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5th February 2018
Yeay! Thanks to all for testing. Rychan - I see the hitbox detection has been improved somewhat also which is cool A little more forgiving, this time. The original game was a little "too" mean when it came to bird vs flame hits!
Views 55, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
5th February 2018
If you haven't yet tried out Flappadiddle-Doo's first release, please give it a try, and let me know how well it does or doesn't work on your given system. Thanks for trying.
Views 181, Upvotes 40  
Daily Blog , Flappadiddle-doo
4th February 2018

First test!

We'll call this the proto-test, since I'm still not 100% sure things are going to run AT ALL, let alone well!!

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  • Views 344, Upvotes 41  
    Flappadiddle-doo , 2018 Framework , Experimental
    4th February 2018
    Oh, the joys of having the ability to generate your background from tiles
    Views 130, Upvotes 32  
    30th January 2018
    Hello. Welcome to a test! You can Download Linux Test 2 here Please note : This isn't a game, it's just a test! This is the current version of the framework, and you'll notice it's not quite at 100%, just yet. I've still oodles of stuff to do.
    Views 127, Upvotes 13  
    2018 Framework
    29th January 2018
    Planned to do coding, today. And, though I did do some coding, it wasn't anything to do with the Framework!
    Views 38, Upvotes 4  
    Daily Blog , Wiki
    29th January 2018
    Got oodles of stuff done, yesterday, although to the player not a bit of it is noticeable!
    Views 27, Upvotes 6  
    Daily Blog
    28th January 2018
    Lots of background stuff, today.
    Views 88, Upvotes 18  
    2018 Framework
    26th January 2018
    I *think* I've figured out how to "create" XCode projects programatically.
    Views 78, Upvotes 12  
    Daily Blog , 2018 Framework
    24th January 2018
    I spent most of last night fiddling around with my new toy, Vocaloid.
    Views 35, Upvotes 5  
    Daily Blog
    23rd January 2018
    People might look at the fact that I spent all day, yesterday, working on an "unrelated" Icon Resizer project, but the new framework needed a new version of the tool.
    Views 74, Upvotes 14  
    Daily Blog , 2018 Framework
    20th January 2018
    I spent most of the night, switched off from coding, and instead watched a lot of YouTube stuff. Lots of complaining about YouTube's stupid new Ad-Revenue rules, meaning hundreds and thousands of vloggers are being hit hard. In addition, @Geekanoids is having a terrible time after a burst pipe caused oodles of damage to his Studio. In many ways, YouTube isn't the greatness it used to be, but annoyingly they've pretty much destroyed any and all competition, so people are stuck with it. ...
    Views 63, Upvotes 3  
    Daily Blog
    19th January 2018
    click for uninteresting, bigger, more readable image Aha!
    Views 48, Upvotes 3  
    Daily Blog
    16th January 2018
    If you're a frequent visitor, you've probably noticed the occasional MySQL "Too many connections" error cropping up on the site.
    Views 52, Upvotes 5  
    Daily Blog
    11th January 2018
    The big file transfer continues, and last night it managed to copy my massive Mod Archive across. Over 180,000 files overnight! Wowie!!
    Views 87, Upvotes 24  
    Daily Blog , 2018 Framework
    9th January 2018
    iOS and Android are both still missing from my compile-target list. Yesterday's Mac attempt was (finally!) successful, but the iOS version requires a hefty rewrite of the graphic and input functions from GLFW3 to GLES, because iOS is awkward!!
    Views 34, Upvotes 12  
    Daily Blog
    MacOS++ Blog
    8th January 2018
    Views 146, Upvotes 32  
    2018 Framework
    RAWR!! Blog
    4th January 2018
    Things I've attempted and failed, today.
    Views 39, Upvotes 4  
    Daily Blog
    1st January 2018
    1. Finish the framework! This is the biggest item on the list. I'm currently considering cobbling together a half-assed version so that I can start releasing my first few Windows games.
    Views 539, Upvotes 14  
    Daily Blog
    28th December 2017
    After all the gift giving, comes random spending on yourself!
    Views 28, Upvotes 4  
    Daily Blog
    27th December 2017
    Note : Boxing day is what we in the UK call the day after Xmas Day. I'm not sure why it's called that! Wiki! The day went rather uneventfully. A lazy morning, waking up rather late, but then using most of the morning to prepare for what was to come.
    Views 43, Upvotes 9  
    Daily Blog
    24th December 2017
    A bit of blind coding, last night.
    Views 89, Upvotes 22  
    Daily Blog , 2018 Framework
    Backup! Blog
    15th December 2017
    My monthly calendar reminder popped up, last night, to remind me to do all of my "full" backups.
    Views 39, Upvotes 7  
    Daily Blog
    12th December 2017
    I started the rewrite of the controller code, last night. Digging deep, I realised I could probably reuse quite a lot of the old code, since the engine already grabs Joystick data each frame, as well as using a bunch of good-old fashioned numbers to do a lot of the legwork.
    Views 64, Upvotes 19  
    Daily Blog , 2018 Framework
    8th December 2017
    The framework isn't quite running properly on MacOS, so today will probably be spent trying to get that going. For some reason, since the recent MacOS Security Update, I don't seem to be able to Remote-Desktop into the Mac via the WinLaptop. Hopefully it's just some weird thing, requiring a reset or something, and not a hole that's been closed, making it unusable.. Hmm.. :\
    Views 92, Upvotes 19  
    Daily Blog , 2018 Framework
    Fetch Pixelart
    #1072 - 7th December 2017
    Views 89, Upvotes 16  
    "NoNum" Blog
    6th December 2017
    After a day spent trying to track down the issue(s), I've finally got WinSock to return exactly what I expect it to return! I can't rest yet, as I need to foolproof the values being returned, and also then get it working on things other than Windows... WinSock is strictly for Windows, so .. It's going to be a system-by-system rewrite to get everything on the same level. But I'm about 50% confident that I'm able to send requests from the Windows editions of the games. *sigh* T...
    Views 129, Upvotes 23  
    2018 Framework
    1252 results 0 1 2 3 ... 23 (24) 25 ... 44 45 46 Prev Next
    Site credits : Jayenkai put all his heart and soul into everything you can see on this site.
    (c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 260

    AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai