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22nd October 2007
A list of games you can download, and play in Windows. Most systems can suitably handle most of these games, so no need to worry if you've a slow machine.
To help neaten things up, I've moved all my main Platdude games to their own (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/?page_id=2">JNKPlat) page.
The (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/?page_id=28">Greenie) page has become home to some of my Remakes.
You can find the best of my (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/?page_id=4">Wednesday Workshop) entries, all ripe for...
Views 128, Upvotes 20
Daily Blog
Argh! Mummies!
8th October 2007
(URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/games/mummy.rar">Greenie - The Eccentric Egyptologist) Version 0.9
A few additions will be added in due time, but for now this is all well and good!
Enjoy running away from Mummies!
Views 128, Upvotes 16
Daily Blog
8th October 2007
Views 1877, Upvotes 55
Oh No, More Mummies!
30th September 2007
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/windev/mum_02.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/windev/mum_02_thumb.png" /></a>
I decided to do things the easiest way, code wise. To unlock the exit to a level, you need to open all the boxes within that level. Nice and simple.
There are 10 level layouts currently in the game. I might add more, I'm not sure. So far the largest level only uses up about 1/16th of the available map size, but if I make them too big they get a little dull.
So, 10 ...
Views 122, Upvotes 28
Daily Blog
Oh Mummy!
24th September 2007
This month, Socoder are having a "Make a game with Pickups" challenge.
It took me a bit of a while to decide what game to do, but I think I've finally settled on one.
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/windev/mum_01.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/windev/mum_01_thumb.png" /></a>
Greenie - The Eccentric Egyptologist.. Named so it fits alongside Greenie - The Helecopter Hero.
It's a remake of Oh Mummy but with a couple of tweaks here and there, including the way you open t...
Views 135, Upvotes 21
Daily Blog
20th September 2007
Views 1574, Upvotes 50
Horizon's Edge
10th September 2007
I'm currently working on a nice shooter game. A "take it in turns to kill each other" type blaster.
Like Scorched Earth..
Or, if you prefered the Amiga version, like I did, Scorched Tanks.
Anyway, this game isn't exactly like either of those!
Imagine the tanks being UFO's, and they're floating in space, with a bunch of randomly sized planets between them.
They fire shots, and the weapons float about in space, being pushed and pulled by various gravitational forces, until they either float away, hit ...
Views 98, Upvotes 21
Daily Blog
7th September 2007
Yesterday whilst browsing through Google Analytics, I stumbled upon a website for the magazine WebUser. They'd sent 3 people to my site, from <a href="https://www.webuser.co.uk/forums/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/363213/Main/363213/">this</a> webpage.
It seems that on page 40 of their latest issue (Issue 169), they'd included a link to Horizontal Shooter! With no description of that page available online, I knew my only choice was to pop out and buy a copy.
They gave me a paragraph.
Views 158, Upvotes 26
31st August 2007
Views 1661, Upvotes 25
DS Progress
26th August 2007
I decided to start a Dev diary here, for all my DS Developing. I figured people would eventually stumble across it, and start reading away at all the fun coding. Either that, or they'll completely ignore these bits, and just download the Experimental stuff like they usually do.
Either way, this is going to be a part dev-diary, part progress report, and part release schedule for all things DS.
I currently have 4 DS Projects on the go. They are Stringy Things, JNKPlat, An Alien Breed type clone, and a G...
Views 96, Upvotes 24
Daily Blog
20th August 2007
Views 1773, Upvotes 32
8th August 2007
Nothing special this week. If you knew me at the time I did Green's Tiny Collection, then you've no doubt seen this game.
<img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/shots/bouncer1.png">
I thought I'd post it, though, to remind myself of what a great idea it once was.
Keep control of both Platdude and his football.
You use the spacebar to jump. Jump and header the football to send it flying over obstacles.
If you pick up any items, you can use them by hitting the cursor key in the direction o...
Views 187, Upvotes 36
New Flash Thing
2nd August 2007
This week, an In-Progress experiment.
Use the flash thing on the top right of the site. Doodle yourself a little image, then click "New" which will not only start you off again, but also save the icon to a file on my site.
In the next few days I'll be collecting all the icons (and moderating them!) and then placing them into future games. They'll be used in plenty of ways, from Picross puzzles, to odd little incidental imagery.
Hopefully I'll be able to collect a fair few of them, and I'm looking...
Views 103, Upvotes 26
Daily Blog
Ball Racers
17th July 2007
Week 22 of the Wednesday Workshop was <a href="https://socoder.net/index.php?a=12&w=22">Racing</a> week.
The first game I attempted was a UFO Fly game, the game you see entered.. But after I'd done that, I attempted a couple more engines.
#1 was a mess, and never really got anywhere. It was a nice graphical effect, but nothing more than that.
#2 however, was a Ball Bouncing AI Racing grand prix game!
Here it is, as it sits on my hard drive. Unlike last week I haven't bother...
Views 160, Upvotes 32
14th July 2007
Views 1663, Upvotes 36
Horizontal Shooter
Horizontal Shooter
10th July 2007
"Create a Horizontal Shooter".. That was the compo rules for The Horizontal Shooter compo, over at SHMUP-Dev.. Or at least I think it was there.
I started this entry in January 2006. I know this because the game has a directory numbered 031..Since starting Wed.Workshop I've been numbering all my dev-dirs according to the number of that week's workshop!
<img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/shots/exp-hs.png">
Why I never finished it, I don't know.
Maybe I grew bored of it. Or maybe I r...
Views 241, Upvotes 46
7th July 2007
When I created JNKPlat 3D (about 3/4 way down (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/?page_id=2">here)) I intended to have an end-credits sequence. So I composed this nice theme for that purpose.
Unfortunately I have an odd knack of never finishing off games, so an end credit sequence never appeared in the game.
For the new JNKPlat I grabbed this theme and turned it into a smaller Mod, but some people like it, so here's the original version in it's MP3 format.
(URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/music/Closure.mp3">...
Views 107, Upvotes 26
Daily Blog
3rd July 2007
Sometimes you forget about games!
I worked on this game for a while, back in early 2003. The idea was to nick the whole Pokemon idea, and create a bizarre Coding based adventure game.
So, I nicked the graphics, too!
<img src="shots/exp-code.png">
I also added a bunch of music that I'd grabbed from Aminet, and designed a nice Logo.
I got the map pretty much working as expected, and even got it so that text would appear in a little box.
It kinda looks like my recent workshop "Quest" games...
Views 151, Upvotes 27
Strips 2
28th June 2007
While I was playing Ultima Online a lot, I decided to do a silly Ultima based comic. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but it took ages to cut out and manage each of the panels of a comic, in order to make the pages look good.
As I always say, "A simple idea can always be made easier if you use Blitz to do all the boring work for you." It's a long saying, but it fits.
Hyper Llama Man lasted for 6 pages.. Not a long time, but at least I managed to pull myself away from Ultima!
The <a href...
Views 146, Upvotes 34
20th June 2007
Theory. I can make 3 versions of Platdude in 3D.
All three will be inside a box area. Version 1 will be a maze-like affair, with a multi layered floor, and 4 walls. Version 2 will be up against one of the walls and will play in a classic platform style. Version 3 will take the whole box area and fill it with Super Amazing Platforming Fun!
.. These were my thoughts when first trying out Blitz3D, 5 years ago.
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/shots/exp-p3d.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek...
Views 150, Upvotes 32
Super Dig Dug
19th June 2007
When I started doing Wed.Workshop, a few people complained that a week was too short a time, so in September 2005 I did the first and only Monthly Workshop. The Super September Challenge asked people to recreate a classic 8-bit game in a 16-bit style, and add some silly extras that people kept adding to games around that time.
My entry was to be Super Dig Dug.
It started off well enough, but then the sound started going all screwy, and I couldn't be bothered fixing it. So it was left to rot on my Har...
Views 216, Upvotes 31
19th June 2007
I've started to go through all my stuff, and I decided that, rather than just list everything, I'd try to create some kind of descriptive history of all my games, be they completed fun stuffs, or just failed experiments.? You might even start to see some new stuff appear here that you've never seen before!? ? In the meantime I've built up the JNKPlat section, as well as the More Games page.
I'm not sure if I'll bother doing the Wed.Workshop page.? Or perhaps I'll just list a few of my favourites. ? Lik...
Views 174, Upvotes 36
Daily Blog
Space Monkeys
18th June 2007
Over the year, I've started a whole big bunch of games. Occasionally I finish a few! Here's some of the ones that involve Monkeys!
A mini competition was announced over at BlitzCoder. Create a game using no more than 150 lines of code. I created a silly game featuring a spinning set of monkeys, flying through a multicoloured tunnel. You had to shoot the monkeys. This became Space Monkeys 1
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/shots/sm1.jpg"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/shots/sm1.gif"...
Views 220, Upvotes 43
18th June 2007
I get bored. I get bored a lot. Especially when working on large projects. It's nice to occasionally have some weird random thing to do.
That's why I set up the Wednesday Workshop.
A weekly challenge. Make a game based upon a given theme, or task. Everyone who enters gets put through for a vote. But it's not really about the winning. It's about having something to do when you're bored. And .. I get bored a lot!
Click <a href="https://socoder.net/index.php?a=13&user=Jaye...
Views 293, Upvotes 47