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Things that aren't that big of a deal..
15th October 2010
Today's Big News Story is that kids are texting an average of 3000 times a day!
Good gravy, that's HUGE!!!! ... Except, of course, it isn't. When I was a teen, I was on ICQ, AIM and MSN, ALL DAY! If you racked up the number of back+forth messages I used to achieve on that, all day, every day, I'm pretty damned sure it'd be a buttload more than 3000 a day. Except people didn't count them, because they didn't cost me 10p per message. The news story isn't "Kids send a lot of messages to each other." What it actually should be, is "Kids are getting ripped off, left, right and center." I'm about 90,000% certain that all these phones, and all the tariffs that Mum&Dad are paying for, would allow them to spend all day, every day using Meebo, or They don't, and round and round the payments go. Rip off city. Report on that, not the fact that they're chatting. Kids chatting isn't news. Views 26, Upvotes 8
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