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6th February 2019
Today I've been poking and prodding at the game's timing, trying to find the best way to get things running as smoothly as possible.
Currently the ball's trail is a little wonky, mostly down to the delta timing involved throwing it off a little.
But for the most part, things are looking really quite compatible between versions.
This also goes for versions with a low framerate, too.
In the video above, there is audio for both the 3DS Homebrew edition and the laptop's vers...
Views 55, Upvotes 11
More To Do..
6th February 2019
You might've noticed that, since yesterday, the Poetry Corner now has a little crappily designed scroll image.
Views 124, Upvotes 19
Daily Blog
Site Tweaks
5th February 2019
The numbers represent a different group of horizontal or vertical squares. Try to figure out where all the different groups are, such that they don't overlap each other, but also manage to cover up all of the black dots shown in the grid.
Game Concept - Juho Snellman Views 102, Upvotes 20
5th February 2019
Added a new logic puzzle, Linjat, to the Fold.
Dots show areas that must be covered, whilst the numbers suggest the length of a "line" which must be placed either horizontally or vertically.
There's an online version of the game here, created by the author of the puzzle.
Permission to duplicate the puzzle type has, of course, been asked for and granted by the author Juho Snellman
Views 157, Upvotes 31
Foldapuz Blog
Much More..
5th February 2019
In order to get SpikeDislike Classic (or is it Classic SpikeDislike?) to work as universally as I can, there's been a lot of Delta Timing tweaks, alongside a bunch of 3DS Scaling-Issue related stuff that had to be done.
Views 100, Upvotes 19
Daily Blog
Spike Plan
4th February 2019
This will be SpikeDislike Classic, and as such will be a back-to-basics approach.
Nobody seemed to like the wonderful new additions that I made to SD3, so they'll all be scrapped in favour of the good old "Ball bounces along the ground, dodging spikes, full stop" mechanic that everybody loves.
Views 114, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog
3rd February 2019
After each release, an influx of a comment bombards the pages of the site, and we get to see what people thought of the game.
This week, RSKGames has decided to chip in, with thoughts of the gravity based, planet blasting game, Orbital Annihilation.
You can play Orbital Annihilation here.
RSKGamesIn Orbital Annihilation the player has to wait till the planets are aligned at the right positions in the orbits to fire and destroy the selected planet. Takes a bit of patience and timing to ...Views 164, Upvotes 23
Player Thoughts
A Familiar Scene
3rd February 2019
For the past few months, I've been back and forthing on a way to get this to look half-assed on the 3DS.
The main issue is with the Starfield, vs the 3DS's LED "haze" (Or maybe that's because I'm using a Original 3DS as my Homebrew unit!?)
The slow-to-react LED is causing really horrible "clarity" issues.
When you moved, the stars turned to a dark grey whilst the screen tries to catch up. If you stopped, and it has time to draw them fully, they become hard and white.
The constan...
Views 82, Upvotes 13
Day Zero Defeat
3rd February 2019
I've just spent the past couple of hours trying to fix a really stupid bug in the game logic.
All of a sudden, enemy rooks could leap over your pieces.
I looked into the code, and ... Yeah, I can see how that's happening.
The issue being, of course, that to fix it I'd need to rewrite a significant chunk of the movement code, and probably break a whole bunch of other things along the way.
I don't often give up on a project due to complexities like this.
Usually if I DO give up, its ...
Views 184, Upvotes 34
Not a Looker
3rd February 2019
All the focus for this game has been on its balancing, and I've barely touched the graphical style at all.
Views 80, Upvotes 21
Daily Blog
2nd February 2019
2 days to go, and the Chess Game is finally starting to get a little more .. interesting!
Views 106, Upvotes 24
Daily Blog
Getting Somewhere
1st February 2019
Today's tweaks have finally made the Chess game a bit more lively.
A bit more fiddling and, hopefully, I should be able to get the difficulty back to something fairly decent.
Right now it's still a little bland, and games can carry on for far too long without much of a threat, so a little more "look ahead" and things should be golden!
Views 107, Upvotes 27
It's Alive
A Bit of a Waffle
1st February 2019
Yesterday didn't all go as planned!!
Views 43, Upvotes 12
Daily Blog