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Accordion Solitaire
5th March 2019
Move the cards towards a single pile on the left.
You can place cards of the same suit or value atop each other, if they're directly next to each other, or jump over if they're two cards apart. Views 144, Upvotes 21
What IS it called?
5th March 2019
I added another Solitaire game to the Shoebox, last night, but it was entirely from memory, and my memory's starting to fade!!
Views 304, Upvotes 28
Daily Blog
4th March 2019
I've spent the past hour or so tweaking the "failed to load" functionality of the ShoeBox, and I *think* I've managed to get it to fail well, although.. Honestly, I won't know for sure until something does in fact break, and unlike most scenarios, I can't think of a quick and easy way to test this one!
If you see a dead shoebox, be sure to let me know!
Rest assured, however, that when it does now happen, a reset should no longer erase all of your Win/Play scores, just your current gam...
Views 105, Upvotes 22
4th March 2019
RSKGames emailed, this morning, with a log file showing what happened in his browser, when the ShoeBox collection failed to load properly.
Views 170, Upvotes 35
Daily Blog
Bit of Coding
3rd March 2019
Managed to get a little bit of coding done, today.
I've added a fairly swift anagram-finder to the word engine of Shoebox. The script can more or less search anagrams for about two sets of letters each second, so should be fairly useable once I start making a "generic unbranded crossword style word game" game.
The next part of that particular puzzle is trying to decide on scores for tiles.
Do I stick with "Stringy Things" tile scores, which they currently are in the game, or do I switch to using...
Views 165, Upvotes 27
Family Day 2
3rd March 2019
Things will probably be fairly quiet around here for the next few days.
As soon as I'm allowed to post about it, I will do.
Suffice to say, the past couple of days haven't exactly been the cheeriest at home, and it's been fairly rough sailing.
Normal service will resume ASAP
Views 31, Upvotes 3
Daily Blog
Family Day
2nd March 2019
I spent yesterday with the family.
Views 116, Upvotes 41
Daily Blog
Music Day
1st March 2019
KORG Gadget 2 released, yesterday morning, on iOS, Mac and also now on Windows.
As such, I took a day off from coding, and instead spent the day playing with the iOS edition of the app.
Views 624, Upvotes 15
Daily Blog
Tweaking the Box
28th February 2019
I did a few tweaks to the framework, yesterday.
There's now a mute button in the pause/escape menu, which works.. (For a few hours, it was there, but did absolutely nothing!!)
Views 95, Upvotes 20
Daily Blog
Fighting the Scale
27th February 2019
Michael emailed, late last night, to complain about the scaling on one of the games.
"No," thought I, "That should be working fine.."
Views 89, Upvotes 24
Daily Blog
26th February 2019
It's hard to keep from breaking things when they're already live on the server.
Views 97, Upvotes 18
Daily Blog