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Recorded Onionfrom the ALBum 2024 - RecordedAn onion goes on an adventure
To places where it wants to be
It wants to feel younger
It's shedding its skin
Now it's adventuring to places new
Roll, Roll, Little onion, Go
The kitchen's yours, you know
The carrots won't keep up with you,
'cos they're all in a stew.
Roll, Roll, Little onion, Go
Past all the herbs that grow
From the chopping board, escape your doom,
And roll around the room!
But at the Journey's end
It must escape the blend
The chopping board and then
A load of knives again
And as adventures wrap
If it escapes the trap
Of all the kitchen tools
The chefs won't be amused
An onion goes on an adventure
To places where it wants to be
A swim in the soup bowl
A trek through the salad
Rolls over countertops to places new
Where do you go
Somewhere unknown
Where are you hid
Under the fridge
Sleeping alone
Inside a hole
I hope you are happy
Every day