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8th March 2009
Game #1, Sokoban, required a nice scrolling tilemap, of infinite size. I spent a couple of days getting that all up and running, so that it'll do for other games, too. But today, Game #2, Surprise!, required a different type of map. Game #2 needs a wraparound map, so you can move from one side to the other, and carry on in a continuous loop. This means that as well as drawing tiles where they're meant to be, on the DS's 512x512 pixel Background Layer, I also have to draw tiles if they'...
Views 127, Upvotes 25  
Platdude Retro Collection 2
6th March 2009
I just paid 400 points for Worms on X360. What the hey, right?! It's Worms... What could possibly go wrong!?! .. Well, aside from the things I ranted about, on the original DS version, a long while ago.. Well, would you believe it, there's something wrong with the Xbox Live version, too!
Views 48, Upvotes 13  
6th March 2009
Bug fixes already! Oh dear! Sokoban had a bizarre map limit bug, whereby if you were off the left hand side of a small map, it freaked out, and the screen jiggled around like crazy.. .. oops! That got fixed early this morning, and then since it's Friday I took most of my time working on this week's AGameAWeek. (So I can bugfix Sunday and neaten it Monday, ready for release on Tuesday.) .. In many ways, I haven't done anything to PRC2! Maybe tomorrow! PRC2 : Still only 1 game....
Views 120, Upvotes 34  
Platdude Retro Collection 2
4th March 2009
I'm still building up the basic reusable map functions! Had some crazy memory issues, yesterday, but everything seems ok, this morning, so it's time to move from silly map things, to actually building the game up. Starting with a strange grouping of maptiles, I'm going to have to add crates, and a player, and get the movement up and running. It should be pretty easy to do, though, as all the arts ready and waiting. good-good! So with all that being done today (hopefully) I should be able ...
Views 121, Upvotes 29  
Platdude Retro Collection 2
3rd March 2009
Yeah, I figured I'd forgotten a few things, and as Sokoban gets built up, slowly but surely, all the forgotten things are poking their heads out, waiting to be sorted. Click inside for coder-heavy stuff.. or just grab Sokoban from earlier today and play that for a while!!
Views 147, Upvotes 32  
Platdude Retro Collection 2
3rd March 2009
As mentioned the other day, whilst sorting out all the PRC2 stuff, I first created Sokoban for windows, using Blitz. So here it is. Nothing special. <img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/soko.png"> A is the hard pack, B is the easy one. or as I like to think of it.. A is really hard..! .. And so's pack B. B's meant to be "For children and beginners", but I could only get up to level 11! *sigh* I suck at sokoban! All levels are from David W Skinner's Sokoban Level Si...
Views 193, Upvotes 33  
Platdude Retro Collection 2
2nd March 2009
Yesterday was spent getting Sokoban to work in BlitzBasic for Windows. It ended up reasonably well, but there's a few things that should be tweaked, including one persons complaint that bundling all 600+ levels into a single pack kinda kills the fun of it.. A dull trek through a long list of simple levels before you even touch on the slightly more difficult levels, does not a fun game make. So, I'll split them back up into their seperate packs, and give folk a nice selectable menu system.
Views 171, Upvotes 44  
Platdude Retro Collection 2
1st March 2009
I'm yet to start coding anything gamewise, yet, but I've made my first start on the first game. Gerinych over at GBATemp suggested a Sokoban clone. Usually, I avoid Sokobans. They're kinda dull, generic and boring after 5 seconds, but there's something in Sokoban that's really useful right now. Sokoban has a LOT of levels, and since one of the Socoder members (JL235) is making his own Sokoban clone, he knew where I'd find a whole big bunch of levels for it. So, in rapid succ...
Views 121, Upvotes 20  
Platdude Retro Collection 2
27th February 2009
This time around, every game will have it's own quickly made titlescreen. Not wanting to spend too much time doing each one, I figured I'd get away with doing NES style titles. They're simple, but effective. I'm deciding all this, now, because it's so much easier than having to frantically throw it all together, later on, with 10 or so games all needing to be worked out! So, the style right now is, Title of game at the top, highscores below, and "Press Start" below that. Nothing...
Views 121, Upvotes 26  
Platdude Retro Collection 2
25th February 2009
For DS Development, I use PALib and DevKitPro. DevKitPro compiles everything nicely for the DS, whilst PALib is a set of functions that makes everything nice and usable, as opposed be being a baffling chaotic mess! However, if you try updating it, a whole fleet of incompatibilities arise, be it because of DevKitPro changing, or PALib. And, it's not just little things either. A simple PALib upgrade will mean that pretty much all of my old games start getting little breaks in them, and it's a ...
Views 82, Upvotes 22  
Platdude Retro Collection 2
24th February 2009
A nice and simple game, this week. <img src="https://agameaweek.com/completeB/2009/Storm_of_Idigidragon_20090224A.png"> Since I'm trying to decide what style Platdude Retro Collection 2 should have, I decided to try out a style in Blitz first, and see how it looks. You might notice it's still a little Atari 2600. .. I'm not sure if I'll stick with that. But I do like the nice big chunky sprites, and the whole thing feels much more retro than PRC did, originally.. So.. I dunno...
Views 87, Upvotes 18  
20th February 2009
I say "Project", but of course, being me, I mean projectS.. #1 PRC:2 - 0% I'm restarting Platdude's Retro Collection from scratch, and building it up a bit bigger than last time, with nicer per-game spritesheets and things like that. Bigger = Better, usually.. .. I'll make sure that's true, don't worry! So far the selection's getting too big for it's boots, and at current rate it'll take about 3 years to finish the project, so.. going to have to whittle it down, and remember the "Keep it Simple" r...
Views 40, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
17th February 2009
You can <a href="https://agameaweek.com/?Game=165">Download JXW here</a> This one's for me!! If other folk enjoy it, then so be it, but I made this for myself because I was getting really ticked off by the lack of decent crossword games* on the DS. There's 3479 crosswords in the game. Each one's selectable from the very uninteresting title screen, and playable whenever you want. Pick a level, play it, done. If you want to save midway, hit start to return to the menu, th...
Views 65, Upvotes 15  
15th February 2009
My mum likes crosswords!!! And, heck. I like crosswords, too! Except, the trouble is, there's not really a decent crossword game on the DS. Don't get me wrong, there's a fair few games, and The Times (released this week) in particular, has a cracking selection of clues/answers, and some really nice layouts. In fact, it's really quite nice, and would be fantastic if the actual game UI wasn't so mind bogglingly bad. And, I'm not saying it's "A little bit bad.." I'm say...
Views 59, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
9th February 2009
Doing your homework on the back of the bus.. A crazy week of illness, busyness, and a party, have meant that this week's game had to be done.. .. um.. today! And, as you could probably guess. I ain't got Jack! There's still a game, though! Take a look inside to see what it is..
Views 67, Upvotes 14  
6th February 2009
I've taken onboard a few of AuthenticKaizen's suggestions, and there's now a slightly better edition of Disasteroids available. <a href="https://agameaweek.com/?Game=33">Same download link, right here</a> The game's pretty much the same as it was on Tuesday, except with a few added powerups to play around with. There's also (I forgot to mention this anywhere, but it's in there!!) a "Chill" mode. Hit Tab to start the game, and you play without those little white cr...
Views 182, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
3rd February 2009
This week's Wednesday Workshop <a href="https://socoder.net/index.php?topic=1414">#186</a> was to create a nice Asteroids game. As I started creating it, I was planning a nice Horizontal Shooter-esque game, with powerups and all kinds of crazyness. But I ran out of steam midway. A shame.. <img src="https://agameaweek.com/completeB/2009/Disasteroids_20090203A.png"> BUT. It's still a nice swooshy game, with fancy particles, and nice explosions. It's mouse controlled, l...
Views 91, Upvotes 12  
2nd February 2009
This week, I've been working on an Asteroids game. On Thursday, it was a bog standard Asteroids game, that seriously needed updating. On Friday, I changed the controls to mouse. The game plays like a cross between Asteroids and Horizontal Shooter. On Sunday, I tweaked the controls further, and added particles. And today, I spent some time tweaking the difficulty. At this point, the gameplay's "OK". It's not amazing. And, I think because of that, I've kind of stalled. Right now, the...
Views 72, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog
J-Walker Blog
27th January 2009
Much as expected, this week's AGameAWeek has become a Vib Ribbon style game. To be honest, I had this idea for a moment, last week, whilst doing the Go Left game. The idea stayed in my head for about a minute, before vanishing. But having finally gotten around to playing Vib Ribbon, this week, I figured it was time to put the plan into action, and with a nice time-saving addition (the graphics!) I managed to get it done in time. So here's J-Walker. <a href="https://agameaweek.com/complet...
Views 126, Upvotes 13  
23rd January 2009
I've had it in my desk's cupboard for years. I bought the game not long after my original Playstation broke, thinking I'd pick up a PSX cheap somewhere.. I never did. And, I never bought a PS2, or a PSP, or PS3, or anything else that could play it. Over the years, I've tried it on Various emulators, only to have them spit it out, and die.. And yet I kept it, hoping to eventually play it some day. Yesterday I finally DID! And it's a cracking game. A wonderful piece of music based gaming, all nice a...
Views 39, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
22nd January 2009
Every so often, I like to rant here, for no real reason. Today, whilst playing Burnout 3 on my Xbox Classic, the whole "Customisable Soundtracks on the X360" issue appeared once again, so I figured I should rant about it. See, on Burnout XBox, you used the game to pick the soundtrack, and then that played it in the background. But, it ALSO stopped the music when you crashed, turned down the music when there was information to be told, and other useful things. But, for some really bizarre inexplicable ...
Views 39, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
21st January 2009
I've had a couple of emails about the donate button already, so thought I should clarify why it's there. I write a game a week.. Sometimes they're good, sometimes their rubbish, and sometimes they're really fun, playable, and can keep you playing for a good few hours. I can do this, because I have a lot of free time. And by "a lot of free time", I mean A LOT of free time. The webhost is pretty much minimal cost (GoDaddy), the programming languages range from 0 cost (DS/XNA) to very mi...
Views 62, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog
Go Left! Blog
20th January 2009
A short and sweet game, this week. Would've been more (extra graphical niceness) but I ran out of time! Aw well.. Here's the basic form. <img src="https://socoder.net/workshop/dlds/184_go_left.gif"> Rules : Go Left, avoid spinning spiky things. There's 13 levels, and then it wraps back to level 3 but faster, and then continues to wrap, getting faster and faster all the time.. Infinite lives, so if you're really bored you can just keep going and going and going! Maybe! Yo...
Views 118, Upvotes 13  
19th January 2009
I'm not sure if you figured it out from the picture I posted the other day, but it seems that the project I'm currently working on in XNA will turn out to be Centipong. To be honest, I wasn't actually planning to do Centipong! I was actually just shoving in a basic sprite, and getting it bobbing around on the screen, in order to duplicate my basic "Blitz 2D-in-3D" command set within the XNA environment. So far that's working out rather well, and I've near enough created a nice littl...
Views 42, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
15th January 2009
I've said on other forums that this year will be my Xbox Live year. That I'd take the time to learn how XNA should work, and eventually build things up so they work nice and happily. Unfortunately, my coding's stuck in the 80's&90's, and I can't get out of my "horrible" Basic habits. Well, other folk call them "Horrible" habits, but honestly, I just see most Basic commands as common sense. I'd much rather write If Keydown(1) Then End than I would write If (GamePad.GetState(...
Views 56, Upvotes 16  
Daily Blog
13th January 2009
A nice, quickly made game, this week.. For obvious reasons. Bah.. Still, a game created in 2 days can be just as much fun as a great big month long project. .. Occasionally. This game's a nice simple puzzle game. Your task is to get the blobs from the top of the sliders, down to their allocated areas in the bottom, by sliding the sliders left and right. There's a constant timer, so try to get through as many levels as you can. No scores, no level count, but .. for a change.. The Blitz Basic so...
Views 67, Upvotes 11  
12th January 2009
Since I currently have no PC in my room, I'm down to the bare essentials. I can use the downstairs PC to code on (and have a nice half-finished puzzle game ready for tomorrow), but all my music is sat on 2 inaccessable SATA drives. My TV shows are on there, my codings on there, and a whole lot more. Luckily, I found that DVDs with DivX content can actually be played on your Xbox. Stick in the disc, shuffle over to Video Library, and head into the disc to watch all your favourites. So, as lacking in...
Views 63, Upvotes 15  
Daily Blog
6274 results 0 1 2 3 ... 226 (227) 228 230 231 232 Prev Next
Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 126

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai