Updated the sound engine to cope with smaller sound samples.[/highlight]
I'll be trying to tweak the audio engine again, today, to see if I can do 0.25-second length sounds, and have them play on all the usual browser targets.
This will, of course, require a bit more tweaking to the framework, but hopefully it should all be easily reversible. (The backup is plodding along, as I type this!)
Once it's working, I'll start adding a few more sounds into the engine. More clicks and taps, so that board games have the right sounds, instead of (as Four in-a Row currently does) going "Pop" all over the place due to a lack of sound effects!
I have played similar games recently and I have never managed to beat the AI (
wild.maths.org/creating-squares). I was having similar feeling in ''Four in-a Row'' but then I managed to win two games which was good as playing without able to win at all is no fun.
Yeah, I played it for a decent session, last night, and managed to beat it roughly half the time. (21/44) I think that's quite a well balanced AI, but I'd still like to add a few extra rules. It can occasionally completely miss a really obvious move, and its those really obvious fails that I need to look into.
I agree that having a "too good" AI player can put you off, so it's nice to have the ability to occasionally win. Just not through the stupidity of a broken AI
Current version of AI can be used for Easy or normal mode if the AI is tweaked to always win in the future.
Possibly. Yeah..
But where would I put such an option?!
Suggestions welcome!