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2nd November 2019
Currently thinking I might do a Boulderdash clone, for Browsercade, but I'm not sure how good I can make it in just a couple of days. Don't be surprised if this ends up as a two-week game, instead. I have the "Multiple Direction" concept from 8-bit Boulders that I could easily reuse, but that needed hand-made levels. I'm not sure I can successfully auto-generate levels for a game like that..
Views 57, Upvotes 17  
Daily Blog , Planning , Jxm
11th October 2019
Last night I recorded footage of this week's Shoebox game. .. Or at least, I tried.
Views 60, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog , Frustration
6th October 2019
Didn't get an awful lot done to the game, yesterday. I spent hours fiddling with the background methodology, and testing out various elements, testing for all manner of future games.
Views 73, Upvotes 15  
Daily Blog , Browsercade
5th October 2019
Each week, oodles of feedback floods my inbox. Thank you to everyone who sends their thoughts/comments on all the wonderful games I've been making so far, this year. This week, RSKGames has thoughts on the latest Shoebox game, Homepath. You can Play Homepath in the Shoebox on Desktop, Mobile or Tablet.


Started playing Homepath 20/750 done. Brilliant puzzle game.
Views 89, Upvotes 20  
Player Thoughts , Homepath
17th September 2019
SpikeDislike was my "Test if I can.." game for PetitCom4, and as good as it was, I felt it wasn't 100% what it could've been. If you've a Switch, and have downloaded SmileBASIC, you can grab a copy of the game using the Public Key... 424JQK3NJ
Views 78, Upvotes 16  
Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4
9th September 2019
The two tanks fall into line, and a battle commences. Tilt your gun, line up your shot, and destroy the enemy tank. Rather than being a simple "Destroy = 1 point" game, I've opted to add Arcade-style scores to this. Earn points for closer hits to your opponent's tank. Your score is also increased by how much health your own tank has remaining. You can Play Hillside Conquest in the Browsercade, on Desktop, Mobile or Tablet.
Views 346, Upvotes 27  
Browsercade , Strategy
8th September 2019
I forgot that, this week, I also figured out a nice way to get the QWERTY keyboard to pop up for both Hangman and Triplets in the Shoebox. There's now a little subtle [QWERTY]/[ABC] button that shows up in the top bar of the screen. Tap that to switch between the two keyboards. Oddly, I actually find the ABC keyboard easier to use, and that's really really odd!!
Views 92, Upvotes 20  
Daily Blog , Upgrading And Testing
7th September 2019
I've more or less got Isolation working, but haven't yet done the usual Logo/YouTube/etc, so that'll all be happening in the next hour or so. One that's done, I have to make a start on Monday's Browsercade game... .. eek!!
Views 59, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog , Deadlines
6th September 2019
Saturday's Shoebox won't be Pool
Views 67, Upvotes 19  
Daily Blog , Juggling
4th September 2019
Need some rocks and circuit boards? Look no further than the latest JNKsg Generators. Rocks are kinda lumpy, but definitely aren't the best looking rocks in the universe. Circuit Boards are a little slow. I really need to figure out a quick and easy way to optimise those. Honestly, not the best update to the JNKsg site. Bah, humbug!
Views 197, Upvotes 23  
Jnksg Blog
31st August 2019
Today's plan I need to stress test Pyramid Solitaire, and then I'll post that later. I also need to really think about Monday's Browsercade game. And I also need to see if I can find any kind of download stats for the Fuze basic SpikeDislike. .. I'm not sure it's got anything like that, though. Not much more to say, really! Carry on Coding!
Views 38, Upvotes 1  
Daily Blog
29th August 2019
Petit Clampett's level generator seems to be working fairly well, but the game has the same "Too much vertical movement" issue as Micro Clampett did. I'm going to have to try figuring that out, today, without resorting to zooming the camera out. Hmmm..
Views 60, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog , Juggling
17th August 2019
As with last week's Shoebox game, I actually uploaded it about mid-day, yesterday, but haven't yet officially posted about it. If you're the nosey sort, keep an eye on Shoebox on a Friday, and you might catch a glimpse of the next game, before it's properly finished. I first wanted to double check everything, and that's best done on the iPad, whilst sat riding my little foot-pedal-doohickey. Top Tip : Get in shape by forcing yourself to exercise whilst you're doing all of th...
Views 99, Upvotes 21  
Daily Blog , Shoebox
14th August 2019
Crikey, this is a bit messy!
Views 109, Upvotes 21  
13th August 2019
Blimey, General thoughts! Usually I don't get a chance to look at the ins and outs of the general frameworks and such, once I've started using them. But the new Javascript-based frameworks allow for realtime tweaking, and also fixing old broken things along the way, too. Cool!! So, if you've ANY thoughts about ANYTHING relating to the Browsercade/Shoebox/Foldapuz stuff, please do share, and I'll try my best to keep these sort of posts coming.


Shoebox AI: I am...
Views 297, Upvotes 25  
Player Thoughts , General
10th August 2019
If you refreshed Shoebox, yesterday, you'll have been able to play MiniGolf, but I didn't officially release it.
Views 95, Upvotes 18  
Daily Blog , Shoebox
9th August 2019
The Minigolf game's quite fun to play, so far, and today I'm going to try to add a couple more obstacles. I'm thinking a giant spinning stick that thwacks the ball if it's within the radius, and maybe adding some directional floor tiles that act a little like slopes.
Views 142, Upvotes 23  
Daily Blog , Shoebox , Minigolf
2nd August 2019
Oh dear. Seems like releasing the Browsercade has kickstarted the regular avalanche of crazy ideas!
Views 47, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
27th July 2019
Spent an hour or two testing various enhancements to the FPS stuff, and I think I managed to find a nice middleground that seems to run fairly well.
Views 76, Upvotes 20  
23rd July 2019

Alan suggests

Looks pretty good. I did spot a slight half-pixel seam where the background wraps around. I like the parallax effect, though. I've cheat-fixed that for the meantime, by simply wrapping the buffer a single pixel closer to itself, but it might look more glitchy once I start doing different types of backgrounds. I need to add a "sprite to buffer" function, to check that, though. Other tweaks.. I've made the "Logo on a plain screen, waiting for the first click" screen a...
Views 235, Upvotes 22  
23rd July 2019
1. People seem utterly baffled by the start-screen of Browsercade. I put that there, because a lot of browsers need a single click before they initiate any audio, but seemingly people are instead "waiting" for it, and think the thing's broken. D'oh!!
Views 617, Upvotes 20  
Daily Blog , Browsercade
22nd July 2019
The gradient background in the above screenshot has been drawn to a secondary canvas, which is then redrawn onto the main canvas. This seems to work reasonably well, and should hopefully allow for a fair number of generated backgrounds and other such effects, without requiring huge 1024x1024 background images to be downloaded. The whole thing runs a little slowly on my Samsung Galaxy 10 A, however, so I'm going to have to add an option to disable the buffer when necessary. But otherwise.. Yeah.. W...
Views 1403, Upvotes 28  
21st July 2019
In order to properly test my onscreen touch controls, I'm going to need some kind of quick playable game, so that's going to be today's task. Something short and simple, but complex enough to really put the controls to the test.
Views 59, Upvotes 15  
Daily Blog , Browsercade
#1188 - 21st July 2019
Views 17, Upvotes 2  
20th July 2019
I spent last night rewriting my Pseudo Random code so that it works nicely in Javascript, for both Browsercade and Shoebox.
Views 36, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
16th July 2019
Yesterday I was playing with Alien sprites. Today, I've been playing with Balls! First off, don't get too excited! This is currently only a simple physics test, and is in no way representative of the end result! I'm actually aiming for a completely different game, first, but figured I might as well test the physics whilst I'm here. So far, so good, although the physics are occasionally a little bit glitchy. But.. .. Yeah, works fine!!
Views 90, Upvotes 22  
Daily Blog , Shoebox
15th July 2019
- I'm fairly content with how the touch controls seem to be working, now, and they're apparently functional on both iPad Wide and iPhone Tall displays. The DPad can be a teensy bit large on iPad Tall, though, so I might yet still make an optional thumbstick mode instead. Simple testing has been done on the menus, but "real world" testing won't be happening until there's a "real world" game to test it with. .. I'd better get onto that, huh?
Views 86, Upvotes 31  
1252 results 0 1 2 3 ... 15 (16) 17 ... 44 45 46 Prev Next
Site credits : If you can see it, Jayenkai did it.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 267

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai