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8th October 2015


Oh, ffs.. Now, apparently, PlayJam (GameStick) are preparing to release a new console, and would you believe it... .. .. Yeah, you probably would. I spent most of yesterday fiddling about with a test game, and compiling various test versions so that I can get them tested on the new hardware. The test .apks include things like "Loading the smaller assets incase it's a memory issue", and "ignoring all input incase it's my controller code that's broken", through to things li...
Views 12, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
#280 - 7th October 2015
Views 126, Upvotes 29  
Chef , Cooking
7th October 2015


SpikeDislike3's been somewhat of a dead duck when it comes to sales. Just over 140 in the past 3 months is awful, even by my standards. It's odd seeing SD3 doing so badly when some of my other games (like Puzzobomb from 2011!) appear to be suddenly doing much much better. And so, inevitably, the game becomes free for a day. I'll probably leave it on free until later tonight, to give most people a chance at grabbing it. If you've an iPhing, go grab the game for free, then sp...
Views 14, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
Plat History Pixelart
#279 - 6th October 2015
Views 120, Upvotes 27  
History , Platizens
6th October 2015


All of this New-OUYA recompiling and fixing has certainly taken it's toll on NeonPlat. The game should've easily been finished by now, but instead I'm still working on enemy placements and trying to come up with Hats, which is still fairly early days in the world of NeonPlat.. *sigh* Yesterday I finished off Karl's Tiny Adventure and got it uploaded to both GameStick and OUYA. The OUYA one will be the better edition, since it includes the music. Worryingly, NeonPlat's Cosmic Ad...
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Daily Blog
Getting Fruity Pixelart
#278 - 5th October 2015
Views 110, Upvotes 25  
5th October 2015


I've spent more than enough time on Karl's Tiny Adventure. It's time to stop trying to fix the issue and just get the damn game uploaded. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to do two distinct editions. One for OUYA/Etc and one specifically for GameStick. The GameStick edition will have the music disabled. Why? Because apparently the GameStick doesn't like playing audio. I mean, it does, it just doesn't always play what you ask it, when you ask it to. For 99.9% of cases, it'l...
Views 18, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
#277 - 4th October 2015
Views 102, Upvotes 29  
4th October 2015


Did I miss a day?! Yeah, I basically didn't want to make a "Still full of flu!" post, so.. I didn't! Anyhoo, back to coding, and Karl's Tiny Adventure (which is next on the fixup list) has a bit of a bug in it, when played on the GameStick. The music is hopping and skipping about like some sort of broken record. I'm really not sure why that's happening, but today I'll be trawling through my timing code to see if I can figure it out. I imagine it might be that it's heavily ...
Views 12, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
#276 - 3rd October 2015
Views 87, Upvotes 24  
Music , Platizen
So Cute! Pixelart
#275 - 2nd October 2015
Views 93, Upvotes 25  
2nd October 2015


Suffering, yesterday, as a runny nose took control, and left me really not in the mood for doing much of anything. Hurray.. : I spent what dev-time I could manage, working on Greenie's Mini Quest/Little Adventure. For starters, I gave it it's proper original name! Always seemed silly that the game should have two titles, so I settled on Little Adventure, since that was the name in the logo. (eg, that was easier!!) Next, I tackled the level generator, making levels a little to...
Views 17, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
Leftovers Pixelart
#274 - 1st October 2015
Views 96, Upvotes 25  
Star Trek , Model
1st October 2015


Guess what I tried doing, last night...? If you read the title of this blog entry, and know how smooth and silky my current Dev-Kit is, you've probably guessed "A quick iOS Compile", and, of course, you'd be right! I'm currently midway through attempting to get a Free "LITE" edition of SpikeDislike3 onto the App Store. 50 levels, no GameCenter, and a big old "Full Edition!" link right at the top of the menu. That part was easy. Then I copied the folder over to the Mac.. ....
Views 9, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
The Warm Front Pixelart
#273 - 30th September 2015
Views 125, Upvotes 17  
Tv , Platizen , Weather
30th September 2015


I got a new "Timer or Event" bar under the score, in NeonPlat's Cosmic Adventure, which either displays a depleting timer for things like Shields and Speedups, or a set of blocks when displaying weapons and whatnot. It's a fairly simply little bar, and isn't much to write home about, but there it is! Meanwhile I'm also finding (or rather, other people are finding..) a weird quirk with some of my older games, on some Android devices. It seems that upon first load, the games occa...
Views 17, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
Fixing My Cock Pixelart
#272 - 29th September 2015
Views 129, Upvotes 29  
Castle , Weather Vane
29th September 2015


I spent some time thinking about hats, yesterday, and trying to find the best way to illustrate the lifespan of the hats. Annoyingly, they're all slightly different. Shields have hit-points, Speedups have timers, Weapons have ammo. Complicated trying to find a way to display all that. I think I'll probably just end up shoving a bar somewhere on the screen, or something. That'd probably work best. The old version had the Arc surrounding Platdude, but I don't think that's very...
Views 8, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
Making a Splash Pixelart
#271 - 28th September 2015
Views 103, Upvotes 33  
Sports , Swimming
28th September 2015


NPA2 is now NPCA, as it finally finds a proper title, "NeonPlat's Cosmic Adventure". I spent about 5 or 6 hours trying out various programs desperate to find a nice way to get a properly designed logo that would curve around the edge of the planet. In the end, I did what I usually did, and opted to just do the bloomin' thing myself. Ingredients 1. (URL "https://blitzmax.com">BlitzMax) 2. Selection of Fonts from (URL "https://www.1001freefonts.com/">10...
Views 15, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
Vet School Pixelart
#270 - 27th September 2015
Views 115, Upvotes 30  
Wildlife , Pet , Ralph
27th September 2015


Yesterday I spent far too long attempting something that, inevitably didn't actually go anywhere. As I continue on my alphabetised fixups of OUYA games, I found myself reaching Boxsplodings. I've never been happy with the fact that there are "only" 64 levels in this game, and last night I attempted to make a random level generator for the game. Unfortunately, all resulting attempts ended up looking boring, dull, and somewhat similar. More work on that, in the future, I reckon. ...
Views 12, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
Commander Plat Pixelart
#269 - 26th September 2015
Views 107, Upvotes 34  
Space , Vehicle
26th September 2015


The first of my games finally passed through PlayJam/GameStick review, yesterday. (Good to know that ONLY took 5 days, even though I was on "the fast track"!! Compare that to the fact that OUYA's reviewed all 5 of the games I've so far uploaded!) A very thorough review, where the only complaints were as follows. 1. If you pause the game, go into the menu, turn off the music, then turn it back on, it doesn't actually restart until you've quit the game. This has been a "feat...
Views 17, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
Argh! Shark!! Pixelart
#268 - 25th September 2015
Views 113, Upvotes 26  
Tv , Happy Days
25th September 2015


I'm seriously struggling to remember what all I did, yesterday! I oughta keep a note of these things. I know I uploaded another game to OUYA and PlayJam, and I also know I spent a good hour or so tweaking NeonPlat Adventures 2.. .. But I can't, for the life of me, remember what it was that I actually did!! I blame the cat, who woke me up far too early, which led to a day of messing about and not really accomplishing much, before finally heading back to bed for a "short nap"...
Views 11, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
#267 - 24th September 2015
Views 95, Upvotes 20  
Game , Outrun
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