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1st January 2012
Welcome to 2012 ..or, more importantly.. Welcome to AGameAWeek, Year 4!! The games start, right here... in a couple of days! Tuesday morning. I'll have to add a small "Mac Warning" disclaimer, though, 'cos my Mac's still being twitchy since it's OSX Lion upgrade, and I never did get around to doing a quick test compile. no matter.. Either it works, or there's whinges! We'll have to wait and see.
Views 33, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
24th December 2011
A warning for all, as we hit the christmas period. Be careful... The Mince Pies are very tempting!
Views 56, Upvotes 14  
18th December 2011
There are many many things breaking the calendar. The list is growing. Having finally got the whole Locale thing to work (switch phone to French, open game, calendar still in English, wtf!?) With enough tweaks, I was getting French calendar months, and all looked well. .. Except the "??" in d??cembre.. Because my font is lazy. ugh.. That'll be a lengthy fix! New Font functions ahoy!
Views 20, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
15th December 2011
Before starting development on NeonPlat Adventures, I took great care to test all the alternatives. I'd read online about OSX Lion breaking Blitz, and people needing to fuck about with lots of settings and things. The scary part was that developing on Lion would probably break compatibility with Snow Leopard. As such, I made a few test engines, and got people with Lion to test my games, to be 100% sure that, if I stuck with Snow Leopard, my games would be 100% compatible with BOTH sets of users. ...
Views 30, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
12th December 2011
A lot of elements are currently coming together, and things are getting a little more chaotic than I'd like them to be around Xmas time. If the past 2 years of Xmas themed chaos (12 games of Xmas, Advent Collection) have taught me one thing, it's not to EVER plan anything around Xmas! Presents, family visits and the general filling of my face with Xmas cake, will usually get in the way of the coding time, and as such I decided not to push myself into anything moronic this year. I apologise if you're deep...
Views 24, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
17th November 2011
I should take solace in a couple of facts. 1. My iOS Apps have been selling oddly, this week. Usually I sell about 1 copy of SpikeDislike, every day, but this week I seem to be getting oddities like Puzzobomb and StringyThings suddenly springing back to life. .. sure it's still a max of 3 a day, total, but... it helps! and it's odd! 2. My daily analytics stats have doubled. Of course, I should probably also point out that for the past two months, my lack of AGameAWeek has caused the stats to halv...
Views 20, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
3rd November 2011
And I've still got a todo-list as long as my leg!!! If I want a few people to beta-test the final-ish edition, that's gotta be done by about Wednesday, I think. So, I have about 5 days or so to get everything done, now. After that, hope for the best, and get everything bundled for the coming Sunday. .. eeek!
Views 32, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
1st November 2011
Before I headed off to work, I made a new little video. Or, rather, I tried to make a "little" video, yet it inexplicably ended up at over 300Mb!!! WHAAA!?!? So, with an approximate 450 Minutes remaining on the clock, I left for work, and the upload continued. I'm now back from work, and 2 people have already commented on the video! Awesome, folk are watching my silly vids (and not ALL of the subscribers have turned out to be spambots!!)
Views 45, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
29th October 2011
And I'll be doing nothing again, today. .. well.. .. I say nothing.. What I mean is, I don't have a great big 12 item checklist to do, and I won't be struggling to type by the end of the day!!
Views 28, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
Gah!!!!!! Blog
26th October 2011
Gah! Extra hats today! I now need about 3 hats, and annoyingly I think I might need an extra bunch of baddies, which also means more hats! D'oh! Still, those can wait until after the Friday Beta. The things that can't wait, are those annoying things that build and build, until you realise you don't really have a whole lot of time.
Views 32, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
25th October 2011
Today's been total utter chaos. I wrote a bunch of little Badges (Awards?!) the other day, so I've spent today trying to wrangle the code together so that they actually work. See inside for some oddly missing information.
Views 37, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
24th October 2011
This is the plan. Week 1 This Friday I'm launching Beta2, so I have until Friday to add an alarming number of things. I thought I was on track, but then realised I needed... 1. All the hats! 2. All the badges. 3. A couple of bits of music. 4. Scoring methods This Beta will hopefully be, for the most part, the fully complete game. Any extras after this point should be neatness-tweaks, and nothing major, but.. well.. things always get in the way!!
Views 35, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
23rd October 2011
Saturday's my "At work for a while" day, so I usually get a lot less codey time done, but I still managed quite a few bits and pieces in the morning. A couple of new baddies, and a teensy bit of AI are in there, as is something which may or may not be confusing, depending on whether you remember the 7 year old oddity or not. Suffice to say, the bananas do definitely appear to be coming from below the arrow. .. not sure what that's all about.. ---


Got a little feedback, yest...
Views 47, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
17th October 2011
Phase One was the simple test engine I release WAY WAY back in the very early stages of this humongous project.. .. last month! Phase One was a basic engine, with simple platforming mechanics. Taking the rules of NeonPlat and adding a scrolling background, I wanted to judge if it'd be enjoyed. True, one piece of feedback was a little downbeat, but on the whole it's been well appreciated. You can't please everyone, but the original's not broken, so hopefully that makes up for it. Pha...
Views 38, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
14th October 2011
Last night I sat down to jot a few readme notes for the Beta Testers. By the time I was done, I'd inexplicably written 1500 words of gubbins! Whoops!
Views 18, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
9th October 2011
At the moment, I'm sending occasional beta editions of NeonPlat Adventures to two people. One is AuthenticKaizen (/PixelProspector). He got instant beta-status, because he started the whole NeonPlat thing. This is all his fault!! I've been sending him little hidden youtube clips, occasional "New Stuff!" screenshots, and discussing possibilities with him. The other is Spinal (/Spinal Cord) who recently redid SpikeDislike as Nintendo DS Homebrew. Spinal and I tend to think and code the same. ...
Views 29, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
20th September 2011
Views 5510, Upvotes 81  
Neonplat , Neoplat , Incomplete
19th September 2011
Much as I expected, the initial burst of NeonPlat Adventure building, has now dropped to a stupidly slow rate. I'm currently flicking through all the possibilities for standard baddies, and super-evil-mega-boss baddies. Will the boss baddies be entirely seperate entities? Or will they, like previous NeonPlat games, be the same baddies, but megasized!? And what enemy types will work!? I've already cut out the unpopular "squishy" baddy. People didn't like him, because he wasn't catchab...
Views 49, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
7th September 2011
Sheep Goes Left now has two versions of it's soundtrack! Yeay! <a href="">Disc One</a> : The iOS Soundtrack : 20 tracks, plus the opening jingle! <a href="">Disc Two</a> : The DS Homebrew Soundtrack : 20 tracks, all rearranged into little mods, then oddly upscaled back to MP3s to be playable at!. I'll be posting the mod files in a few days, once the latest game release is finished.. Sheepy'...
Views 20, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
5th September 2011
Sorry folks, kinda ran out of oomph again, there! Now, Where were we?
Views 34, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
21st August 2011
I've mentioned, previously, how I'm going to attempt to make a 4-game template system. A couple of days ago, I started a neat little menu, but.. it really wasn't up to much. Today, I restarted said little menu, and it's turned out quite a bit nicer.
Views 58, Upvotes 18  
Ios Dev
19th August 2011
Rant Ahoy!!!
Views 103, Upvotes 16  
Gamedev , Gbatemp
18th August 2011
The plan 1. Do 3 quick pieces of music. 2. Finish off the 50-level version of Sheep DS. 3. Check it. 4. Be a lazy goit.
Views 28, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
18th August 2011
Happy sheepy updates for everyone!!! (Except the PC edition... not really sure what I'm doing with that one!) <img src="">
Views 43, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
12th August 2011
Yeay! More Sheep! I need to make a feckin' level editor for the DS Sheep Goes Left game, and then rebuild all the levels, all over again. Baa!!!
Views 24, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
7th August 2011
Views 145, Upvotes 14  
1st August 2011
Totally drained, today. Just about managed to post a few random DaisyChain based posts/emails, and that's about it. Out of all of 'em, I'm hoping the <a href="">TIGSource</a> one prods interest a little, but.. .. I dunno.. Almost a day later, only 25 views, and 0 replies.. .. It's not looking good. *Jay grabs the defibs and cranks up the charge*
Views 44, Upvotes 13  
Ios Dev
1251 results 0 1 2 3 ... 40 (41) 42 44 45 46 Prev Next
Site credits : PHP script, Blog posts, Games, Music, Pixelart, Poems and More : Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 269

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai