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27th May 2018
After every game's release, the influx of feedback is intense! Let's see what @RSKGames thought of this week's game. @RSKGames Overview: A fun little endless side scroller with lot of jumping and endless supply of enemies.
Views 182, Upvotes 44  
27th May 2018
I'm not 100% sure about those trees...
Views 103, Upvotes 31  
Daily Blog , 2018 Framework , 3ds Homebrew
26th May 2018
Views 957, Upvotes 60  
Platform , Mario , Fiery Fourth
25th May 2018
Everything's now nice and playable. It's a little bit difficult, but nothing you can't master with a little practice. Todo-list contains things like giving the game a name. I'd like to retain the "Fiery Fourth" name that Eikon started, but there's very little "Fiery Fourth" remaining in this game, if I'm honest!! ... And yet... So, title, then the usual screenshots, compiles, etc. The game should hopefully be finished and ready to go at some point tomorrow, but I might hol...
Views 39, Upvotes 9  
22nd May 2018
I've spent roughly a decade working in multiple scales, resolutions and ratios. I've dealt with Android, with it's 57,000 different possible resolutions. I've handled iOS with portrait/landscape orientations. I've coped with Windows with a bazillion different possible window sizes.. But 3DS, with one single screen resolution!?! AARGH!!!
Views 309, Upvotes 34  
Daily Blog , 3ds Homebrew , 2018 Framework
19th May 2018

You've probably not noticed, but the "Donate" button that was on the far right of the main menu has changed back into a "Patreon" button. Last year, after the whole "Charging Patreons extra" business, I mostly abandoned the thing, removed all the links, and said "Sorry guys, no point in this" to the 3 Patreon subscribers. They've stuck with me, though, and so I figured it was probably about time I started to give back a little something extra. Today I've p...
Views 83, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
13th May 2018
I don't normally post a game on a Saturday, but with all the things I had to remember to do, I figured it best to make an early start on this week's posting incase things got a little crazy!
Views 67, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
6th May 2018
95% of Flappadiddle now works on the 3DS, but it still needs a bunch of tweaking to be done, in order to get it nicely 3DS worthy. Like the level select menu...
Views 63, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
6th May 2018
With the 3DS onslaught in full swing, and this week's game being delayed, what better time than to stop and pause, and think about the other myriad of things that I'd like to do..?!
Views 95, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog , 2018 Framework
3rd May 2018
After extensive testing, it seems the Ogg playing is more or less functional. I still need to tweak it for different Choons. Flappadiddle-Doo's struggling when it comes to switching levels. But other than that it's pretty much working as expected.
Views 127, Upvotes 33  
Daily Blog , 3ds Homebrew
Hmm... Blog
2nd May 2018
My plan for this week was mostly to fix all the issues that people had with the first test release on 3DS.
Views 100, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog , 3ds Homebrew
30th April 2018
I promised over on the GBAtemp forum that today would be the day for the first 3DS Homebrew test release, with or without working music. Unfortunately, it's without working music 39)( But it does contain biscuits, so that's ok! If you head over to the Roland Eats a Stale Biscuit page, you'll find a lovely little .3dsx download button. Mmmm..
Views 129, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
D'oh! Blog
30th April 2018
Here's how yesterday went. 1. Create the logo, do the screenshots, prepare the assets. 2. Compile the Windows version. 3. Test the 3DS edition. 4. Tweak the 3DS edition. 5. More 3DS tweaking. ... 2184. Extra 3DS tweaking. 2185. Realise there's no time to post the actual game.
Views 92, Upvotes 24  
Daily Blog , 3ds Framework
26th April 2018
Getting some really unexpected number issues that I'm fairly sure I shouldn't be having!
Views 43, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
20th April 2018
I tried out Flappadiddle again, today, and it was very very broken!!
Views 24, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
19th April 2018
Whilst working on this week's game, I'm constantly testing it on the 3DS to ensure everything's working correctly.
Views 92, Upvotes 28  
Daily Blog , 558 , 3ds Homebrew
18th April 2018
I need to double check, but I think the big Grid[] array might be having issues.
Views 98, Upvotes 25  
Daily Blog , 558
#728 - 18th April 2018
Views 39, Upvotes 13  
17th April 2018
I said I was going to work on a Mini Clampett sequel this morning, so I cloned the project folder and opened it up, and then went "Hey, I bet I know what's wrong with the 3DS Engine.."
Views 86, Upvotes 26  
3ds Homebrew
16th April 2018
Bah, humbug! After spending hours writing a lovely function, the other week, which takes .png images and chops them down to 1/16th their size, so that they work better in the 3DS's memory, it seems that the memory required to load those initial images before chopping is actually too much for the poor little 3DS to cope with. After having tried the same engine with the same images, but pre-scaled down, the whole framework is running a LOT better. This means that.. A ) I'm going to have to do al...
Views 79, Upvotes 24  
3ds Homebrew
16th April 2018
Yeah, I really don't have a lot of RAM to play with in the 3DS, do I!?!
Views 123, Upvotes 26  
Daily Blog , 3ds Homebrew
14th April 2018
Today's challenge.. Can't seem to get colours working. Hmm..
Views 132, Upvotes 32  
Daily Blog , 3ds Homebrew
13th April 2018
It works, but like I said this morning, I really need to fix the scaling quite a bit to get everything working properly. But, yeah.. Our familiar Framework Menu! Woot!
Views 98, Upvotes 25  
3ds Homebrew
13th April 2018
Can't seem to get a grip on the texture switching stuff. I've started a topic at GBATemp, and hopefully someone out there can figure this one out. Not sure. In the meantime, the sprite-changing is at least working in "Immediate" mode, so.. until I can fix this, that'll just have to do. The next step will be to have a play with my scaling routines. Although this one single test has a decent-enough line of text, it's not exactly the world's most readable font, and it's all ki...
Views 76, Upvotes 26  
3ds Homebrew
13th April 2018
Today's task will be to try and get multiple textures to work. I'm fairly sure it should be an easy task. They really can't have made it too complicated, right!?
Views 106, Upvotes 32  
Daily Blog , 3ds Homebrew
7th April 2018
I can now launch, quit, relaunch, requit, re-relaunch, home, resume, sleep, resume, and quit the 3DS Framework, over and over, without it crashing!! Turns out, I had "gfxInitDefault();" occurring twice. Such is the chaos of my framework, took me bloomin' ages to find the bug.
Views 118, Upvotes 25  
3ds Homebrew
7th April 2018
So, the R4 3DS i Gold + (or something) turned up last night, at around 6pm, and I spent the next two and a half hours faffing about to get the Homebrew Launcher installed onto my old 3DS.
Views 87, Upvotes 16  
Daily Blog , 3ds Homebrew
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Site credits : This was all done by Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 273

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai