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Weekend Plans Blog
18th September 2020
Yeah, I might redo Traxicle in the Browsercade.


I'll try various methods, today, and see what looks best when in action.
I'm slightly worried that my lack of colour-sprite changing might break the way the game works, so the tunnel will be line-based as a result.
Hopefully that's enough to give the effect.
I can draw thicker lines, which should help, but can browsers draw THAT many thick lines, quickly enough?!

Traxicle Facts!

The name Traxicle came from the fact that the coloured rainbow track reminded me of BlastTrax... .. And the character looked a bit like a half-melted ice lolly/popsicle.

Incidentally, that odd ghostly thing wasn't intended to be the main character. That was the bullet sprite, but when I "temporarily" drew it to test the player's position, I realised it looked like an ominous ghostly figure floating through the tunnel, and decided that looked good enough!


Neck's sore.
Neck was sore yesterday, too.
I'm fairly sure it's just a pulled muscle or something, though, since it's very specific to certain movements.
Tilt my head to the left = agony.
Turn my head to the left = no pain.
That's not a tumour, right!?!


I'm currently assuming it's because of the juggling I'm doing with the iPad, trying to play Remote Play PS4 games, whilst holding a controller in my hands, whilst levitating the iPad on my knee so I can see it ok.
That's the biggest issue with my current setup.
As a result, yesterday I ordered a Gamevice, which is hopefully compatible with my device.

Their Compatibility List doesn't actually mention the iPad Air 3 anywhere, but the standard GV150 has most 9.5" iPads listed, so I'm hoping it fits.. (eek!)
Also, will it even work well with the PS4 Remote Play app!? (eek2!)

I Googled for answers, but couldn't find any, so just ordered it anyway.
I'll let you know how it goes, but it's not due until next week.
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Daily Blog , Traxicle , Neck
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