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Next Game.. Blog
8th April 2019
OK, I'll worry about Jack Change It another day.


Before I can get that up and running properly, I need to decide on the best way to show all the things that are happening other than "just the cards", and I'll probably need to come up with a nice jazzy popup or something for that.

So, in the meantime, a simpler game.
Something that's just about moving object, winning points, and earning a Win/Lose.

I'm currently thinking about This Game, but I'm not sure if it works as well with a standard deck, so might involve having to draw a special deck just for this occasion.
The original game's graphics used colours to distinguish a lot of the card, and .. Well, that's not ideal, really.

I'm also not sure whether this fits into Cards or Extra or Misc or what.. Hmm...
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