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2019 - Bonus Tracks Music
29th October 2019
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Updated 29th October 2019 - Added Track : Westwards

A selection of bonus choons from the year, which weren't released as part of the main AL Bums.

  Orbital Annihilation B
  Board of Horses
  Indistinguishably Pressured B
  Where is KORG Gadget 2
One thing that would make me merry.
It's the end of February.
Give me software I need to see.
Where is KORG Gadget 2?

Sitting waiting for it to start.
Watching dates that I took to heart.
Hurry up as it's nearly March.
Where is KORG Gadget 2?

  There is KORG Gadget 2
One thing that has made me merry.
At the end of February.
Features that are all now complete.
There is KORG Gadget 2.

Tweaking all the new synths and things.
Extra reverb to make them sing.
Searching filenames when loading.
There is KORG Gadget 2.

  Mathematical Board

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  Noted Aquarium

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On 8th August 2019, KORG release three new instruments to the Gadget app. So, obviously, I had to make three new choons!

Ebina, a gadget created in conjunction with Taito, which creates retro synthy instruments.
  Ebina Bandina

Otorii-oo, a gadget which plays various samples from classic SEGA games.

And Warszawa, which integrates with the Electribe Wave app, to bring even more instruments into the world of Gadget.
  Electrified Waves (Warszawa)


Alexandra Muffin is a retro styled platformer, and as soon as I came up with the character's name, this popped into mind.
  Alexandra Muffin
  Alexandra Muffin (inst)

Alexandra Muffin, isn't scared of nuffin.
Alexandra Muffin, has a really good time.
Alexandra Muffin, is really pleased to meet you.
For Alexandra Muffin, everything is just fine.



Total 14 tracks
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Music - 2019 - Bonus Tracks - AGameAWeek