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SmileBASIC 4 - Unijuggler
1st October 2020
Help the Unijuggler keep the juggling balls in the air, whilst destruction rains all around. If you've a Switch and SmileBASIC, you can grab a copy of the game using the Public Key 4153EKEQE-=-=- View on YouTube What I Didn't DoUnijuggler's leg is detattched.. I tried for about 2 hours to figure out the angles and sizes to join two halves of his leg sprite together, but ultimately gave up. Were I able to draw lines, it'd have been much easier, but unfortunately, the draw buffer is behind the sprite buffer, and I still haven't figured out how (if at all!) I can change that. Hmmm.. Views 120, Upvotes 18
Petit Computer
Petit Switch
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