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12th July 2019
Started to make some progress with Touchscreen Controls, for Browsercade, today. The hard part was getting this button to work..
Views 64, Upvotes 17  
6th July 2019
I managed to rewrite most of my little PetitSwitch Sprite Editor, yesterday, but there's still a few missing features that need reintegrated. Though, if I'm honest, I never actually used those features.. So I might be lazy and say "Job Done"!
Views 66, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog , Juggling
24th June 2019
*phew* Yeah, I knew that wasn't going to be easy...
Views 70, Upvotes 20  
Daily Blog , Browsercade
22nd June 2019
Today I need to rewrite a ton of my input code, to work properly with redefined keys/gamepads, and then add a screen to let you do that. .. More bloomin' menus. Grrr!!
Views 63, Upvotes 19  
Daily Blog , Browsercade
18th June 2019
.. Have I said how much I hate doing menus?!
Views 101, Upvotes 22  
Daily Blog , Browsercade , Juggling
17th June 2019
After a couple of days of back&forth, I've finally decided "meh, whatever!" and opted to go for a Coverflow-RipOff style menu. It actually looks rather nice, and scrolls quite well, except on touchscreens where the thing's a teensy bit dodgy due to co-ordinate issues. But otherwise it works nicely. (Although it isn't "quite" centring properly!) Scroll around, select a game, sorted.. Currently all "games" lead to the exact same test engine, but eventually this will (hopefully!) be a ma...
Views 80, Upvotes 22  
Scaling Blog
16th June 2019
Shoebox doesn't scale in a normal way.
Views 80, Upvotes 22  
15th June 2019
1. Finish off Atoms.
Views 68, Upvotes 15  
Daily Blog , Juggling
12th June 2019
In the new framework, audio tests are going ahead. An mp3 can stream, and play, and even stays in memory for repetition or restarts when the game is restarted. The mp3 can be paused, the mp3 can be set to loop. This is all good. Moreso, I've coded the ability for different mp3s to play for different games, and perhaps even different tracks per level. The browser will grab the mp3 as needed, and will play it. This is all good!! Yeay! .. Except...
Views 49, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
12th June 2019
Oh boy, was yesterday complicated!!
Views 31, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
#1142 - 5th June 2019
Views 23, Upvotes 2  
2nd June 2019
The default pixel-sprite editor for PetitSwitch Scroll around the left-side (full spritesheet) with the left thumbstick, draw in the right hand "zoomed" view (you can zoom in further) with touchscreen or mouse. Controls for colours, but the palette doesn't save. .. Booo! Plenty of twiddly knobs and buttons, barely any of which I have the faintest idea what they're doing. A to plot, B to pick colour.. .. Except.. The dpad doesn't move the cursor.. In fact, NOTHING moves the cursor. In...
Views 154, Upvotes 33  
Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4
27th May 2019
I've gotten JMTracker up to a semi-working state, but still have to add test settings for things like Tempo and Instrument selection, as well as a proper Load requester. But so far, so good, and it's a vaguely decent output.. I think!! Although only a proper set of melodies and actual ingame usage will tell for sure..
Views 129, Upvotes 39  
Daily Blog , Jmtrackr , Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4
24th May 2019
I spent most of last night reading (and/or attempting to read, with Google Translate's camera function glitching and popping all the text, all over the place) through what I could find in Petit Computer's Help files. SpikeDislike Watch : Likes 2 - Downloads 18
Views 105, Upvotes 45  
Daily Blog , Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4
19th May 2019
I should really finish off Mancala's "Laps" stuff. I think that's probably going to be today's task. But after that, what game comes next?
Views 76, Upvotes 20  
Daily Blog , Shoebox , Quest
17th May 2019
Mancala's coming along nicely, now. I think!! All the Landing rules seem to be working, and the game-end stuff is also functional, but AL's still not very good at the game, so a little more work on AL is needed. But, definitely getting there! *phew*
Views 82, Upvotes 21  
Shoebox , Mancala
17th May 2019
The seeds (gems in this case) of Mancala are now managing to complete a full circle!
Views 90, Upvotes 19  
Daily Blog , Shoebox , Mancala
10th May 2019
Record time for player feedback! Let's have a nosey. You can Play Shuffled Tracks in the Extras section of the Shoebox.


Played ''Shuffled Tracks'' and was quite surprised to find such a polished game done in 2 days. You'd be surprised.. ... The game was almost ready to go, yesterday!! Most of today's coding session was spent fixing up the generator to make the levels more difficult.
Views 119, Upvotes 26  
Player Thoughts , Shoebox
7th May 2019
I'm down to the last few items on the todo-list. .. .. Wasn't I down to the last few items on the todo-list, a few days ago!? Hmm..
Views 79, Upvotes 16  
Daily Blog , Shoebox , Scrabble , Gui
5th May 2019
*sigh* This really has been an effort to get everything into place!
Views 73, Upvotes 11  
4th May 2019
The AI is selecting some nice placements, as well as some fairly decent words, but there are still "quirks" in the methodology.
Views 57, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog , Shoebox
3rd May 2019
I might need to rejig the way the WordList is held, to make AL's job a little bit easier.
Views 90, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog , Shoebox
#1584 - 3rd May 2019
Views 71, Upvotes 15  
30th April 2019


When I was playing Golf Solitaire in my android chrome browser found an odd issue where the drag and drop card gets placed in the top left of the screen as seen in the attached screenshot.
Views 82, Upvotes 15  
24th April 2019
All previous links will still work, and nothing should be broken by the HUGE change in Shoebox, since the new domain simply links to the same files in the same folder, and all the file access is relative. now exists! I bought the domain a couple of days ago, but only got around to setting it up properly, late last night. A more or less simple addition to the overall chaos of AGameAWeek.
Views 83, Upvotes 17  
Daily Blog , Shoebox
22nd April 2019
Cordova can be a right pain, at times, but I'm finally starting to wrangle it into a suitable amount of functionality.
Views 107, Upvotes 29  
Shoebox , Ios Dev
22nd April 2019
Unless my mind turns to mush again, I'm fairly confident that I should be able to finish the Spike Boardgame thing, today.
Views 74, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog , Shoebox
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Site credits : All of the above : Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 307

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai