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Rant Time : Incompatibilities Blog
15th October 2010
God damned feckin' arseholes.


A few weeks ago, my sister lost her job. She's currently in the midst of trying to get a new one, and so is hopping around site to site, grabbing Application forms, sending off CVs and all the other "Trying to get a job" types of things.-=-=-

There's a problem, though.
Hundreds of companies, hundreds of people, they all use different software. And each and every piece of software uses it's own lovely brand of file format.
Hundreds and thousands of file formats, all doing exactly the same damn thing, all in their own unique and totally incompatible way.

Over the past couple of weeks I've been installing program after program after program to try and convert one stupid text file into another.

They all look the same on the inside, but they're all stupidly different enough that each one's as much a pain in the ass as the next.

"Please resend your CV in a compatible format" shouldn't be a problem when the file's a simple RTF file.

Not only should programmers STOP WRITING NEW THINGS when they don't bloody well need to, they should also learn to love simplicity.
It's interesting to note that every single one of these files contains nothing more than tables and text.
HTML does this, too, but apparently nobody noticed.

Additionally, for the love of god, can you receptionists, admin folk, and other stupid people, not actually learn to use the software that is RIGHT THERE on their systems?!
RTF = Wordpad = Preinstalled..

Today, I encountered a WPS file, although it might as well have been called a WTF file.
OpenOffice won't open it, GoogleDocs won't open it, and....

"Hello from Zamzar !

There was a problem converting your file - We attempted to perform the conversion you requested from wps to doc but unfortunately the conversion failed - our support team have been notified and are looking into the problem. "

Zamzar ain't doing jack either.

So, thanks from me, and thanks from my sister.
You're a bunch of fucking morons.

Coders, Code better, and learn to love the file formats you already have access to.
Workers, Work better, and learn to use the software you already have access to.

Meanwhile, I'll go and fumble around with another 50,000 pieces of software, in order to read a sodding text file.
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