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SmileBASIC 4 - LED Strip
26th March 2020
Guide your player along the perilous LED strip, avoid all the evil red dangers, and grabbing the yellow bonus points as you go. If you've a Switch, and have downloaded SmileBASIC, you can grab a copy of the game using the Public Key... 4BK9423Q4-=-=- YouTube's uploader isn't currently working, so here's a temporary gif (unless I forget to upload it properly, in which case this is all you're getting!) What I Didn't DoI initially intended to have a forward and backward shield. A and Y act as the two directional buttons, and you can uncomment a few lines to reactivate the back shield. The gameplay worked better with "enough" time to ready your button, and if I had the back shield, I'd need the player in the middle of the screen, but then you've got less reaction time on both sides. Hmmm.. Views 102, Upvotes 24
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