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Hmmm... Blog
1st April 2019
So, I tried a whole bunch of vector art apps, last night..


@Alan : Nope
It's not optimised for iOS in the slightest!

I've never managed to get along with VectorArt, and a few of the apps I tried brought back one of my absolute pet hates with vectors.
Bloody Curves..

Or rather, "you can't ever draw the curve you want, because those little curve tweaking things don't ever work the way you expect them to."

The process is "easy". Draw a straight line, then grab one of the two curve handles and move it to bend the line. And with one little tweak, suddenly the curve seems to sprawl across the entire screen, in bizarre and erratic ways that I can never quite understand.

Vector Art apps are absolutely there for artists who know what they're doing, and that's definitely not me.

No, instead I have an image in my head. A formulated plan of what exactly I'd want from an art package, to help me create things in just the right way.
But how best to handle all the file access from just a browser?

So.. I guess I might be making an art tool..?
Don't expect anything soon. I don't "really" need it just yet.
It'll come when it comes.
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