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21st July 2009
Nice and big, specifically in the title, so as not to get ANYONE excited! I will be VERY surprised if anyone gives a rats ass about this week's .. um.. "game".. but here it is anyway. "Made for my cookie", although it's not a cookie anymore.. it's a viewty.. this J2ME Java App will allow you to play along with a real-world game of scrabble. See, lately I've been playing a LOT of Scrabble. I bought a ??40 "Scrabble 60th Anniversary Edition" set, thinking it's be all nice and lovel...
Views 253, Upvotes 25  
19th July 2009
I can't believe I've still not finished this yet! Seems that, no matter how much work I do on this game, it's still not quite done. This week, I finally decided on the complete "Not Chance" and "Not Community Chest" card selection. 12 of each, ready and waiting in the engine. Next, I added all those lovely patents. They're all in there, each one displaying on a nice little card, along with the creator's name. I haven't yet gotten around to actually printing the bulk of ...
Views 112, Upvotes 25  
Daily Blog , Patent Wars
13th July 2009
Aww. Didn't work. This week's Wednesday Workshop (#209) asked us to create a game with some kind of Gravity. If you've been following AGameAWeek for a while, you'll remember Puzzobomb. A nice puzzle game with Gravity. I also did MunkyBlocks as a kind of follow up. Well, this week I decided to try it again, but with rotational gravity, rather than plain gravity. As such, the block will fall in the direction they're placed. They ha...
Views 162, Upvotes 13  
7th July 2009
Not much this week, or at least, not as good as Microbes anyway! I decided to redo Raining Bombs, from a few weeks ago. The last one was for my Cookie phone, (which has since become a Viewty phone) and this one's for Windows. It looks more dramatic than it is! Two turrets that shoot each other over and over again. If you blast your enemy beneath the bottom of the screen, you win a point, and then it all starts all over again. No intro, no music, not even a "BANG!", more a subtle silent...
Views 142, Upvotes 18  
Microbes Blog
29th June 2009
A simple game, this week, but one that's already evolved quite a bit. As I mentioned the other day, I actually got this game done earlier on in the week, and it was quite a bit of fun even then. Since then, I've updated it a couple more times, and now it's even better than it was! woot!! The game is based on an Amiga game I once played many, many years ago. A simple design. You swirl around the outside of the arena, moving the mouse left and right. You fire with the Left Mouse But...
Views 517, Upvotes 38  
25th June 2009
Yesterday turned out rather well. I actually coded a complete game, from start to finish, logo, audio, everything, yesterday. It's pretty good, and will be our AGameAWeek come Tuesday. (Because, if I posted it today, there'd be nothing to post on Tuesday!!) Look forward to more shootyshooty stuff!
Views 111, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
23rd June 2009
Well, not all suck. Let's take a quick run through my week, shall we? Tuesday Posted last week's game, got prepared to work on PatentWars some more. Created a few nice looking player counters, got them moving around the board, all is well. <img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/counters.png"> Wednesday That little red counter looks really really neat. Attempted to mould it, somehow, into a Socoder logo. It worked! <img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/...
Views 111, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
17th June 2009
Last Wednesday I started a new project, it's since gotten out of hand and I need some ideas to help bring it all to a close. Let's start from the top. Over at the MyLGCookie forums, someone asked if there was a nice touchscreen Monopoly. As usual, Jay jumps in and says "Yeah, that'll be nice and easy" ... It's not! See, rather than getting my ass sued off, I decided to make it "But a bit different", and the idea I came up with was to use Patents. Instead of houses and hotels, you ...
Views 113, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
15th June 2009
At the start of this week, I completed a nice quick game of Atoms for my phone, so here's that.. It's a classic Amiga PD game from many many years ago. Tap to place an atom, place too many to explode them, capture all the tiles you can. Simple gameplay, but lots of fun! You can Download Atoms here For the rest of this week, I've been working on a mock board-game. Confined to the rules of board, it's been fun creating a game that could conceivably exist in the real world. Unf...
Views 81, Upvotes 16  
8th June 2009
I've about 20-odd projects on the go, this week, so you'll have to excuse the lack of blog entries, and even a decent AGameAWeek game. Most of this week was spent trying to roll a dice! (die, whatever) I figured that, with 4 frames per roll, I'd need around about 200+ frames of animation. I tried to work out all the animations, and it drove me crazy! Then I rested, and eventually worked out a way to do it, without bothering to animate it, which was a lot simpler to do. .. Then the game i...
Views 88, Upvotes 9  
1st June 2009
OMG! It's a Trial Edition!! WTF!? Demo! ARGH!!! Actually, I've not finished yet. But rather than skip out a week of AGameAWeek, I've decided to release a quick Trial edition. In this version, you must guide Platdude through 11 classic JNKPlatDS08 levels. They're all in there, and they all work approximately as they did before There are, of course, odd timing issues, as I've not quite got everything exact. It's not TOO obvious ...
Views 224, Upvotes 14  
30th May 2009
Things are coming together quite nicely. The game's managing to build up in it's nice 2D environment, and so far none of the 3D stuff's killing the PC. I should probably point out that certain levels will obviously become a bit TOO complex for older systems, but for the most part even my Celeron's managing to cope. Roughly! It goes crazy if you build a whole level of ladders, but other than that, it's fine This is it in 3D. Thi...
Views 135, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
29th May 2009
Just a quicky, this week, as I know the spam is spam! But there were still a couple of oddities that stuck out. My Amazing Weight Loss Story writes... Thanks for writing, I truly liked reading your most recent post. I think you should post more often, you obviously have talent for blogging! Aww, shucks, thanks! We'll call this one "ComplimentBot" The trick is, if you weasel your way into accidentally getting approved, you can then reuse that username over and over, and no...
Views 60, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
27th May 2009
I made a start on this game a few days ago, and things seem to be progressing at a decent enough rate. The basic gameplay engine is in there, now. The test level (200x50 blocks) loads, platdude can run around, grab onto bars, jump around and use ladders. He can also work plungers and have the blocks open and shut accordingly. So, that's all nice! You might notice that the graphics are looking remarkably similar to JNKPlatDS08. That's because they ARE those graphics! The engine loads t...
Views 59, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
26th May 2009
Another nice subtle title for Google to pick up, along with the odd sprinkles of text within. Last time we posted LG Cookie KP500 Java J2ME Free Games to Download *cough* we had the following 3 games. #1. Hangman #2. Slots #3. TensionSheet This week, there's 3 more Free Games for LG Cookie to be played with. #4. Ball Push #5. Tic Tac Toe #6. Matrix Blaster They're basically.. #4 : Ball Push Get the ball into the hole. Tap close = fast, tap further = slower. #5 : Tic Tac Toe ...
Views 518, Upvotes 15  
25th May 2009
I'm a calm person. I will happily settle with what I've got, and be glad that I have it. I don't own a copy of Flash, I can't afford it, and I'm not going to steal it. So I carry on making games in Blitz, and whatever else I can get my hands on. So, with my £100 Phone, from LG, (The KP500 'Cookie') I started to write games using the freely available MidletPascal. It's a wonderful piece of software, and it does many great things.
Views 83, Upvotes 17  
25th May 2009
Like Electronic Arts, my game titles are becoming ever more complex, with themes and years being added on, in an ever expanding way. No matter, it's still only 12 characters long, so that's ok Yesterday I made a decision that might break up AGameAWeek for a few weeks. I don't seem to have nearly enough time, recently, so I'll pad things out a bit, and work on a lengthy project. (Although, if it helps, I worked on a bunch of MidletPascal Java t...
Views 76, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog
20th May 2009
Today I start a new feature, mostly due to 2 odd posts in my spambin. 1. Invispnib writes.. Should they even be there? Please comment on this video clip. I don't think Robert Cooper or Brad Wright would ever let these two ever have any serious part on Stargate Universe. Well maybe the brunette??? The link in question Now, usually, I'd set that to spam, and kill the bugger. But it is, indeed, a stargate related video. Which is odd, because I'm not sure I've mentioned my love of ...
Views 56, Upvotes 29  
Daily Blog
19th May 2009
I'm not really sure if this is good, to be honest, but here it is anyway.. Counters Strike BlitzBasic Sourcecode included. Game written in under 3 hours. Timescale written at the top of the Blitz Sourcecode (you can open it in notepad!)
Views 100, Upvotes 17  
18th May 2009
I haven't started it yet! Uhoh! This week's Wednesday Workshop (#201) asks us to create a game within a 3 hour limit. Looks like I'm aiming for that, then! Additionally, since I've been thinking of my phone all week, I think I'm also going to try to come up with a game that works on that. Maybe a puzzle game, of some sort. No idea. So, first in Blitz, then later on the Phone. I might even redo it again, and pop it into PRC2, 'cos that's looking rather empty lately. That's my plan. Not sure w...
Views 48, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
Roundup.. Blog
13th May 2009
Occasionally, I like to jot down my current doings. It helps keep track of projects, and ideas, and sometimes getting a bit of feedback helps. So feel free to do that! 1. Java/MidletPascal Since I got my latest phone (an LGCookie) I decided to get back into Java coding... Except, without that horrible Java bit. So, whilst learning MidletPascal, I've released a few games, and also started to write a series of MidletPascal tutorials, too. So, there's that! I'm continuing to build up a fun...
Views 47, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog
12th May 2009
This week's Wednesday Workshop (#200! wowie) asked us to create a game using no more than 2000 characters. I managed to recreate the classic 8-bit title "Splat!", whereby you control a spider through a maze, picking up fruit. In order to squeeze all that into 2000 characters, I opted for simpler mouse movement, and few other bits and pieces. Then I figured, what the heck, and decided to make it a wee bit bigger for AGameAWeek. Guide the worm through the maze, grab the circles, avoid the squares, a...
Views 119, Upvotes 30  
5th May 2009
Is that title subtle enough for Google, d'you think? This week, I've been getting to grips with MidletPascal, and dodging it's annoying mid-compile crashes, in a vague attempt to get some games onto my phone. Sorry folks, this week's AGameAWeek is entirely Java based. Boooo!! Or at least, unless you have a decent phone, anyway! <img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/cookiea.png">
Views 1026, Upvotes 20  
2nd May 2009
Stupid spambots are taking the smeg, so I've added a fake captcha thing to see if it does anything. Like it says, just ignore the thing, and it'll ignore, too. Sorted!
Views 35, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
30th April 2009
My cookie work's kicking off, now. With a fully working keyboard, and sprites flying around the screen, I'm ready to start building games. I've a few games in mind and am hoping to get some work done during the week. But what does that mean for AGameAWeek? Well, A Java game is still a game! So, if I get anything nice working, that'll be this Tuesday's AGameAWeek release. Sorry for all if you'd rather complain about that! But I can't work on 100 things at once. .. ...
Views 49, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
28th April 2009
Sorry!! With all the time spent playing around with Java and MidletPascal, this week, along with the time spent on H~S~R, we seem to have hit a bit of a low point. Still, no matter, here's a "fun" game! Dusty. Take lots of dust, push it around by clicking on the screen, and try to get all the dust into the red area. You'll have to guess where the red area is, 'cos it ain't labelled! Wherever the dust becomes red, that's where it's at. There's a timer. And, to be...
Views 85, Upvotes 15  
27th April 2009
I've added bloom, and a few more tweaks here and there. The complete list of changes can be seen inside. Otherwise, the usual two things. And.. Same download link, much bigger file!
Views 64, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog
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Site credits : All of the above : Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 125

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai