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Release - 2017-17 - Read Error A Blog
29th April 2017
Prepare to battle against the Glitch!


You can Download Read Error A here for Windows, play it in your browser, or find it on your Razer Forge TV (via Cortex) or other Droid-TV device of choice, once it's gotten through review!

The Brief

The games are glitching out!
Beat as many games as you can in this WarioWare Inspired, CPC Themed set of Microgames.


- Move
- Button

How not to Lose

Don't fail.. ANYTHING! You have no lives! Mua-ha-haaa!!

What I didn't do/Possible Improvements

It's Saturday.
I originally intended to spend Saturday and Sunday adding more and more minigames.
This morning, I awoke with a simple way to allow for "Repeat the same minigame" game mode.
I implemented it with fair ease, but then realised a slight complexity that hadn't occurred to me.

.. All those games now need scoreboards.
I've had to hack and slash quite a lot of my scoreboard system in order to implement 17 boards.. (14 games + Easy/Normal/Hard)

In order to not have to add any more complexity to my scoreboard system, I've opted to stop here, and release what I have.
I can "easily" (ish!) add another 3 games (reaching 20 scoreboards!), but after that it's more database hacking to get anything additional into the engine.

Which is a shame, because up until I added those complexities, this morning, I probably could've kept adding, and adding, and adding!!
.. In many ways, I'm glad that I only wrote 14 games, this week!!

The Download

You can Download Read Error A here for Windows, play it in your browser, or find it on your Razer Forge TV (via Cortex) or other Droid-TV device of choice, once it's gotten through review!

Views 145, Upvotes 15  
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 81

Blog - Release - 2017-17 - Read Error A - AGameAWeek