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Suggestion Box
27th October 2010
I've no idea what I'll be tackling this week, again, so pop a random thought or two below!
Views 67, Upvotes 11
Daily Blog
Space Clusters
26th October 2010
Views 5129, Upvotes 56
Shoot Em Up
25th October 2010
A game cram packed into the space of only a day!
<img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Space_Clusters_20101026_Logo_thumb.png">
Views 229, Upvotes 19
25th October 2010
This isn't important..
I just sent off a nice lengthy reply to PixelProspector.com's Authentic Kaizen, all about plans for the future of the site, the possibility of me wrapping my head around Flash, thoughts about new new new new newer NeonPlat, and some kind of unpondered random top down maze thing.
None of that's really important, just yet. It's all forward planning, and it all requires bits of learning all over the place.
Less importantly, halfway through the email, I used the term "WiLMa" when ...
Views 35, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog
Suggestion Box
21st October 2010
Have any thoughts? I'm a bit blank, this week.
But then I was blank last week, too, and that didn't turn out TOO badly.
(did it?!)
Views 35, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog
19th October 2010
Stringy Things is out, for iPhone and iPod.
Slightly annoying that this didn't happen earlier.. That would've let me do a great big "First AGAW of the year, Second iPod release" thing, earlier.
No matter.
It's up, now!
<a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id397961479">Grab it from the AppStore</a>
Stringy Things!!
And I'll be building it up as I go, so. .. If AGAW suddenly becomes a bit Wordgame biased.. .. um... that's purely co-incidental!
Views 28, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog
18th October 2010
<img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Ted_Bob__s_Pet_Hammer__20101018_Logo_thumb.png">
An ever so slightly shorter edition of this week's intended game, which almost didn't happen!! Nice and playable, although it's probably much more playable on Hard than on the other two levels!
This week sees the return of silly-name favourite Ted Bob, as he grabs an Amy Rose style hammer, and attacks oncoming crates.
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Ted_Bob__s_Pet_Hammer__20101018...
Views 196, Upvotes 19
18th October 2010
This week's been super jolly.
First, I couldn't settle back into the AGAW mood, then when I finally started a proper game, my Neck decided to completely screw up again, and I spent the next day and a half doing a kind of "1 line of code, 3 hours sleep" type thing.
Today, I'm coding better.
Which is probably just the right time for my PC to crap it's pants.
The world seems to be throwing everything it's got at me, in an effort to stop me from starting AGameAWeek Year 3!!!
I'm going to attempt to...
Views 50, Upvotes 11
Daily Blog
18th October 2010
Views 2963, Upvotes 37
Slow Paced
This Week...
16th October 2010
<a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/ThisWeek_Y3W1.png"><img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/ThisWeek_Y3W1.png"></a>
This week I'm working with boxes, animals, and Ted Bob.
Not entirely formulated this game, yet, though, so... Could be anything!!
Views 30, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
15th October 2010
(URL "https://blog.nielsen.com/nielsenwire/online_mobile/u-s-teen-mobile-report-calling-yesterday-texting-today-using-apps-tomorrow/">Today's Big News Story) is that kids are texting an average of 3000 times a day!
Good gravy, that's HUGE!!!!
Except, of course, it isn't.
When I was a teen, I was on ICQ, AIM and MSN, ALL DAY!
If you racked up the number of back+forth messages I used to achieve on that, all day, every day, I'm pretty damned sure it'd be a buttload more than 3000 a day.
Views 26, Upvotes 8
Daily Blog
15th October 2010
God damned feckin' arseholes.
A few weeks ago, my sister lost her job. She's currently in the midst of trying to get a new one, and so is hopping around site to site, grabbing Application forms, sending off CVs and all the other "Trying to get a job" types of things.
Views 52, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
Before Tuesday...
14th October 2010
"Haniff" emailed me about 4 or 5 weeks ago, just as I was starting my lazyitis month, and asked if I could do a nice big video, showing how I create a game.
I wasn't going to rush a game, there and then, so I figured I'd record my first AGameAWeek once I got around to starting things up again..
Turns out I haven't recorded my first AGameAWeek, because this game's shit!
Still, here's a game.
<a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/SomeGame.zip">Linkage</a> (Win only, but ...
Views 50, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog
Suggestion Box...
14th October 2010
As promised, a new weekly feature will be the suggestion box.
No longer will your suggestions be hidden away inside the locked box.
Instead, they'll be readable by all.
The first AGAW game (still unplanned, unless I decide to use the rubbishy game I made today) will be posted on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, suggest away!
Views 43, Upvotes 8
Daily Blog
The New Logo
13th October 2010
It's not that I hated the old logo.
In fact, in many ways, the old logo fit my whole game making thing a little better than this one does.
So, maybe, at some point, I'll switch back.
The thing is, though, if you slap the old Recterange logo onto a Tshirt, it looks like a freakin' name badge!
Dumb, unoriginal, and a little childish.
So, a newer logo for a new year, and I've gone with the whole "Just some text with a Platdude on it" style, which I think looks a teensy bit less childish, and name-badg...
Views 35, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
12th October 2010
This is it. End of the road for Jay's relaxation time!
Today's Tuesday, no game today, kinda, sort of..
Today I submitted Stringy Things (2 games) to the AppStore for review. That should be properly done by.. um.. about December, at current Review speed!
So, what about AGameAWeek?
Well, I'm going to start that in a short while.
Maybe today, or.. given the fact that half my day's already gone (thanks for making THAT easy, Apple!) it'll probably be tomorrow.
I'm still not sure what game I'm doin...
Views 28, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
10th October 2010
In windows, to add a tab to the left of 3 or 4 lines, I've settled into the habit of doing either one of two things..
1. Up, Home, Tab, Up, Home, Tab, Up, Home, Tab, Up, Home, Tab.
Which goes up per line, heads to the far left, then places a tab.
2. Select all lines, hit Tab.
Which adds a tab to all the lines.
On a Mac, my fingers are exercised a little more thoroughly...
Views 24, Upvotes 8
Daily Blog
F'k you, Cee Lo!
6th October 2010
Cee Lo Green's song, Fuck You, is the song of the summer.
As such, when I was in town yesterday, (Bury!) I figured that'd be the one thing I'd aim to buy.
I've not bothered buying physical games for a while, iPhing, Steam and Wii online ones do me just fine. Music CDs are just the same. I think the last one of those I went out, specifically to buy, was probably the Relaxed Muscle album! (c)2003
So, Asda then.
Hmm.. No singles in Asda? OK, WHSmiths!
WTF!? No music at a...
Views 46, Upvotes 12
Daily Blog
5th October 2010
I did post the pre-release of NeoPlatDS, this week, so that's nice.
If you want to give it a whirl, try (URL "https://desmume.org/">DesMuMe), it's what I used 95% of the time during development, and has now overtaken No$GBA as my dev-emu of choice.
I can't get FAT read/write working on it, though, so you'll have to make do without highscore load/saving. Other than that it runs nicely, and the default keys are easy to remember.
Cursors to move, Z to throw, X to jump.
Exactly the same as my Win/Lin/...
Views 47, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog
1st October 2010
There's more to add, but things are getting crowded on the poor old DS!
Before I decide whether to add powerups or not, I need to know if folk can handle the game as it is.
The result of this test will be either.
A) People are happy with this.
<img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/NeoPlatDS_20101001A.png">
They'll play it for ages, and love it as it is..
B) People want more!
<img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/NeoPlatDS_20101001B.png">
They ask, and I cram i...
Views 299, Upvotes 27
1st October 2010
Views 4432, Upvotes 57
Missed Week...
25th September 2010
This week won't be "missed", because I'm still having my September off.
But next week, the first week of October, will probably be missed.
I really want to get my iPhing framework up and running before I start off the new year of AGameAWeek.
Having a base framework will help in a whole lot of areas, mostly because I can just whip up (possibly!) an iPhing game in a short amount of time. Because that's quicker, I can juggle iPhing and Win/Lin/Mac dev quite easily, and I should be able to cope with the w...
Views 41, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
Note to SoaT
22nd September 2010
(I'm not sure if that rhymes, possibly maybe..)
Over at <a href="https://battle.onego.ru/forum/showthread.php?p=459813">[Battle]Forum</a> (|edit| I think this forum's long gone |edit|) they're having a nice chat about JNKPlat2010, and, more significantly, the insanity that is Shadow1w2's MASSIVE 100th level.
It's a fantastic level, but they just can't quite fathom it.
I had a go, today.
Loaded up Taksi and the game, and tried abo...
Views 74, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog
20th September 2010
In many ways, I preferred doing AGameAWeek. Mostly because I'd actually have something to post here at least once a week!
As it is, I'm finding it hard to come up with interesting things to post during my little hiatus.
Perhaps I should start posting silly Youtube links every day?
Rather than splitting my blog off into 100 different sites, just clump it all together into one?
Its an idea, right!?
Views 55, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
Progress Report...
15th September 2010
Just a nice quick update of things that are/aren't happening...
1. Arcade Slots on the iPhings is almost at a point where I could release the JNKPlat Edition. I'm not sure if I want to release that, just yet, or wait until I've finished up the rest of it... Either way JNKPlat Edition will be the demo, and the rest will be the pay-for.
2. NeoPlatDS is at around about 75%. I need to formulate a good "Game Progression" thing, and figure out where/when the levels will be starting/ending.
But otherwise...
Views 62, Upvotes 11
Daily Blog
The Jingle
12th September 2010
Time to pick a new Jingle.
I'm thinking that Year 3 should be marked, slightly, by tweaking the intro jingle a little, so I've gathered together a handful, and popped them all here.
Views 29, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog
The Suggestion Box
11th September 2010
The old suggestion box disappeared from the sidebar when I redid the theme, a while back.
It had almost camouflaged into the sidebar, hidden from sight, due to the fact that it was always there.
Instead, then, I've decided to make a regular feature of it.
Every weekend, assuming I remember to do this, I'll make a "suggestion" post, where regulars can contribute ideas, and perhaps even play about with each others ideas to build up something special.
No guarantees I'll be making these ideas...
Views 28, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog