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Browsercade - Kabooma Looma Blog
19th July 2020
v0.316 - Added the Boulderdash-style game, Kabooma Looma[/highlight]

Help Looma gather up as many gems as you can, as you blast your way through the underground maze. Be careful of those falling boulders.

You can Play Kabooma Looma in the Browsercade, on Desktop, Mobile or Tablet.


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What I Didn't Do

I haven't added extra level themes, or powerups, or.. really.. anything, beyond the original SmileBASIC edition's ruleset.
This might be ripe for an "Arcade Mode" bonus edition..
Views 136, Upvotes 23  
Browsercade , Release
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 87

Blog - Browsercade - Kabooma Looma - AGameAWeek