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9th December 2013
The aim for December is to make a nice little test version of JNKPlat, and see what devices it does, or doesn't work well on. I'm going to try my best to make Touchscreen controls work with the game, but after years of trying various methods, that's probably not going to work out. Either way, no matter what happens, by the end of the month there'll be a brand new mini-adventure for Platdude, in keeping with his Puzzle/Platform stylings. The Windows and OUYA editions should be fine, but Android iOS contro...
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Daily Blog
6th December 2013
The Windows edition of NeonPlat Extreme has just been updated, and hopefully everything works properly, this time. Gamepad support should work properly.. Although it's still refusing to work on my laptop, it is at least working for other testers, so .. um.. I'll just assume it's working fine!! Music's in.. Was it in, last time? I can't remember! There's also a few other nips and tucks, and other little tweaks, to help keep the game running smoothly. *blimey* You can (URL "
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Daily Blog
30th November 2013
Last March I was taken into hospital with a brain tumor. (URL "">There's a lengthy blog about that, here.) Since then, although I'm "mentally" fine, I'm all sorts of physically screwed up! I can barely stand in one spot without wobbling about, and trying to have a short stroll outside is somewhat chaotic. In general I tend to stumble around, and can barely look around me, so have to always have someone with me incase I randomly wand...
Views 123, Upvotes 19  
26th November 2013
Awww.. Nuts. Today was supposed to be the great big release day, but annoyingly, one or two annoying issues have annoyingly cropped up. <img src=""> First and foremost.. and quite bizarrely.. My Monkey games no longer appear to be working with Gamepads!! At first I thought I'd retweaked NeonPlat until my code no longer worked, but upon searching through my archive, it appears that they're all equally as broken. Either it's my Laptop...
Views 89, Upvotes 16  
21st November 2013
It feels like AGES since I last posted a Sheep Goes Right test. In fact, it's been just over a month. October 14th was the last version, and today I'm posting a second test release. This time, I'm releasing an APK for OUYA. For testing purposes, this should also work on Android devices, but it's untested, and I'm not exactly sure how Monkey copes with things like that!'ll have a great big overscan border, for starters!!! Anyway, if you've an OUYA, I'd appreciate a quick test, and some feedback....
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Daily Blog
19th November 2013
In the third of our NeonPlat Extreme tests for Neovember, we're playing against giant enemies! Each of the "Bosses" requires three hits to kill. Nothing massive, nothing awesome, just a screen full of great big bad guys. You can (URL "">Play NeonPlat Extreme : Test Three : Bosses) in your browser.
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Daily Blog
15th November 2013
Karl's Tiny Adventure was created way, way, way back in March of this year. You can (URL "">Play Karl's Tiny Adventure here). The game was my first true test of proper "Image Data Loading", and my first proper lesson in Android Fragmentation. Annoyingly, because different Android devices operate in slightly different ways, the Image Data Loading wasn't occurring in an accurate manner, and as a result, the level data was getting all screwed up. As well...
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Daily Blog
12th November 2013
Neovember is a month in which I'm taking the engine from NeonPlat Raw, and playing about with it to create a bunch of different gameplay styles. Once we're done, I'll bundle everything back into a package, and pop it up on all the different systems. This week's experimental gameplay mode comes courtesy of Blockman. Not the hungry-pellet-eating version of Blockman, the classic platforming/collection form. You start the game as you normally would, with you, some balls, and some bad guys. There's also a...
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Daily Blog
10th November 2013
(URL ""><img src=""> Click for MASSSIIIIVVVE) Haze inquired as to why there's no NeonPlat Raw on iOS. The answer is simply because, a full year earlier, iOS got it's own special little NeonPlat. In February 2012 (Just before my whole hospital saga!) I released NeonPlat on iOS. It featured tilt-controls, and 3 difficulty levels, and stands out as it's own special little version of the...
Views 20, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
5th November 2013
Welcome to Neovember, the month of NeonPlat, where I take the original NeonPlat Raw engine, and gradually upgrade it, adding new gameplay elements, features and modes. By the end of Neovember, we'll have a lovely big Extreme version of NeonPlat, and we can all sit around and play it for days/weeks/months at a time! In this first week, I've decided to tackle the task of bringing over the NeonPlat Adventures enemies, and popping them into the new gane. So far I've managed the first 35 enemies, ranging ...
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Daily Blog
1st November 2013
Right, time for a new plan. The last plan fell apart, and I'm struggling to come up with new games that work with all the possible targets, nicely. Grrr! So, instead, I've opted to do something that I initially planned to do months and months ago. When I created "NeonPlat Raw" back in June, I purposely gave it the name "Raw" so that a future (premium?) expansion could be called "Extreme!" For Extreme, I'm thinking something along the lines of how NeonPlat 2 was a HUGE leap from NeonPlat 1. Different...
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Daily Blog
29th October 2013
Yesterday saw the launch of BlastTrax on OUYA. Since I've yet to figure out all that nasty Tax gubbins (I know, I know!!... eventually!!) I've not yet managed to add any IAP stuff to any of my games. Since an OUYA game is freely available as a download, and then the .apk gets reproduced all over the entire internet via robot-spammy-feed sites, you either have to do 100% free, or buttloads of IAP stuff. There's no mid-point, no way to create a "Demo vs Full version", or anything else like that. Since...
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Daily Blog
27th October 2013
(URL "">BlastTrax is currently (27th October 2013) free on the iOS AppStore) I really do find myself in a bit of a baffled state over this one. As the AGameAWeek guy, I'm certainly used to shrugging off failed releases, and in many ways this one should be exactly the same. This is simply one of many releases that I've made this year, and over the course of the year, pretty much all the games have had a day or two of interest, and then quickly...
Views 33, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
20th October 2013
So, I finally got an OUYA, and managed to get my first game into the OUYA store after a bit of tweaking. Time to update my Framework!

The Download

(URL "">Jayenkai's Monkey Framework, as of 20th October 2013) | (URL "">Blog Post)

Older versions

(URL "">Jayenkai's Monkey Framework, as ...
Views 52, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog
17th October 2013
Late last night, NeonPlat Raw appeared on the OUYA Dashboard for the very first time. This is kind of a big deal, in that it's the first time one of my games has officially been released on an actual physical home-console. True, it's not a "PROPER" console, but .. Hey, it's a box with a controller that plugs into my telly. And it's got my games on it! So, Hell yeah, It's proper enough to me!! If you have an OUYA, you can grab (URL "">NeonPlat Raw) for it. It's...
Views 32, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
11th October 2013
Want a nice free game to play on your tiny OUYA console?! How about NeonPlat Raw?! Since I'm still learning the OUYA ropes, and still trying to figure everything out, I've not yet got my whole OUYA-Dev-Account stuff fully sorted. (erk, Tax forms!!?) So, in the meantime, we'll have to resort to throwing random crap online for free! o/yeayo/

(URL "">NeonPlat Raw : OUYA Test (.apk : Grab it on your OUYA!))

<img src="
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Daily Blog
11th October 2013
Bah, humbug.. So, as I test out the many OUYA bits and pieces, I'm stumbling upon the many do's and don't's. Apparently, one of the don't's is "Don't attempt to read data from images". .. Karl's OUYA Test shows exactly why we shouldn't do that. This test is as broken as it is on some other Android devices. If you've an OUYA, you can give this game a whirl. It's tricky, and somewhat impossible on most of the levels, due to the complex/brokenness of the levels being stored as images. Which is a sh...
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Daily Blog
11th October 2013
Do you have an OUYA? Would you like to see my Monkey Framework running on your telly!?! It's nothing amazing, and is entirely developer-test-functionality-stuff as opposed to being something that you can actually play with, but if you'd like to give it a whirl, you can download the .apk file right here. (URL "">
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Daily Blog
10th October 2013
Testing time, again. Today, I purchased 2 very different, yet entirely similar devices. First, a wire. Very cheap! It allows me to plug an X360 controller into my Nexus7 device, and use it as an ingame controller, but only on games which support it. ( width="480" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>> Second, an OUYA. Nicely cheap! It allows me to plop Android games on it, and assuming they're develo...
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Daily Blog
8th October 2013
Sorry folks, I appear to have gotten bogged down with Sheep Goes Right. Although I figured it'd be a nice simple little project that I could work on "behind the scenes", it's once again proved that I never can plan ahead!! Sheep Goes Right has now become a much bigger project, and as I'm currently working on a way to make level building easier, I'm having to deal with all the testing that goes with it. I'd forgotten how much time proper level building actually takes up!! (URL "
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Daily Blog
29th September 2013
September's over, and I've had a lot of fun bulking up BlastTrax, and playing GTAV! The plan was, come October, I'd get straight back to business. I'd upload BlastTrax's big update, and then start doing AGameAWeek again. The reality is slightly different, for two main reasons. One, as per usual, is "Bloody Apple, Grrr!!!" Because iOS 7 is now "out there" and is the main OS on all my iOS devices, it means I can no longer quickly compile things easily for iOS6 for test purposes, which means I need ...
Views 36, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
16th September 2013
People keep asking about how I manage to code AGameAWeek, and one thing they all eventually pick up on is that I'm currently doing it all with Monkey. (URL "">Monkey) is a fantastic language which allows for all manner of different targets, and does a great job doing what it does. It isn't perfect, and it's not for everyone, but it suits me down to the ground. As with any development tool, it all comes down to preference, and whether or not you agree with the methodology o...
Views 41, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
3rd September 2013
Just because I'm taking September off from my regular AGameAWeek schedule, doesn't mean there won't be fun times ahead! I've decided to keep you entertained with a few oddities that have collected on my hard drive for the past decade or so, but have mostly been unpublished due to being "a bit shit", or me having lost their sourcecode. These are games that I've always considered to be part of my archive, but for various reasons I've never actually bothered to add to the thing. Games that I occasionally ...
Views 115, Upvotes 15  
2nd September 2013
To mark five whole years since (URL "">the release of the greatest JNKPlat game, EVER), I've decided to do a JNKPlat themed desktop this month. Nice and simple! (URL ""><img src="" alt="" title="out" width="590" height="590" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-3142" /> Click for MASSIVE!) (Only 2048x2048,...
Views 27, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
31st August 2013
This week, (URL "">@CaffeineKid) released his latest Android-based remake, a classic from the world of the 80s!! A lovely retro game from the age of static screens, and proper dungeon crawling, where the game had to have actual gameplay, because in those days, you couldn't rely on 50 bazillion polygons to wow the audience. You had to have a bloody good game!!! ( width="480" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
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Daily Blog
27th August 2013

What's with the track?

BlastTrax was originally devised as a classic Retro-styled GrandPrix-like racing game, with weapons. You would drive through the course, shoot the other drivers, and make your way through to the end. I started work on the game, made a nice retro-styled GrandPrix racetrack, added a few little cars, and then.. .. And that was when (URL "">@FoppyGames) decided to launch his Retro-styled GrandPrix racing game. D'oh! True, min...
Views 30, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
25th August 2013
<img src="" style="float:left;">It's been a while since I did an AGameAWeek Gold. There's not been a lot of stand-out stuff popping up on the old time-machine. Sure there's been a whole pile of games, but nothing that's really been noteworthy, so for the most part I've kind of been ignoring this section of the site. Today, however, a lovely little game popped up, and I spent a good hour playing the thing! Whoops!!
Views 77, Upvotes 20  
Agameaweek Gold
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Site credits : Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 266

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai