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28th November 2018
An Early/Late blog, tonight.
Views 99, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
Learning Blog
22nd November 2018
Last night I learned a lesson in spending.
Views 96, Upvotes 9  
Foldapuz , Android
#946 - 22nd November 2018
Views 17, Upvotes 4  
21st November 2018
For the past week or so, I've been gradually putting together a "On your mobile's browser" edition of Foldapuz. Although there are still a few tweaks to be made to get things "just right", the site now appears to be functional enough to be tested. If you'd like to test it, head to Unfolded, where you can hopefully figure most things out. (Assuming it works, in the first place!) On the top right are page selection, alongside a puzzle selection. The rest of the tools should be self explan...
Views 162, Upvotes 31  
21st November 2018
(YouTube) At first, I thought this was simply an issue with my code, so I hunted online for a basic doodle-app, and found this page. It appears that the issue is, at the very least, not my wrongdoing! Basically, you plop your finger down, and roll it around a bit. On iOS, this results in a circle being drawn on the screen, whilst on all three of my touchscreen-enabled Android test devices, it instead results only in the initial placement of the finger. The radius of the touch is seemingly blocking ...
Views 133, Upvotes 16  
Daily Blog , Android
Unfolded Blog
21st November 2018
For the past week or so, I've been gradually putting together a "On your mobile's browser" edition of Foldapuz. Although there are still a few tweaks to be made to get things "just right", the site now appears to be functional enough to be tested. If you'd like to test it, head to Unfolded, where you can hopefully figure most things out. On the top right are page selection, alongside a puzzle selection. The rest of the tools should be self explanatory, although you may need to click arou...
Views 60, Upvotes 16  
Foldapuz Blog
16th November 2018
As I release each game, folk from all over the web chip in with their thoughts. Let's see what RSKGames thought of the new-improved complete edition of JNKPlat! Warning : Spoilers ahead You can Download JNKPlat 2018 here, or at GameJolt or on


Gameplay: After a few levels using one hand for WASD and another for JKL, I got used to the controls and it became easier and smoother to move and jump around with ease and speed. Thi...
Views 583, Upvotes 30  
Player Thoughts , Jnkplat2018 , 575
16th November 2018
I've spent the past couple of days trying to get a doodle-box working, which users can then use to scribble over selected Foldapuz puzzles, on their mobile devices.
Views 86, Upvotes 31  
Daily Blog , Foldapuz
11th November 2018
I've spent most of today tweaking the Level Database's frontend. The main page now looks a teensy bit more usable, and it even displays the first level from the latest 5 level packs available. (Although, as of right now, it's only showing 4.. .. because there's only 4!!)
Views 108, Upvotes 30  
Daily Blog , 575 , Jnkplat2018
9th November 2018
I've finally got the 3DS version working again!
Views 81, Upvotes 18  
Daily Blog , 575 , Jnkplat2018
9th November 2018
Those last few tweaks have taken up most of the day!
Views 95, Upvotes 26  
575 , Jnkplat2018
9th November 2018
Ever so close, now!
Views 117, Upvotes 25  
Daily Blog , 575 , Jnkplat2018
8th November 2018
I'm getting incredibly close to the end, now.
Views 197, Upvotes 32  
Daily Blog , 575 , Jnkplat2018
12th October 2018
The new bit-shifting seems to be functioning as expected in the save file.
Views 146, Upvotes 25  
Gamedev , 575 , Jnkplat2018
7th October 2018
An hour per game, during which you get to play 10 minigames, and roll a dice 10 times..
Views 71, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
2nd October 2018
We start things off with "The Unfinished Beta" At this point, I've been working on JNKPlat 2018 for about a month. The whole of September (except for the week when I had flu, and it completely floored me) has been spent recreating the wonderful world of JNKPlat. The game runs well enough on 3DS and PC alike, and is currently up to a decent enough state that I've opted to release the current version as a "demo" of sorts. You can Download the game here for Windows or 3DS.
Views 748, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
26th September 2018
(YouTube) A demo should be available soon.
Views 96, Upvotes 23  
575 , Jnkplat2018
19th September 2018
Carrying on through my current flu symptoms, and I managed to get the last remaining "classic" tiles working in JNKPlat. Those lovely exploding tiles, and pushable TNT block, along with the keys and gates, and an inventory for them, too.
Views 109, Upvotes 23  
Daily Blog , 575 , Jnkplat2018
17th September 2018
I accomplished a fair number of things, yesterday, but not enough, so today will be more of the same.
Views 103, Upvotes 23  
Daily Blog , 575 , Jnkplat2018
16th September 2018
More level building. More Foldapuz tweaking. More new puzzles to add. More new tiles to add. All the more's!
Views 228, Upvotes 28  
Daily Blog , 575 , Jnkplat2018
13th September 2018
Oh dear..
Views 95, Upvotes 26  
575 , Jnkplat2018
3rd September 2018
Initial conception, and first test of printed foldable layout. The layout seems workable, and if I continue to make the puzzles in that aspect ratio it should be fairly functional as a pocketsized booklet. Left the idea to ferment for a week!!
Views 84, Upvotes 22  
Foldapuz Blog
28th August 2018
The Test button is now on the top left, next to the save button. The tile-menu is now on the bottom left instead of the right, leaving quite a gap on the bottom right of the screen. I might need to tweak that a bit!
Views 97, Upvotes 26  
575 , Jnkplat2018
28th August 2018
The Editor definitely needs a decent GUI, but I'm unsure whether I'm better off with a simpler one, or something a little more fully featured.
Views 99, Upvotes 21  
Daily Blog , 575 , Jnkplat2018
26th August 2018
(YouTube) The video above shows a bunch of the stuff I've been doing, today. The travellators were working the other day, as was the ability to hop up onto a ledge. But pretty much everything else is new. ..or at least, new to this edition. If you're a fan of previous JNKPlat games, this should all be fairly standard stuff.
Views 109, Upvotes 12  
575 , Jnkplat2018
25th August 2018
I had a nice day off, yesterday, playing with the Logo generator. There's still a few other things I'd like to add, like gradients and possibly borders, outlines, embossing, and that sort of thing. But for now I think I should probably head back to JNKPlat.
Views 91, Upvotes 17  
Daily Blog , 575 , Jnkplat2018
23rd August 2018
It's 1pm, already, and I've barely started my day. Yet again, I did that thing where I stay awake writing the SoCoder Newsletter, "to give myself more time in the morning", but then am so tired that I end up spending all that "extra time" asleep. Totally backfires... .. ... Every week!!
Views 36, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
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Site credits : PHP script, Blog posts, Games, Music, Pixelart, Poems and More : Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 276

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai