1251 results 0 (1) 2 3 ... 44 45 46 Prev Next
10th June 2024
Oh dear. My dearest Foldapuz. You once were the neatest of code.
Views 39, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog , Server , Foldapuz
8th June 2024
And so.. We moved.
Views 56, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog , Server
Aligning Blog
3rd June 2024
Oh boy, what a kerfuffle.
Views 806, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
1st June 2024
And so begins another weekend with no plan ahead, nothing pre-prepared, and a whole lot of empty space where I can start my creativity.
Views 76, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog , No Plan
31st May 2024
This week's game has little fluffy balls!
Views 83, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog , Balls
26th May 2024
The new version of the GameHandler is now up and on the server and ready to go. .. But that's not the end of the task..
Views 87, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog , Jse , Neighbours
25th May 2024
Yesterday was spent working on JSE's latest version of the GameHandler.
Views 76, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog , Weekend
21st May 2024
Boing, Boing, Boing! Perhaps I should add different styles to this ball..?!
Views 44, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog , Vidgen
#2938 - 18th May 2024
Views 44, Upvotes 5  
14th May 2024
OpenAI unveiled their latest model, GPT-4o, yesterday. And, boy is it a mighty fella.
Views 59, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog , Ai , Chatgpt
10th May 2024
I say "Bring out".. It was already there, it just wasn't plugged in since the move. ... And so, I trawled the drawer-of-cables to see if I could find the MacMini's plug..
Views 64, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog , Tech , Mac , Old
Uhoh!! Blog
1st May 2024
Did I just miss a day's blogging?!! What happened!?!!
Views 53, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog , Chaos
29th April 2024
I've added a "Half Resolution" button to VidGen. Nothing more than a quick test, right now, to make sure it does indeed do what I'd hoped.
Views 57, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog , Vidgen
27th April 2024
Took a day off from all the Gotoing and Gofroing to spend a bit of time with VidGen.
Views 52, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog , Vidgen
Still Got It Pixelart
#3385 - 20th April 2024
Views 63, Upvotes 15  
Pole , Dancing
10th April 2024
The existential crisis continues...
Views 3750, Upvotes 21  
Daily Blog , Chaos
6th April 2024
Awww, nuts. No more Quantum Leap?
Views 71, Upvotes 17  
Daily Blog , Tv , Quantum Leap
24th March 2024
Yesterday I did lots of little bits of lots of big things, but nothing really got anywhere in the end.
Views 101, Upvotes 18  
Daily Blog , Shoebox
23rd March 2024
Right, the iOS stuff is officially scrapped. I might as well get that planned game done elsewhere.
Views 69, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog , Refocus
#2877 - 18th March 2024
Views 64, Upvotes 16  
15th March 2024
Amazing the amount of work you can get done when the cat wakes you up at 2 in the morning.. ... *sigh*
Views 57, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog
10th March 2024
Gosh, yesterday didn't go as planned. I didn't do ANY coding on this week's game. I didn't do ANY coding on the iOS Framework. But that doesn't mean I didn't do any coding!!
Views 58, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog , Diversion
7th March 2024
You know when you're busy coding and then it's 4:30 in the morning? That.. Again!
Views 74, Upvotes 16  
Daily Blog , Ios Dev
6th March 2024
Ableton 12 finally came out, and I dashed to grab it. .. reluctantly.. with a large dent in my bank balance.
Views 73, Upvotes 16  
Daily Blog , Ableton
5th March 2024
Not great.. ... Not great...
Views 61, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog , Ios Dev
22nd February 2024
I've been fiddling with JSE again! Uhoh!! Sidetracked!!!
Views 74, Upvotes 19  
Daily Blog , Jse
Big Sleep Blog
19th February 2024
I got 95% of Hoppy Bobby JSE finished yesterday, recorded a game trailer, screenshots, etc.
Views 60, Upvotes 17  
Daily Blog , Jse
1251 results 0 (1) 2 3 ... 44 45 46 Prev Next
Site credits : Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 259

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai