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Oops! Blog
31st March 2019
Accidentally uploaded an unfinished Player-Select feature!

You know when you're at the end of the day, and do backups and things, and forget that you weren't quite yet finished doing the Player Selection Screen, but it accidentally gets uploaded anyway...?


Might as well leave it there, then. At least it works!
Open up Shoebox, head into the Board Games, pick Snakes and Ladders, then choose "Group Play".. (I don't like that name, and will probably change it to Party Mode or something)

From there, you get a 4-button square, which definitely needs drawn in a better style, but you tap any of the four square bland buttons to toggle between No Player, Human Player or AL.
The (GO) button only appears if at least two players are selected, and ...
Then the game plays with those selections in place.

Things to do.
1. Colour select.
2. Look less rubbish!
3. Find a place to save the settings between games.
4. Tweak the values to make them more reusable.

It's currently working using some specifically numbered array values, but they're not very well spaced out. (I've used 100 value-slots per player, when I should've been using 400..)

Tomorrow I'll see about making it a bit less rubbish, and perhaps even include a 3-character name or something? Not sure.
I'm also going to rejig the scoreboard area to display who wins, and that kind of thing.

Lots more to come! .. And hopefully a bit less boxy!
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