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31st July 2011
Although I haven't yet started to code anything, I have spent the past few days wondering how best to tackle redefinable keys in the PlayMyCode. I'm unsure whether to go for a menu based thing, or not.
Views 17, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
20th July 2011
I had a decent topic in mind for the blog, earlier.... *shrugs* Should've wrote it down.. No matter, I can randomly waffle for 10 minutes! I usually do ok with that...
Views 23, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
11th July 2011
A game? Again? Yup! Made a (URL "">nice little mazey thing), where you have to trek around a random maze. The maze isn't hard, but it's one of those nice "harder if you don't do it right!" style of things that I have a knack of making. Not sure why I keep doing those! I just seem to like their insane difficulty! Perhaps, in reality, my games are actually really really piss easy, and it's just me that keeps playing them wrong!? *shrugs*
Views 14, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
10th July 2011
I've always found Flash slightly more complicated than it needs to be. For a few years I attempted to learn various versions of the official Flash demoes, and SoThink's 900% cheaper clone. They were ok, but they weren't designed for coders. Flash was an artist's tool, with tweening and vector graphics and all that other none-codery stuff.
Views 41, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
1st July 2011
Today I'm focussing my blog on iOS trials and tribulations. The basic steps of designing a game when working with iOS. These are pretty simple things, and should be apparent, but .. having played a fair number of iOS games.. they're not always done! Note, this isn't really about my actual development, as such, more the train of thought that generates the end result. In a future bloggy thing, I might focus more on the what/where, than the how/why that this does. Let me know if this is a goo...
Views 67, Upvotes 21  
Ios Dev
27th June 2011
Since I'm now doing AGameADay for a while, I figured it might be somewhat of a change of pace if I also did one of those "blog" things daily. I tried doing this during my previous month off, and although it kinda worked, it didn't really last.. d'oh! Still, try and try again! As a reminder, I've set up a calendar alarm thing to bleep at me, every night, at 22:15GMT. Either that'll work really well, or it'll start to tick me off, to the point where I throw my otherwise completely and totally unused H...
Views 19, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
26th June 2011
AGameAWeek teaches us one thing. Some games you win, some games you lose. When you lose, there's not a lot you can do. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move on. This is a post about how I threw myself on the ground.
Views 24, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
23rd June 2011
The other day I suggested that a new set of AGameADay might be in order, since I'm totally stuffed for ideas, lately. Out of ideas, make the requirement more.... Sure, that makes sense, right?! Anyhoo, today I spent . um.. all day.. doing yet another one of those Framework things that I apparently love to do. This time I used, and the resulting menu/score/game thing has actually worked out quite nicely. First game, Chase The Block, a simple chasey game. Created (using PlayMyCode....
Views 44, Upvotes 12  
Rules... Blog
14th June 2011
On Twitter last night, there was a semi-conversation about how to go about doing AGameAWeek. Once I'd headed off to bed, I lay and typed this gubbins into the iPod's Notepad thing, and then swiftly forgot about it, until just now! It's a bit waffley, and probably not entirely intelligible (it was 4am!) but here it is anyway.. If anyone DOES want to give it a go, let me know how you get on, and .. should it become a proper thing, I'll see about making some kind of linkage system. (rem...
Views 94, Upvotes 21  
14th April 2011
I'm thinking, I'm switching, I'm testing and tweaking, and nothing so far seems good. D'oh!! Barry Bee looks ok, but plays like a bag of crap. I'll leave it where it is, though. At some point in time, I might manage to make a playable game out of it. Not now though. Not in the mood!
Views 65, Upvotes 10  
Ios Dev
10th April 2011
I'm thinking along the lines of the good old EasyAmos, here! Although, whether mine is easier or not isn't for me to judge, is it!? <img src="">
Views 107, Upvotes 20  
4th April 2011
I've got a whole month to do a framework, so apparently that means I'm going to be a lazy git who does sod all, then crams the whole framework into the last day! .. Well, hopefully not, but I did manage to cram in a couple of hours of Burnout, yesterday! Been a long while since I sat and played a game for that long.
Views 29, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
28th March 2011
1. No sound pitch. Jinkies Munkies, What the Funkies!?!? Simplest example. You know in Horizontal Shooter, when your weapon goes "SQQEUUUUEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!".. Can't do that.. It's gotta go "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep" Regular bullets will go "Rat-a-tat-a-tat-a-tat" instead of "bang-bing-bada-pow-pip-pat-pap-bang" Imagine SpikeDislike without it constantly getting higher and higher, as you up the combo. .. Pants.. And, even worse, every sound needs it's own set of buffers. So if I ch...
Views 90, Upvotes 21  
Monkey-x , Glbasic , Monkey_or_glbasic
27th March 2011
<a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="photo" width="320" height="480" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1285" /></a> hmmm....
Views 100, Upvotes 18  
Monkey-x , Glbasic , Monkey_or_glbasic
22nd March 2011
About 40-odd times I've decided "Right, let's give GLBasic a try!!" This morning, I was finally ready to actually do that! ... And then, right out of the blue, and totally co-incidentally, a twitter conversation began with <a href="!/Indie_DIJ">@Indie_DIJ</a> about that very language. He's uncertain whether his next GLBasic project should be aimed at iPhone or iPad. ... hmmm... Should that be a decision? ..? Apparently GLBasic has issues here. You...
Views 103, Upvotes 22  
Monkey-x , Glbasic , Monkey_or_glbasic
10th March 2011
<a href="">I just thought of a really good game..</a> but... .. Not entirely sure how doable it'd be. .. hmm.. another time perhaps.. Anyhoo, Monkey. So far so good. A .. "nice".. looking frontend, with a quick top-10 list, and a swooshy menu. It'll get fixed up as time goes by, but for now I'm going to push on and try to build a quick test game. Since Monkey can cope with Web/Desktop/Mobile ...
Views 90, Upvotes 29  
Monkey-x , Glbasic , Monkey_or_glbasic
2nd March 2011
This week saw the launch of "<a href="">Monkey</a>", the next-generation of BlitzBasic. <img src="" alt="" title="monkey1" width="332" height="56" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1233" />
Views 109, Upvotes 30  
Monkey-x , Glbasic , Monkey_or_glbasic , Spikedislike
Oh, heck! Blog
28th February 2011
I've gone nearly a whole week without posting anything. That's not like me at all! This week was my birthday, and although that day was nice and quiet, the rest of the week's been utter chaos, with 110 different things to be done.. No matter.. I just about got this week's AGameAWeek done, and although it's a bit of a short one, it's still nice and fun in a "Randomly darting around the screen" kind of way. <a href="
Views 39, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog
25th January 2011
Yesterday, Rob from RetroRemakes asked if he could do a spritesheet for Spike Dislike. After a lot of back and forth, I decided to write a how-to, so any future requests could go a little bit smoother! Here's some info on how to make 'em, alongside a bunch of all-important rules.
Views 240, Upvotes 29  
4th January 2011
You all know how to play this one! <img src=""> <a href="">Also on iPhone/iPod/iPad</a> Bounce continuously to the right, avoid the spikes, shoot at them occasionally, Super Spike Dislike!!
Views 185, Upvotes 45  
28th December 2010
No normal AGameAWeek this Tuesday, but worry not, there's still some games to be played! <img src="">
Views 68, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
27th December 2010
Hello all!
Views 27, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
25th December 2010
Think of this as a christmas present. (URL "">You can download the Advent sourcecode here)
Views 57, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog
30th November 2010
Unfinished Or, to put it another way, this game got to about 70% done, I got really stupidly bored with it, I lost interest, and I still bothered to get it to about 92%. At 92%, I gave up. Here's a game at 92%.
Views 112, Upvotes 11  
18th November 2010
If you've an idea for AGameAWeek, let it be known in the comments below!!! Meanwhile, thinking time...
Views 68, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog
1st October 2010
There's more to add, but things are getting crowded on the poor old DS! Before I decide whether to add powerups or not, I need to know if folk can handle the game as it is. The result of this test will be either. A) People are happy with this. <img src=""> They'll play it for ages, and love it as it is.. or B) People want more! <img src=""> They ask, and I cram i...
Views 282, Upvotes 26  
8th September 2010
54 games. Last year I only managed about 30-odd, so I think that's pretty good going. Sure, it might not have truely actually been A Game "Per" Week, but I did at least keep the ratio up. If I hadn't taken the time out to build the framework, I probably would've actually achieved the target a little better The stats show I was pretty much on top of things up until that point, but then things got slower and slower until my buffer zone was all dried up. Anyhoo, this is a nice big lengthy re...
Views 119, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
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Site credits : All of the above : Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 271

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai