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Y5:W23 - Kee, Bo and Ard Makes Three Blog
4th June 2013
Another week, another sequel.
This week, we're revisiting the puzzle-maze world of Kee, Bo and Ard (Occasionally spelled "Key, Bo and Ard" due to me forgetting the spelling of the green character's name!)

I also need a couple of features tested, so there's quite a bit of rambling included below this post!


You might notice that this week's game is a bit of a rush-job.
I spent most of the week building up a nice smooth game engine, before getting to Sunday night and realising I'd somehow need to build a whole bunch of levels for the thing.
I took the easy, cheap way out, and wrote a small Blitz program that could play itself, and build it's own little levels.
As such, the levels aren't in any specific order, nor are they as taxing as they might've been had I attempted to build them properly.

But what the hey!
There's 64 levels to beat.
Can you complete them all!?!

You can Download Kee, Bo and Ard Makes Three here for Windows, Android, or simply play it in your browser.


Monkey Upgrade

Alright folks, this bit's a little more important.

Windows Version
This week I've updated my version of Monkey. It's lead to me being unable, for some annoying reason, to use MinGW to compile Windows versions with. Instead, Monkey is now using Visual Studio based stuff, so it should be an unnoticable change, but.. well.. I don't trust Microsoft's own compilers.. They never play happily!!
As such, I'd like to know if this is running on YOUR system!
Give the game a download, Unzip, run the .exe, and then let me know in the comments below.
Does it run, or Doesn't it!!?

Android Version
Similarly, my upgrade might've borked a couple of system incompatibilities. Ugh.. I hate upgrades!!
Download the Android .apk, give it a whirl on your device, and let me know if it does or doesn't work.

If either of those versions fail, Download SpikeDislike2 using the same device, and tell me if that similarly fails, fails in a different way, or maybe even works! This'll help tell me if it's the new upgrade that's causing it, or something deeper.

Both Versions : Internet Feature Test
The reason I bothered to upgrade my version of Monkey, was to attempt to finally get a little internet based action going.
There isn't anything huge in this game, but I have at least left a little test in the game.
On the main menu, snuggled down in the bottom-left corner, is the word "News".
If you click/tap that, the game will access the internet, and read a line of text, which will then be displayed along the bottom of the screen.
It's nothing amazing.
But it is a test, and it's quite an important one.
If it works on a decent number of systems, it means I can attempt to implement some nice online features into future games.
No promises, but this makes things at least vaguely do-able.

Post your results in the comments.
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(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 78

Blog - Y5:W23 - Kee, Bo and Ard Makes Three - AGameAWeek