly wrapped up in trying to get that to work.
Views 14, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
20th October 2015


I spent most of yesterday trying to get a lot of broken things to work, but nothing seemed to happen.
Still no progress on the NextGen-PlayJam device, which is still crashing like a crazy driver.
Still no progress on getting all of my audio to play on the LastGen-PlayJam device, which seems to ignore every 10th-or-so PlaySound command.
Views 9, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
19th October 2015


The new FlarePlay (PlayJam's GameStick replacement) thing is apparently having issues, and crashing a LOT with my games.
I'm hoping to fix them up during a second pass through the 42 games, and for now am simply uploading as-is until I can fix them all up. But at the moment it's looking like I'll need to have a GameStick version and a FlarePlay version of all my games, which is a bit of a pain in the arse, if I'm honest!
The whole point of the fixups was that these ...
Views 6, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
18th October 2015


Given that I've got so much on my plate, what with having to fix up the 42 OUYA games, and get NeonPlat's Cosmic Adventure done, you'd probably not expect me to start a new project right now.
Last night I took Alpha Collexion, stripped out all the games and graphics, and settled down to do it all again.
Views 8, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
8th October 2015


Oh, ffs..
Now, apparently, PlayJam (GameStick) are preparing to release a new console, and would you believe it...
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Daily Blog
4th October 2015


Did I miss a day?!
Yeah, I basically didn't want to make a "Still full of flu!" post, so.. I didn't!
Anyhoo, back to coding, and Karl's Tiny Adventure (which is next on the fixup list) has a bit of a bug in it, when played on the GameStick.
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Daily Blog
19th September 2015


After finally getting my Forge/NewYA stuff working, I figured I should let TeamOUYA take a look at what I've got so far. The feedback was roughly "Needs an Exit button".
Because the Forge doesn't have the big obvious "OUYA BUTTON" that the OUYA controller has, it's much harder to assume the player has a single button to exit the game. As such, I spent a fair amount of time, yesterday, adding a Quit button into my frameworks.
I now need to replace old menus with new...
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Daily Blog
Lawnmower Man Pixelart
#253 - 10th September 2015
Views 103, Upvotes 29  
Broken , Gardening
29th August 2015


Jumped back and forth through a couple of things, yesterday, but mostly spent more time working on the level builder.
Things are starting to look a little more varied, and thankfully the addition of vertical scrolling has added a little bit more.
I'm currently worried about making sure the levels are completable, as I haven't yet added an AI player run-through of the level, to ensure it's at least playable. I'll have to do that next, I suppose.
In the meantime...
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Daily Blog
5th August 2015


Motivation seems to have taken a bit of a nosedive, this week.
I think the lack of SpikeDislike3 sales is starting to get to me, as every time I open the folder, I spend about 10 minutes staring at the code before closing it up again.
I feel like moving on to something else. Maybe that'll help kick me back into gear again.
Views 4, Upvotes 1  
Daily Blog
25th June 2015
One month, Three games!? Sure, why not!!
It might not be "AGameAWeek" but getting 3 games onto iOS in a month is still a pretty decent achievement, especially when they're all nice and big.
As you might know, my old MacMini (from 2010) was starting to rot away due to lack of use.
This month, knowing that SpikeDislike3 was due to arrive, I attempted a quick test compile, and.. well.. it didn't go very well.
Views 17, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
3rd June 2015


A somewhat eventful day, yesterday, but one that took WAY too long!!
As I finished off the last of the levels, and got the game working toa moderately lovely standard, I figured I might as well start throwing bits and pieces into iTunes.
I've still got a number of days until Invisible Munky (hopefully) passes AppleReview, so I can relax and take my time with all the iTunesConnect gubbins.
Starting with the the description, the screenshots, the icon, I continued...
Views 12, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
30th May 2015


OK, I *think* I managed to post Invisible Munky 2, correctly, to iTunes Connect!
Unfortunately, due to the world in which Apple operates, we're going to have to wait just over a week to know for sure, as we wait for it to get through the stringent Apple Review gubbins.
No doubt, even if it's as broken as Cardagain is, it'll still get through, so I'll be counting on the masses of Twitter-folk to let me know if it works on all the different types of devices that are ou...
Views 16, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
26th May 2015

Twitter Rant

This morning, I'm battling with Twitter.
A short while ago, Twitter introduced a new "Easy to use!" way to reply to things, which is less messy and leaves more space for your reply. Essentially, the "New Reply" strips away everybody's @names, leaving just a single link back to the previous post.
In many ways, this is a nice thing, as when you're in the middle of a conversation with 5 or 6 people, it can typically leave about 3 characters for your reply to fit in!!
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Daily Blog
30th April 2015


Yesterday, someone new registered on my home village's website (
They, of course, instantly forgot their password, so used the "I forgot my password" button to find it out.
At this point I should probably explain why I've mentioned this..!
About a year ago, the original owner of gave up paying for a site that never had any visitors. He stopped payments, and the site fell into disrepair before eventually getting pulled down com...
Views 168, Upvotes 18  
Daily Blog
8th November 2014
Ok, so, I need a new archive.
It's been a good number of years since I originally created the Jayenkai Archive, and although the software's lasted through a fair number of rethemes, and a fair number of enhancements over the years, it all still pretty much has the exact same issues that it did on day one.
Views 24, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
8th November 2014
(URL ""><img src="" alt="IMG_6971.PNG" class="alignnone size-full" />
RE : People who Jailbreak/Root/Mod their console/phone/tech, and then whinge that "for some stupid reason", the tech is broken and unusable
... If you hadn't broken it, then it wouldn't be broken..
Views 11, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
18th June 2014
Someone over at Softpedia has been closely following AGameAWeek for quite some time. It seems that each time I post a new game, within a relatively short period of time, it pops up on Softpedia's archive.
Handily, they tend to link directly to my downloads, so if in the future I opt to update any of my games, people will be able to get the latest edition.
They also write their own little descriptions and take nice screenshots, too.
It's a nice way of doing things. I'm rather happy about ...
Views 17, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
14th June 2014
Welcome to Xmas 2004, when I released an early test version of Platdude Spheres!
The game's basic idea was sound, but the gameplay never quite fit the idea, and it doesn't exactly "feel" like Platdude, either.
As such, the game was pretty much abandoned at the stage you currently see it.
(URL ""><img src="">
Maybe now would be a goo...
Views 70, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
1st January 2014
31 Tracks
Views 185, Upvotes 33  
18th December 2013
Welcome to the Top 13 AGameAWeek Games of 2013
No other Top-10 lists appear to want to give any of my games any recognition at all, which kinda sucks since I've made a whole bunch of REALLY great games, this year! I don't even get a token "Made a shitload of games, this year" mention!
So, sod them all, I'll make my own Top-10 list.
Views 14, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
26th November 2013
Today was supposed to be the great big release day, but annoyingly, one or two annoying issues have annoyingly cropped up.
<img src="">
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11th October 2013
Bah, humbug..
So, as I test out the many OUYA bits and pieces, I'm stumbling upon the many do's and don't's.
Apparently, one of the don't's is "Don't attempt to read data from images".
Views 7, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
3rd September 2013
Just because I'm taking September off from my regular AGameAWeek schedule, doesn't mean there won't be fun times ahead! I've decided to keep you entertained with a few oddities that have collected on my hard drive for the past decade or so, but have mostly been unpublished due to being "a bit shit", or me having lost their sourcecode.
These are games that I've always considered to be part of my archive, but for various reasons I've never actually bothered to add to the thing.
Games that I occas...
Views 77, Upvotes 12  
18th June 2013
For the past few years, I've been building and rebuilding a silly little experimental shooter thing called "Horizontal Shooter"
The basic gist is that it's a bog standard horizontal shooter, but with a weird control scheme, and a tail to catch things in.
I also tend to use Horizontal Shooter as a simple testbed, to see what a language can/can't achieve in the realms of simplistic blurry lovelyness.
This time around, since we're also focusing on mobile devices, I've decided to flip things a...
Views 60, Upvotes 11  
21st April 2013
Over the past few weeks, a terrible issue has appeared, and it's been quite noticeable.
It's caused my Stringy Things project to get stuck, as well as creating multiple issues in lots of other places.
The problem is as follows..
Not all devices are the same!!!

Views 19, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
291 results 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (9) 10
Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai