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#173 - 22nd June 2015
Views 100, Upvotes 18  
Chore , Diy
22nd June 2015


Oh, boy, did I sleep, yesterday!! Saturday night was FAR too hot, and I couldn't settle at all. I spent most of the night lying in bed, listening to music and not achieving anything at all. Sleep wise, I got around about 2 hours total, leading to a very very sleepy Sunday! Suffice to say, Sunday I got NOTHING done.. Nothing at all, except for sleeping. Lots and lots and lots and lots of sleeping!! Dev-wise, I'm a bit closer to getting a good feel in Boxsplosions, but it's sti...
Views 12, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
Traffic Control Pixelart
#172 - 21st June 2015
Views 107, Upvotes 28  
Costume , Job
21st June 2015


I'm still fiddling about with the level generator for the new Boxsplosions game. Currently it's coming up with either of two level styles. Either the arena a HUGE and has one or two targets to hit, thus leading to a huge chasm where not much happens, or it's generating a teensy tiny level that's completely flooded with millions of little bloody targets, which completely kills any sort of gameplay mechanic. It's going to be hard to get it to balance that out, without ending up wit...
Views 67, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
At the Gym Pixelart
#171 - 20th June 2015
Views 104, Upvotes 21  
Exercise , Gym
20th June 2015


Further rejections, this month, as a game gets rejected from yet another format. I'm not going to give them the publicity of a good rant, but suffice to say they rejected Invisible Munky 2 because, within the End Credits, I bothered to thank the people at OUYAForum.com, who helped me when I needed to test the game's physics. ( width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Y-Oi5a8TTuU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>> ...
Views 29, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
Waiting... Pixelart
#170 - 19th June 2015
Views 74, Upvotes 19  
19th June 2015
Right in the midst of "AGameAWeek Meets iOS Month", with SpikeDislike3 (hopefully) incoming, and two other games already out, and ... well.. I'm having a teensy tiny problem with iTunesConnect. Usually, at the bottom of a game's info-page, is a little "Request Promo Codes" link, which you click on to get promo codes for that game, that you can then send out for promotional reasons. The link USED to be there.. In fact, I used it mid-February to grab a bunch of SpikeDislike2 codes. But, for some curio...
Views 17, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
19th June 2015


Hurray! Another week, another iOS release. This week, ChuckABall shows up in the AppStore, and people go CRAZY for it!! .. ... Probably not, but they should, because it's an awesome game. Lovely and simple, and great for that 10 second wait that you just can't stand waiting through. Jump in, play a level (or ten), jump out. It does exactly what you need from a game of it's type. ( width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/iDJjJXOBGxs" frameborder="0" al...
Views 17, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
Hurting my Head Pixelart
#169 - 18th June 2015
Views 148, Upvotes 22  
Game , Breakout
18th June 2015


Yesterday's doings. Boxsploding I continued work on Boxsplosions, and got a nice new control scheme up and running for touchscreens. I might have to zoom out a little bit, though, as you can currently only see an area of about 8x8 tiles, whereas the whole arena is 128x128!! Today I'm going to be playing with the actual Splosions, and seeing if the gameplay matches the previous edition, or whether it all needs to be rethought and reimagined.. Hmm...
Views 22, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
Oh, Globbits.. Pixelart
#168 - 17th June 2015
Views 118, Upvotes 32  
Tv , Trap Door
17th June 2015


A whole lot of yesterday seemed to vanish just as much as the day before.. I now realise, of course, why this is.. I recently started playing the iOS game "Fallout Shelter", which is a spin-off of the Fallout franchise, in which you need to build, organise and maintain a fallout shelter. The game works a lot like Sim-Tower, and is "Free to Play", but not in a terribly horrific "F2P/IAP" style. It's fair, and it's nicely balanced. The IAPs are there if you want them, but skill ...
Views 13, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
Time to Leave Pixelart
#167 - 16th June 2015
Views 101, Upvotes 30  
16th June 2015


.. Did I do ANYTHING yesterday?! I'm really struggling to come up with anything that I actually did. Urm.. .. Oh, I did spend some time playing about with my telly. Trying out different "Smart" features, and trying to get the GameStick plugged in. Unfortunately, the GameStick didn't actually fit, because I've already plugged 101,000 computers and consoles into the back of the thing! I've had to order a HDMI switch thing, and will be plugging it into there, but that won't be...
Views 13, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
#166 - 15th June 2015
Views 78, Upvotes 22  
15th June 2015


So, I suppose I'm making a new version of Boxsplodings, then.. I spent most of yesterday coming up with a nice Arena-Generator. It took a while to get the feel "just right", but it seems to be coming up with nice enough shapes. You can see some of the generated shapes in (URL "https://twitter.com/Jayenkai/status/610214745283653634">this Vine). So, assuming that's the levels, what of the splodings..? That'll be today's task. Trying to find something that doesn't end up being...
Views 13, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
#165 - 14th June 2015
Views 78, Upvotes 22  
14th June 2015


With SpikeDislike3 out the door ('ish), ChuckABall ready to relaunch (chuck?) and Invisible Munky already getting played by at least one person, it's time to think ahead to what project comes next. For a while, I've been wondering if I should attempt a newer edition of (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/GameList.php?ShowJust=325">Boxsplodings). It's a fun little game, but was quite limited by the number of levels and how they were organised. (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/B...
Views 31, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
A Stick-Up Pixelart
#164 - 13th June 2015
Views 94, Upvotes 26  
Platizen , Burglar
13th June 2015


Here's how today should've been going. "Woohoo! Yeay! SpikeDislike3! YIPPEEEEE!!!" Here's how today's going.. "...... FUCKING APPLE!!!" (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/BloodyApple.jpg"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/BloodyApple-1024x256.jpg" alt="BloodyApple" width="604" height="151" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-4723" /> Apple rejected SpikeDislike3 because ...
Views 91, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
12th June 2015
You want dislike!?! Here's your dislike. Apple have just rejected SpikeDislike3 because within the keywords metadata, I listed both SpikeDislike and SpikeDislike2. I'm sure if I'd've called my game "Super Angry Candy Saga Warrior Crossy Flappy Bird" then that'd be fine, but got forbid I actually try to include the titles of previous editions of the very same game, MY GAMES, within the metadata of my own frickin' game. Well, screw them, then. SpikeDislike3's great big first-release debut is now...
Views 8, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
#163 - 12th June 2015
Views 130, Upvotes 33  
Cartoon , Tv , Road Runner
12th June 2015


Aaah, iTunesConnect. When Invisible Munky 2 launched, the other day, I noticed something odd in my iTunesConnect pages. Where there's usually a "Request Promo Codes" link, there was none. Basically, I can't give away Promo Codes for my iOS games, because I can't bloomin' well get any codes in the first place. I was baffled, and tried many things to get them back, including emailing and chatting with Apple themselves about the situation. After a good number of hours, they don't ...
Views 22, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
12th June 2015
Views 4906, Upvotes 70  
Spike , Platform , Endless , Spikedislike
#162 - 11th June 2015
Views 90, Upvotes 18  
Chef , Cooking
11th June 2015


After a game's release, half the fun is watching the aftermath, and scrawling the internet for comments. On this occasion, however, I pretty much know what's coming. Invisible Munky 2 isn't a game that I'm expecting to be popular, or fondly remembered, (it hasn't thus far, anyway..) so any comments and feedback will be minimal. And yet I wait, and I watch, and I hunt the net to try to find ANYTHING to do with the game. But. Nope. The WorldWide Web has fallen mostly silen...
Views 16, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
13904 results 0 1 2 3 ... 443 (444) 445 ... 512 513 514 Prev Next
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AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai