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25th January 2008
If Centipong was a simplistic looking game with added 3D, Blockman would be the exact opposite. With levels so colourful they'd poke your eyes out, Blockman comes hopping along to rescue all the Blocklets.
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/windev/blockman_01.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/windev/blockman_01_thumb.png"></a><a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/windev/blockman_02.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/windev/blockman_02_thumb.png"></a>
It's a rather...
Views 485, Upvotes 36
Centipong - Bigger
11th January 2008
Over the past few days, I've been building up Centipong bit by bit, and it's now become a much nicer game to play.
There's levels to beat, pickups to collect, and more centipede pods than you can shake a paddle at! If you enjoyed the previous version, give the new version a try. You'll love it!
<a href="https://agameaweek.com/?Game=72">Download it here</a> : Slowly getting bigger! Just over 2Mb
Views 195, Upvotes 19
Daily Blog
8th January 2008
What happens when you take 2 classic Atari 2600 games, and stick them together?
Centipong mixes Centipede and Pong to create a really weird almost-psychedelic game.
Smash the ball at the Centipede repeatedly.
Views 349, Upvotes 35
Something random.
31st December 2007
The DrunkenCoders Christmas Compo finishes tonight.
I bothered to enter the new JNKPlat Xmas Special (You can download that (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/dsdev/jnkplatv0_2.zip">here)) but it's nothing too special..
So, this morning, at around 8am, I decided to get my arse in gear and actually make something nice and snowy for the compo.
Around 5 hours later, give or take, and (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/dsdev/snowman.zip">Snowman Attack) is the result.
(URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/dsdev/snowatta...
Views 133, Upvotes 41
Daily Blog
25th December 2007
A second DS Homebrew test, entered and subsequently lost a DS Coders competition on the grounds that it was (!!!) TOO HARD?! The feckin' wimps..
Views 868, Upvotes 28
Bombliss! Phew!
17th December 2007
<em>Note : This is much more Game-Specific than my regular posts!</em>
Bombliss is one of my favourite alternate Tetris games. It has all the playability of the original Tetris, and it also has bombs, and chain reactions and things, too.
Last night, I opened up the Tetris sourcecode for the Retro Collection, and started hacking away for it's Xtra Mode. (renamed so it looked more obvious on the menu) For reference, to start a Xtra Mode game, either hit X to start the game instead of A.....
Views 131, Upvotes 20
Daily Blog
Back to work...
16th December 2007
The whole Gabby Gets a Turkey (logo on last week's post) game is being scrapped due to bizarre scale issues!? A white cat in white snow is a nice idea, except when you realise that a 16x16 pixel head is going to need a huge non-existant body behind it!? The whole thing just felt really odd, and I decided to just scrap it instead.
I know that the Drunken Coders people hate entries that are "X game + Xmassy theme added on later", and I came up with the Gabby game so's it definitely didn't feel like a tac...
Views 116, Upvotes 17
Daily Blog
12th December 2007
Those expecting another Saturday filled with happy retro memories have a long wait.
I took the week off!
Mostly because coding 18 games within 3 weeks takes quite a lot out of you, but also 'cos my DS finally gave up trying to hold onto the tiny shred of hinge it had remaining. (ie, it did that whole "R-trigger side snap" thing that DSLite's tend to do!)
During this week, though, I've been thinking about Galaga.
On the one hand, it'd be nice to make a tiny retro version of the Amiga classic "Deluxe G...
Views 105, Upvotes 17
Daily Blog
8th December 2007
Another week, another pile of retro-mania!
You get the idea by now, 6 extra games and the odd bugfix.
I had to redo a lot of Tetris, this week, since I'd ballsed up quite a bit of it last week! But it's all working rather well now, so you can happily settle down to a nice long game on Extreme modem and it'll now actually get faster as you head up the levels!
And the T shape's in it this week, too!
The Joust game's as good as it should be, without being much more. There's ...
Views 117, Upvotes 16
Daily Blog
8th December 2007
Views 2687, Upvotes 50
Multiple Games
Many More
3rd December 2007
All of this Game Collection stuff reminds me of something.. It's time for another pack of Workshop games, methinks.
Every week at Socoder.net, there's a little game-making challenge. Create a game with the theme suggested. This collection features all of my entries from weeks 31 to 60. (11th Jan - 2nd August 2006)
As with the last pack, some of these are good games, some are ok games, and most are just experimental pap!
<img src="https://socoder.net/workshop/dlds/032/piperunners.gif" /> <...
Views 239, Upvotes 38
1st December 2007
A week later, and I've insanely coded a whole new bunch of games!
The Donkey Kong thing didn't work out, and is so mind-numbingly dull it hasn't yet ended up in the Garbage heap. But not to worry, Racer's in there.. So that'll be keep you occupied!
I managed to fix up the Dot Popping game, so that's back in the main menus, and I also added a few others, including Pong and Tetris, since the commenters below seemed to really want to have a decent Tetris game. For reference, I m...
Views 168, Upvotes 76
Daily Blog
28th November 2007
If you're following development of Platdude's Retro Collection hoping for a new batch of great games, then you're in luck! TWO great games have been added, TWO rubbishy games have been added, and ONE more game is being worked on right now, as I type this..
Games 1 and 2 are listed in the official page, the Missile Command and Extract games. Nice, simple, retro, fast and fun.
Game 3 was also simple and fast. It's the usual "Things pop up, then you tap them. You get a minute, score as mu...
Views 117, Upvotes 38
Daily Blog
26th November 2007
So, the first release has emerged, and I've changed the name of the collection.
It's no longer a Green Retro Collection, but instead a Platdude one.
Worry not, the games haven't changed. In fact I've even created a special page for it.
The (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/?page_id=33">Platdude's Retro Collection) page lists EVERY game that's in the package.
So, that's the 6 that are in there right now, and also 2 in-development additional games that will be in the next release. I'll probably forget t...
Views 107, Upvotes 16
Daily Blog
24th November 2007
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/dsdev/colbox_800.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/dsdev/colbox_400.png"/></a>
Platdude's Retro Collection was first released in November 2007. Each new release will contain a handful of new games.
How many will there be in the end? Who can say!
The latest release, <a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/dsdev/col018.zip">Download Here</a>, contains 18 games from the list below.
Note : If you'd like to play, but don't own a DS,...
Views 128, Upvotes 32
Daily Blog
20th November 2007
And so it begins, the long boring task of making lots and lots of games
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Daily Blog
15th November 2007
Having started and given up on a fair few projects over the past couple of weeks, I've decided to go back to basics. It's time to bring return to the 8-bit Tiny collection, and get things started once and for all.
So today I got working on a base program that can use a series of includes to incorporate a bunch of games. I've designed a neat collection of generic looking graphics, and started listing games that may or may not be included. I'll try to make all the games as Repeat-Play-abl...
Views 156, Upvotes 43
Daily Blog
Destroy All Enemies
15th November 2007
Views 1648, Upvotes 37
14th November 2007
Views 1656, Upvotes 26
1st November 2007
Retro Remakes are holding a Top Down 2D Dungeon challenge.
Socoder are holding a Remake a Workshop Game challenge.
In a way, these two coincide, since I'd already decided to remake Greenie's Gameboy
(URL "https://socoder.net/index.php?a=15&e=94"><img src="https://socoder.net/workshop/dlds/023/greenie.gif" align="right" />
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Daily Blog
28th October 2007
Wow, how time flies!
A total of 2 weeks and 4 days work (although I did take a few days off
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Daily Blog
Arcade Slots
28th October 2007
Views 3367, Upvotes 84
Fruit Machine
22nd October 2007
Most of my remakes seem to fall into a single category, in that they all tend to feature my character Greenie.
To be honest, I'm not sure why I started doing this. It was never something I planned, it just kind of happened that way!
Still, here's a whole page dedicated to that stupid bumbling idiot!
Green's 8-bit Tiny CollectionBlitzCoder, 2005. The 8-bit compo asked us to create games in a 8-bit style. No more than 20 sprites, all of which were 2 colors, and 8x8 pixels in s...Views 243, Upvotes 40
DS Games
22nd October 2007
This page was updated Jan-2009
6 nice little games, all running happily on your DS.
There might be more releases in the future that I forget to add to this page, so keep your eye elsewhere on my site, just incase!
#1 - JNKPlatJNKPlat, the DS edition was a souped up version of the classic JNKPlat games. It features "Amazing" animated graphics! <img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/dsdev/plat-hook.png" /> Click here for more (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/?p=66">JNKPlat DS) info, ...Views 103, Upvotes 21
Daily Blog