244 results 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (8) 9
24th June 2014
Views 1806, Upvotes 26  
Joust , Flappy , Flap
23rd June 2014
This week, I got a new phone, and so game-dev took a bit of a back seat. As a result, this game isn't quite as good as it could've been, since it's missing a fairly significant part.
<img src=""> <img src="">

Views 56, Upvotes 12  
21st June 2014
(URL ""><img src="" alt="PiBO_004" width="590" height="343" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-3915" />
This month's "Platdude In" game is going to be a good old fashioned Joust-ish game. The rules are slightly rejigged in a usual AGameAWeek style, and things are fast and furious, but all the essentials are in.. Flappi...
Views 22, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
3rd June 2014
Occasionally, I base games upon crazy bits of coding that seem fun to play with. Sometimes games can form from odd little artistic doodles that look strange and unusual. Other times, I'll start with a sound effect, or a piece of music, and allow it to fester away until a game has emerged.
This week is different..
This week, the game's idea came solely from the stupid mock game title that randomly popped into my head.
<img src="
Views 67, Upvotes 9  
21st May 2014
So far so good on the JNKBombers front.
Most of Battle Mode's features are implemented as planned.
Human players, AI players, Bombs, Shield, Coins, Shop and today I added a few cheap-as-chips themes into the mix for good measure. There's only 6 themes, but it's enough to keep it marginally interesting!
Over the next couple of days, I'll keep tweaking away at the AI, and maybe add some new powerups, but otherwise I'm now at the point where I can say "Yeah, that's what I wanted to play!!"
Views 28, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
19th March 2014
You wait months for a new AGameAWeek iOS game, and then two come along at once!
Apologies that these weren't posted some time last week, but they've been sat in "Waiting for Review" status for AGES!! Much, much longer than the regular "7 days" wait.

Views 14, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
10th February 2014
Space Popcorn : Battle your way through the evil forces of POPCORN!!!
How much can YOU pop!?
<img src=""> <img src="">
Sorry : Small screenshots really don't do it justice!!

Views 66, Upvotes 15  
7th January 2014
Or, as the titlescreen would have you call it, "Greenie's Little Adventure"
Feel free to use either of the two titles!
Welcome back!
AGameAWeek starts anew, this week, with a nice little remake of a game I made a good 7 or 8 years ago.
My original "The Quest" game took a board-game-style approach, but never really got very far due to the limits and oddities of trying to play a board game on a computer. It felt strange to have to roll dice all the time, and the battles were never tha...
Views 69, Upvotes 14  
16th December 2013
<img src="" style="float:left;"> AGameAWeek Gold looks back at some of the best, and worst, games that have been previously released on this day in history.
Today's game from the archive is a lovely little arena battler, with lots of weapons and things to shoot!

Views 57, Upvotes 18  
Agameaweek Gold
28th October 2013
The internet is a place for trolls and complainers (like me!) who like to gripe at every opportunity.
For the most part, we tend to ignore these types, which generally means that comments sections have become largely ignored.
Here at AGameAWeek, the opposite has happened. There are apparently no trolls daring enough to even attempt to play my games! I seem to have scared most of them away.
As a result, there are no trollers or complainers here, and since those are the types that make up ...
Views 12, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
BlastTrax Game
27th August 2013
Views 6024, Upvotes 75  
Neon , Retro , Shoot-em-up
27th July 2013
@Madgarden's wonderful little retro shooter has finally been released to iOS, this week, so that's getting the Weekend Retreat treatment!
It makes quite a change from AGameAWeek's fast pacing and insane difficulty levels, as you leisurely float from side to side, gently blasting away at the bad guys!

Views 18, Upvotes 1  
Daily Blog
1st July 2013
As we head into July, I've decided to dig my heels in, and aim for another bigger project.
Much like April's "Stringy Things" month, this will probably take over the usual AGameAWeek schedule, resulting in a smaller number of releases over the course of the month.
.. hopefully, it doesn't run into a dead end, like Stringy Things did!
For this project, I'll be using TWO languages.
Views 19, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
14th May 2013
Views 1756, Upvotes 74  
Remake , Rawr , Dragon , Duck
28th April 2013
On Friday morning, (URL "">@MadGarden) suddenly popped up on Google Chat and started chatting about some sort of game he imagined might be interesting.
Something about "a neat control scheme for a platformer/combat thing" being a bit like Tron, with the discs being both a weapon and a shield.
Not entirely sure what he was on about, but it started one of those oddball pots of insanity bubbling, and soon enough a random game idea had emerged from my mind..
Views 2162, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
JNKAtoms Game
23rd April 2013
Views 971, Upvotes 30  
Multiplayer , Battle , Remake
13th August 2012
If you've been following AGameAWeek for the past few years, you'll have noticed the occasional blip, where I've mentioned having a repeating neck cramp, with accompanying migraines. These have gotten steadily worse, up until early March 2012, when I was curled over the toilet bowl, throwing up a worryingly black goo of sorts.
Enough was enough!
An ambulance was called, and after my blood pressure failed to register (too high!?) I was whizzed off to Bolton general where they continued...
Views 642, Upvotes 34  
Health , Jiggity
12th December 2011
A lot of elements are currently coming together, and things are getting a little more chaotic than I'd like them to be around Xmas time.
If the past 2 years of Xmas themed chaos (12 games of Xmas, Advent Collection) have taught me one thing, it's not to EVER plan anything around Xmas!
Presents, family visits and the general filling of my face with Xmas cake, will usually get in the way of the coding time, and as such I decided not to push myself into anything moronic this year.
I apologise...
Views 13, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
23rd October 2011
Saturday's my "At work for a while" day, so I usually get a lot less codey time done, but I still managed quite a few bits and pieces in the morning.
A couple of new baddies, and a teensy bit of AI are in there, as is something which may or may not be confusing, depending on whether you remember the 7 year old oddity or not.
Suffice to say, the bananas do definitely appear to be coming from below the arrow.
.. not sure what that's all about..
Views 25, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
7th July 2011
Another week given away to my body's desire to make me be a lazy git!
I'd happily allow it, if I wasn't so damned busy!
Tonight, after a week of doing nothing, I now need to write a blog, write a newsletter, and then wake up and write another game..!
Thanks for that, Mr Migraine!!
Views 19, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
7th July 2011
A nice simple horizontal shooter game with a lot of bullets.
Still, better than the past few day's games, eh!?

PlayMyCode games no longer work

Views 49, Upvotes 9  
26th June 2011
AGameAWeek teaches us one thing.
Some games you win, some games you lose.
When you lose, there's not a lot you can do.
Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move on.
Views 15, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
22nd February 2011
<img src="">
<a href="">Captain Wants Freedom</a>

Views 82, Upvotes 22  
22nd September 2010
(I'm not sure if that rhymes, possibly maybe..)
Over at <a href="">[Battle]Forum</a> (|edit| I think this forum's long gone |edit|) they're having a nice chat about JNKPlat2010, and, more significantly, the insanity that is Shadow1w2's MASSIVE 100th level.
It's a fantastic level, but they just can't quite fathom it.
I had a go, today.
Loaded up Taksi and the gam...
Views 26, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
28th July 2009
First things first, here's this week's AGameAWeek game.
I've done a few dozen "Get the Greens" before, so I figured I'd keep this one short.
Simply put, get the greens, and avoid the holes.
No enemy this time, just you and the floor, so if you're nice and gentle you could probably get quite far through and score a decent score.
Views 76, Upvotes 13  
28th March 2009
Uno's a card game, Connect 4's a board game, Battleship's a board game.
Who the f'k are you kidding Microsoft?
See "Wii Virtual Console : Arcade" for further details.
Views 21, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
244 results 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (8) 9
Site credits : Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai