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3rd April 2018
Yesterday, I spent about 3 or 4 hours wrestling with DevKitPro, trying to figure out the best way to get my Framework running as 3DS Homebrew.
Views 365, Upvotes 29  
3ds Homebrew
1st April 2018
OK, today I need to work out the track generation, as I didn't do a bloomin' thing on the game, yesterday!! Instead, I faffed about with looking into 3DS Homebrew and figuring out things, there.
Views 28, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog , 557
26th March 2018
Quite a busy day, yesterday. Not only did I get the game finished off and posted, I also then tackled a couple of website things that I'd not yet bothered to do.
Views 47, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog , Wiki
25th March 2018
With each release comes an influx of feedback from the many people who've played the games. This week, @RSKGames takes a look at an underwater Snake clone. You can Download Slithering Waters here.


The title font design with the wavy pattern is nicely done.
Views 331, Upvotes 30  
Player Thoughts
25th March 2018
I've finally found the time to add a "Latest Scores" section to the Scoreboard page. Click the upper-left "Latest Scores" button for an up to the minute list of the most recently posted scores. Simple but effective!
Views 36, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
22nd March 2018
For the past few weeks, my iPad battery's been conking out halfway through the day, with about 30% remaining.
Views 138, Upvotes 31  
Daily Blog , Ios , Apple , Ipad , Battery
On Tour Pixelart
#1176 - 21st March 2018
Views 102, Upvotes 31  
16th March 2018
After a bit of a chatter on this SoCoder thread, with help from Spinal and RSKGames, I eventually ended up with a spiral-based level selection. The main menu is now a big bunch of uninteresting looking squares. The middlemost square is initially unlocked, and as you complete levels, adjacent levels will unlock.
Views 112, Upvotes 30  
11th March 2018
Had a nice long game of Super Scrabble against Mum, today, and the games last much longer, as expected! Took about 2 hours, or thereabout, before one of us had won*.
Views 119, Upvotes 41  
Daily Blog , Scrabble Scorepad
9th March 2018
Not sure where I'll be plonking this week's game, but I expect a quick upload to the server in HTML5 format will probably suffice. The basic layout is working, tile placement seems ok. There's a Cancel word button and a Enter Word button. There's also undo functionality, which will be helpful when you accidentally hit the Enter Word button!! (Something that was incredibly frustrating in my previous attempt at this sort of thing.) Next I need to go through all the different tile/wor...
Views 102, Upvotes 23  
Scrabble Scoreboard
7th March 2018
I'm not really sure what direction this puzzle thing's going to take. I've a single level idea in mind, but whether I can expand that to make more levels, I've no idea.
Views 72, Upvotes 15  
Daily Blog , 555
5th March 2018
According to what I've read online, I need to convert the socket to a non-blocking socket, then try to connect, and THEN (after trying to connect?!) tell it to set the timeout to a low number.
Views 84, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog , 2018 Framework
4th March 2018
Today during testing, I hit a rather nasty issue with the framework. When coding the Online Scoreboard component, I added a 5 second timeout to the code. Unfortunately, as well as that works "in theory", the timeout is completely ignored during the "connect" part of the script.
Views 104, Upvotes 23  
2018 Framework
3rd March 2018
Title by RSKGames!
Views 91, Upvotes 13  
3rd March 2018
Spent yesterday making the game look and feel as good as I could, but STILL haven't added any pickups!
Views 89, Upvotes 17  
Daily Blog , Hsx
On Set Pixelart
#1158 - 3rd March 2018
Views 117, Upvotes 27  
Batman , Movie
26th February 2018
I'm fairly happy that Flappadiddle-Doo is ready to go. Over the next hour or so, I'll recompile, get all the assets redone, and get things uploading. Meanwhile, last night was spent watching the 3D Printer printing the second test SoCoder ball.
Views 144, Upvotes 25  
Daily Blog , Flappadiddle-doo
#677 - 26th February 2018
Views 36, Upvotes 6  
25th February 2018
Been playing the Windows edition of Flappadiddle-Doo for most of the day.. .. Playtesting, honest!! Had to play through the "World" levels over and over, just to be sure they're doable. Tweaks yet to be done, include making the "Bonus Multiplier" a bit more obvious. I'm not sure how best to do that, but it'll probably just end up being a star-system or a red/amber/green light thing... You'll know what I did, once it's ready! Once that's done, I'm going to spend the r...
Views 117, Upvotes 24  
24th February 2018
\o/yeay\o/ First test print that's at least vaguely decent.
Views 92, Upvotes 26  
Daily Blog , 3d Printing
22nd February 2018
The game's a little closer to release, as I've stress tested all the "Main" levels.
Views 152, Upvotes 32  
16th February 2018
I *think* I've now sorted the save-file issues. After hours of stress testing, which showed up oodles of issues, I've inevitably decided that I should make the values Unsigned, since in 99% of my games, the scores tend to go up, not down.
Views 86, Upvotes 23  
2018 Framework
16th February 2018
Over the past few weeks, I've noticed my highscores seemingly vanish for no reason. I initially put this down to the fact that I was compiling over and over, and occasionally deleting the build folder, thus losing the save file. Yesterday, I finally wrote a stress test for the save files, and was shocked to find that, indeed, it's losing highscores.
Views 82, Upvotes 21  
Daily Blog , 2018 Framework
13th February 2018
Spent a few hours yesterday digging through code, neatening things up, and fixing what bits and pieces I could.
Views 94, Upvotes 24  
Daily Blog , 2018 Framework
12th February 2018
Seems I've broken a few bits of the framework, this week. RSKGames has reported that the music seems to stop after a few seconds. Not quite sure why that might be, but it's definitely something to look into.
Views 84, Upvotes 21  
2018 Framework
11th February 2018
Our second test of Flappadiddle with various improvements and tweaks and hopefully a better all-round experience.

  • Windows Download
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  • Views 152, Upvotes 37  
    Rest Day Blog
    6th February 2018
    Yesterday was supposed to be a day full of Mobile-Dev, but instead, I simply spent the day relaxing, and playing an alarming amount of Flappadiddle!
    Views 47, Upvotes 5  
    Daily Blog
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    Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
    (c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 275

    AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai